
Showing posts from January, 2014

Journal page and Twinchie

Hello Everyone who pops into Jumbled Crafts and thank you for your visit. This is the first of two posts I will be doing today as there will be a new challenge at Artful Time s later so I will be showing my DT piece for there. It is a great theme for a lot of you so hope you will join in. This week at the Twinchies Challenge  the subject is idols. This is my take. I just found a picture of an idol statue and printed it out twice to fit on a twinchie. I decoupaged one of the images to give it more depth then drew the dots down each side. This is the second page in my journal for the 2014 Craft Barn Challenge  The challenge is 'Quotes and Lyrics' for the whole year but we are given words to include for each challenge. The words this time are Silence and Dazzle-you can use either or both. I made a 'dazzling' background but most of it has been covered up with my silence images and quote.  The background was splodged acrylic paints. I found the little girl covering her ears

Tag and Collage

Hi All. Still gloomy weather here but we are in a better place than a lot of people in the UK and I send my love to all of those and hope things improve soon. This week Collage Obsession  has the theme bridge. I have stuck to making a digital collage again though I may decided to print all of them out and made a book at some point. For this collage I took a few of our photographs that we took last year when we went on holiday to Berwick-on -Tweed. There are 3 bridges there quite near to each other and all are spectacular in their own way. The very high one for trains-a very old one that wasn't built for today's traffic at all but you can still pass over it on foot or bicycle I think-we walked. Then there is a new road bridge following the same route as the old one but it it very busy with all sorts of traffic all the time. We did go over that a few time by bus. The reflections in the rive are amazing from all of the bridges. these are some of the photographs I have combined. Ju

Inchie and Card

Hello Everyone. Hope the weather is ok where you are and that you are not in a part of the UK that has floods. We have had lots of rain but nothing seems to be flooding so far. Can't believe that it is Monday again already and time for another Inchie at Every Inchie Monday. The theme for this week is 'Ballet' so I chose Swan Lake. Resized the swan image to fit the inchie then coloured the background to make it look like a lake. I am still keeping up with Marina in the Christmas Card makes and using the wonderful 52 Christmas Card Throwdown  challenges as inspiration The theme this week is 'dry and wet embossing' all on one card. I used a Cuttlebug folder for the background of the card then stamped and embossed the tree image. The stamp is an old one by 'Anita's' and the gold embossing powder is Stamp-n-stuff, Gold Tinsel-opaque. I added the sentiment which was on ribbon and the lace I coloured with a red Promarker. Nice to have you pop in today and hope

Tag and Journal Page

Hello Everyone--nice to have you visit today. It is a beautiful sunny day here and when I finish my cup of mint tea we are off for a walk somewhere. Can I just add a reminder about he challenge at  Artful Times  where we have the theme Asian/Oriental/ Horse. Any or all three is what we are looking for and almost a week left to join us there. Hope you find time to make something At  Tag Along  this week the subject is 'Baby It's Cold Outside' I used this image that I found on pinterest as it looked just right. I coloured it with Promarkers to add some colour to the tag that I had made with a very pale shade of blue. The fabric snowflakes were from my friend Sandra and the bling from a very old Christmas card that I have been saving for this sort of make. The ribbon has snowmen on it so I added some of that with a blue brad. The theme at Craft-room Challenge is 'The Age of Aquarius' This instantly made me think of  a 60s song but they do suggest something watery for t

Twinchie and Journal front

Hi All. What a wet and dark day it is here so far and isn't it nice to be able to look at a bright and cheerful screen and visit online friends. :) Thank you for visiting me as well. At Twinchies Challenge Blog t his week the theme is glass. I used a small heart shaped mirror for my glass and mounted it on a red heart die cut and a twinchie shape that I coloured with Distressed inks in various colours. I added the little flower to cover up a chip in the glass-a solution for very problem so they say :) I took the photograph in the the window and you can see the reflection of the window frame. Now to Use your Stuff  where the theme is Lots of Colour I made a front for my new journal  that will hopefully reflect some of the words on the outside and maybe even some of the colours. I covered a piece of card the size of the front with a very crumpled, flowered serviette and well gessoed it and made it  even more crinkly. Then I cut-out shapes from my bits of card stash, using dies that c

Digital Collage

Hello Friends and followers and anyone else who finds their way to Jumbled Crafts. Looks like being a crafting day today as the rain seems to have come to stay-could be sunny later though. Every the optimist :) Yesterday I found Collage Obsessions Challenge Blog  and I haven't a clue how I found them but I am so pleased that I did. You can do any sort of work so long as it follows the theme but why I was pleased was because they accepted digital creations. It is a long time since I did a purely digital creation and I really enjoying doing this sort of thing so I am hoping to join in the challenges there and get inspiration from the others. The challenge this time is the 'in colour of the moment' which is 'Radiant Orchid.'  Have a great day everyone Love Chrissie x

Card and Tag

Hello Everyone from a cold, foggy and frosty Bridlington. We had planned to go for quite a long walk along the cliff top but it definitely isn't the day for that sort of adventure. It is lovely of you to take the time to visit Jumbled Crafts-thank you. This week at Tag Tuesday the theme is Myths and Legends I do love dragons but I only have the one stamp with a dragon on it so I used that as my Myth. It is made by Abracadbra and I have had it for years. The background is some patterned card and I used my home made 'gelli' plate to add a bit of texture to it. I found the Tolkien quote on Google and thought it would fit nicely. Here is another Christmas Card as I am still joining Marina in her attempt to make one each week. Someone who commented on her post suggested other places for her to add her Christmas cards. I used one of them as inspiration for my card this week. At 52 Christmas Card Throwdown  they have a recipe challenge so I tried my best to follow that. I will e

Inchie and ATC

Here we are again at the beginning of a new week. It has started off here very cold with a heavy frost covering everything. Always makes me think of the Doctor Zhivago film when I see this sort of white world. Fortunately ours will clear quite quickly I'm sure. At Every Inchie Monday this week we have Brown as the theme I had a bit of a panic when I tried to add the picture of my inchie cause the original one had disappeared and the brown inchie was stuck on my year sheet very firmly. I took a picture of it on the page then had to 'rescue' it from the others so the picture looks a bit square. All I did for this inchie was ink an inchie shape with brown them use a die cut flower shape and ink that brown as well. Then I added it to the backing with a brown brad. You can't get browner than that :) At Wicked Wednesday this week the theme is Hearts and Love. It is always an ATC you have to make for the WW challenges I won this cute stamp in a Wicked Wednesday challenge. It

Twinchie and a card

Happy Weekend Everyone--hope it is nice weather where you are. Pleased to see that Australia has cooled down a bit and the US has got a bit warmer. I hope you are all safe and those who have floods in the UK get better weather soon. This time at Twinchies Challenge Blog  the theme is film Couldn't resist adding my film star of the moment to my twinchie. I was disappointed to hear that his latest film is full of strong language as I really can't cope with films like that at all. It seems the norm these days so I supposed I should get used to it.  This is a card I made for two challenges. At Tando this time the theme is 'Bold and Bright' and at Crafty Hands 'Put a Tag on It' Valerie sent me a set of three of the beautiful Victorian Boots made by Tando and I coloured the middle sized one with a Promarker pen. It gave a sort of leather effect which I was pleased with. The I add an image that was already coloured-it was from Beccy's Place . The image is raised t

Challenge 47 Artful Times

Hello to everyone who drops into Jumbled Crafts and especially to those who pop in from Artful Times as I am still new to the DT there-well new to being on a DT at all except for Out of a Hat when we were open. How lovely that so many people joined in the blue challenge at Artful Times last week. It was wonderful to see what everyone made-thank you. This time at Artful Times the theme is Year of the Horse. It is the year of the horse on the Chinese calendar so I used that theme to make my piece. I was influence by the sort of art that hangs up in Chinese takeaways though I don't eat anything from them I do like to look through the windows at the beautiful calendars etc. I used a piece of A4 parchment paper which is really lovely to work with. This is the box of the papers I bought a long time ago and still lots left as there are 80 sheets in one box. I found the horse on a free to use website here  and printed it onto the parchment. I then printed it onto a piece of paper to use

Moo Mania and Tag

Hello Friends and Followers and a warm welcome to my latest follower-lovely to have you join me here at Jumbled Crafts. Got a busy day ahead so I thought I had better get going with a post and there will be another later when we have the next challenge for Artful Times coming up. At Moo Mania this time the theme is Africa. Don't be misled by the Moo bit as now you can make anything you like whether it has a MOO or not--all you have to do is to follow the theme. This was difficult to photograph as it wouldn't stand up. I rested it against my pot pig which was hand made by special needs children and I love it. I made an ATC which is made with two images fused together in Paint Shop Pro--I also had to use Animation Shop to remove the background of the image with many things on it. I added a Moo to the bottom with brads and some cotton. My next project is for  Tag Along where the theme for this week is winter trees I used Distress stains to cover the tag as a background then used

Birthday card and present and Smile page

Hello Everyone from a wet and gloomy NE UK coast. I hope it clears up a bit later as I never went for a walk yesterday so need to go today before my knees rebel. Nice to sit and craft for hours but not good for the old joints. I got a really lovely surprise in the post from Valerie   I know lots of us visit her at Bastelmania where she posts her wonderful makes and photographs most days. She sent me a birthday card and a wonderful box of goodies. The beautiful card is the one with the animal prints and a feather. The bottom right is a stunning little journal she made and there are lots of things I can't wait to use. Thank you Valerie you are so kind. Now to my piece for the new challenge at The Craft Barn . After the great success last year of their Alpha Challenge I couldn't wait to join in the one for this year. It has 'Quotes' as the overall theme but we will be given two words for each challenge. This time the words are UP and SMILE. You can make anything you like s

Tag and Scrapbook Page

Hi All.  Hope your day is going well so far and thank you for finding time to visit Jumbled Crafts. It is dull and cold today so I decided I would stay and craft and Vic went for a bike ride along the beach. He says he has taken some photographs so I can't wait to see those. This week at Tag Tuesday the theme is Capital Cities I chose Moscow for my capital city tag. I painted the sky background then added a picture of the iconic Moscow Building to a textured tag. A few peel-off strips and Promarker squiggles at the bottom and a piece of sparkly material for the tie. Nothing very complicated just a CAS tag. At Feeling Crafty Challenge Blog this time the theme is Butterflies so I decided to have a go as I just love Butterflies. My scrapbook rarely gets anything added to it so decided to make a scrapbook page for this challenge. Vic loves taking photographs of the butterflies that visit our garden in the summer so I used some of these for my page. The background paper is one by Debbi

Inchie and card

Hello to Everyone visiting Jumbled Crafts and I hope you are having a Happy Crafting Time so far this year. This week hasn't been a good crafty week for me as I have been helping Vic to build a new plant house after the old one was flattened with the gales before Christmas. Also we have been doing a few jobs inside as well so there hasn't been much 'play time'. Strange how it seems to take time to get back into crafting again after a short break. This week at Every Inchie Monday the theme is Amulet I stamped on some card and cut out an inchie then stuck on something from my odds and ends box. It looked a bit bare so I scribble some black squiggles around it. Nothing very taxing I know but I need to get back in the saddle slowly :( Then I saw that Marina at My Perfect Life  was challenging herself, and anyone else who wants to join her, to make one Christmas Card each week for the rest of the year. As my Christmas stuff hasn't been put away yet I thought I would mak

Inchie and Tag

Hello Everyone. Always good to have people drop in to see what is on offer at Jumbled Crafts. Please say hello if you have the time. This week for Every Inchie Monday  I took the easy route with the Alice Blue challenge. It seems that time is racing by after my crafty break and I am playing catch-up. I made a little blue hat a for the Artful Times challenge a a few days ago so I thought I would shrink the picture of that and decoupage it for my first inchie of the year. Already started my chart for the year and this does stand out so I am pleased. This is my tag for Tag Tuesday this week where the theme is shelter or home. I just love bird houses so I made my tag into one. The image I used is part of a free image I have had for a long time. I coloured the background with some home made spray paint them stamped all over it and drew the hole for the birds to go into their home. The tie is some black wool material with little hearts stuck on the ends. The lace at the bottom is coloured

Journal Page

Hello Everyone who drops in -hope the New Year is going well for you so far. We seem to have missed the bad weather so far in NE of the UK and today has been sunny and bright though a bit slippy if you go out walking. That's what we did this morning. At Art Journal Journey this time the theme is Silence. I thought of the most silence place I could I could recal and used that time to make my page. The picture is one I painted in 1991 after we had been for a walk in the snow taking photographs along the way. Vic went off to higher ground and I just stayed here and the silence was beautiful-it felt like being at the altar rail of a church which is why I have added some crosses. I did a painting from the photograph and my daughter still has it hung on a wall in her house I took part of the photograph of the framed picture and and printed it out to add to my page-this I masked then painted the page with acrylic and added texture with grunge paste and a stencil then used Distress ink w

Artful Times-Something Blue

Hello Everyone and nice to see you at Jumbled Crafts. I have been missing for a while as we had visitors so I would like to wish you all a wonderful 2014. Also a big thank you to all the people who sent birthday cards and e-cards and emails. It made my birthday very special-Vic had hidden the ones that arrived early so I didn't think I had many at all. They are all up on the wall now for at least a week. My daughter and SIL were staying with us as well so even more fun. ***************************** This is my second time on the Design Team for Artful Times and I must say I am enjoying making the display pieces. This time the challenge is to make something Blue. You can make anything you like using any shades of blue so just let your imagine run free. side view I made this 'Hen Night Hat'. They seem all the rage now and I have seen many different designs on the girls that have their Hen Nights in Bridlington where I live. front view I made the hat shape in white card then p