Every Inchie Monday-Melody

Hello Everyone from a wet NE UK coast.

The good news is that my cough and cold seem to be going away quickly. Thank goodness bugs don't like me for very long. I have slept loads and when I wasn't asleep I was watching the tennis from Paris all wrapped up under a quilt so it wasn't too bad for a few days but wouldn't want to have to do it often.

At Every Inchie Monday this week the theme is melody

I'm sure if you know music you will be able to see that I can't play a note at all--I am sure this isn't a melody but the best I could do.

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Sorry to hear you haven't been well Chrissie, but good that you've managed to rest up and get over the worst of it. A super little inchie, I can't read music so no idea if it's a tune or not! Xx

  2. A beautiful inchie, and it looks like music, that's the main thing! Feel better soon! Valerie

  3. wonderful new work is here arround Chrissie!. blessings


  4. I am glad you are feeling better! This is so cool! xx

  5. So glad you are feeling better Chrissie ! It's my turn to be coughing now ! I love your inchies, they are always so cute ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  6. Oh I think everyone this side of the country has had some form of cough and / or cold, so don't think you're alone Chrissie - lol - glad to hear you're now on the mend.

    Great inchies, I'll say it again, you've got loads of detail on there yet again - fabulous!!

    Sam xxx

  7. I can't read any notes either Chrissie but your lovely inchie sure has music to it! Hugs, Ira xox

  8. What a fab inchie Chrissie, I'm glad you are feeling better, a day in front of the telly under a quilt always does the trick xx

  9. love your inchie, you are more courageous than I. I was afriad to put more than one note together for fear that it would really scary

  10. I'm so glad that you're feeling better Chrissie - there's so much illness doing the rounds at the moment.
    Your inchie is as always fabulous.
    xxx Hazel.


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