Inchie and Artful

Hello Everyone. It's a bit chilly here today so Spring is on hold for now but I expect it will be back soon and even better than before.

Today I have put two challenges in the one post as I know a lot of my friends and followers are busy people and haven't time to be visiting lots of posts.

The first one is my weekly offering for Every Inchie Monday where the theme for this week is TRACK.

Tracks mean trains to me so that is what I drew -I did use part of a photo as a guide to what should go where on the inchie.

Next Challenge is the one at Artful Times where Von and Neet have the theme 'Blooming Marvelous'. First thing was to get out my Cuttlebug and cut lots of flower shapes from Tim's Tattered Florals. I just used the 2 smaller flowers this time. I made up a load of flowers as they are useful but take a while to dry when you shape them

I was lucky that day to see something I really loved when I visited Buttons blog and she had posted a link to a video by Drew. I usually just do my own thing but this looked worth a go and it was lol

I got 8 of these for £1

This is the notebook after the 'Drew' effect. All very messy but a lot of fun to try- won't go into how it was made cause it is in the video. Basically just stick all sorts on and then cover it with whatever. The idea I really loved was covering the wire bit with leather. The hinge is one from a sheet that I won at Artful Musing-thank you to Laura

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Love the inchie, and the little book cover is wonderful! Hugs, Valerie

  2. It amazes me every week Chrissie how you can create so much detail on a little inchie! Your book cover is gorgeous, I bet it's real sparkly IRL! Xx

  3. How did you get all that detail into an inch? I love the way it looks like light shining on the tracks. It's a good one!

  4. What a wonderful Inchie, you can see the light glistening off the track, it's a superb drawing. Your notebook cover looks very mysterious and I like the little gold leaves.

  5. OMG Chrissie ! Your notebook is outstanding ! What a gorgeous cover you have created ! It looks fantastic ! And I love the inchie too ! You rock Sweetie ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  6. How cool that inchie looks Chrissie! The track has the right curve! And that notebook of yours, so beautifully altered, love those textures! Hugs, Ira xox

  7. The inchie is cool and the note book is awesome! xx

  8. The inchie is very cool, but the altered notebook completely steals the show, I'm afraid - what a fabulous creation! The colours and textures are just beautiful...
    Alison x

  9. I love your inchie Chrissie, so much detail on such a small space and your altered notebook is amazing.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Wow, I really love your notebook cover! I haven't tried anything like this yet but I'm going to a weekend of Anna Dabrowska (Finnabair) workshops later in the year and I can't wait! x


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