Out of a Hat Challenge 62

Hello Friends and Followers and a warm welcome to Jumbled Crafts. Another week has flown by and it is time for a new challenge at Out of a Hat Creations -hope you will join in as the theme is certainly wide open to interpretation. So you have to make a project with the theme 'Jewel in the Crown' Here is 'Wobbly Whilma' with her crown that she wore when she was chosen to be May Queen. Not very often she has her hair fastened up but the crown did look better with it this way. I call her that name because her head is always falling off the stick- nothing seems to hold polystyrene to stuff. The crown started out as simple, cardboard cut-out crown. I embossed it with a folder then embossed it with gold powder. Added some gold ribbon to it them added many other things to make it regal. Back view with the crown of the crown filled with ribbon flowers. Side view--oh no her head is wobbly on the stick again. Hope you will pop to see what Von, Sandra and Janet have made for ...