Alpha Page K

Hello Everyone from a busy Chrissie. We were supposed to be going off to Berwick-on-Tweed on Friday and I thought the time was dragging as I have everything ready to go. Vic just said let's go and stay at Whitby for a couple of day as it is on the way. Now I am going to be very busy for a few hours getting everything together for the early train tomorrow.

Just thought I would post my K page for the The Craft Barn Challenge as I finished it earlier today.

I used two playing cards for my King images and tried out a new stencil that I bought in our craft shop sale.

See everyone when we get back

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Now this is playing your trump card Chrissie! What a fun creation, all these textures! Hugs, Ira xox

  2. Fabulous page! The background is brilliant and I agree with Ira that this is your trump card! xx

  3. Ooh fab page Chrissie and hope you have a wonderful few days in Whitby, hope the weather improves for you!!

    Sam xxxx

  4. ...super page Chrissie, like the idea of using palying cards on a project, nice bold colours too...Melxx :)
    Have a super vacation, i've not been to Whitby since I was a little girl but distictly remember the big whale bone arch :)

  5. Beautiful page! Have fun and enjoy your trip! Hugs, Valerie

  6. Fabulous page, have a good holiday.
    Yvonne x

  7. Wonderful page Chrissie :) fingers crossed for the weather ;)
    Von ♥

  8. This is a beautiful page Chrissie ! I love the little crown ! Enjoy your hols Sweetie, I hope the weather will be better for you than it is here today ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  9. Great pages Chrissie, love the lettering in the background and the card Kings are great for K! Have fun, Shirleyx

  10. Love these pages, Chrissie - that stencilled texture is yummy, as is the layered inking through the other stencils. Great word choice, and the playing cards are a fab idea! Hope you're having a wonderful time in Whitby and avoiding vampires...
    Alison xx

  11. Fabulous pages and a great theme. Enjoy your break.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Fabulous piece Chrissie, I love your stencilling, and lucky you getting to go to Whitby. Don't forget to eat fish and chips from newspaper xx

  13. Brilliant page! A great choice of word and I love your background. x

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