
Showing posts from January, 2015

Collage Obsession and Moo Mania

Just thought I would explain the new look to my blog. Firstly it is my new glasses as the white background was difficult for me on my little i-pod also I wanted a frame around my images and couldn't get one with the old format I had. Thank you for the kind comments about the new arrangement. Hi All from a very wet and windy NE UK coast. Yesterday we had a little bit of snow but most of that has melted away and I am sure it will soon be washed away with the heavy rain. Thank you for dropping by and for leaving comments which are always appreciated. This week at Collage Obsession the theme is Oriental I used my screen painting I did the other day as my background then added an oriental lady image I have had for years and also the birds I had for years as well. The birds were from Outlawbydesign  where I was a member for a few years starting in 2005. I am pleased to see that they are still in existence and still offer a few free poser tubes as well as membership. Moo Mania and More

Journal Page

Hello Everyone. A bit late in the day for me to post but I was out for a walk and then felt cold and tired when I got back as it had started to snow and even looking at it made me feel cold. Thank you for calling in. At Art Journal Journey the theme of Inspired by the Masters is coming to an end with only 2 days left until the next challenge. I always love the Chinese scrolls and I found this artist online so thought I would try one in his style Ju Chao, a native of Panyu or Guquan. He was the older brother (or cousin) of the painter Ju Lian. He wrote "Poems of Shouxie Shi"  and "Yanyu Ci"  Born: 1811 Died: 1865 Siblings: Ju Lian I dyed some pieces from my old vertical blinds then stamped on them with two stamp sets I have had for a long time but not sure who they are by as I didn't used to keep them in their packages at the time. Then I coloured then with Promarkers anf stuck them onto a journal page in the style of the artist. Love Chrissie

Amazing Hats

Hi All. Thank you for popping in to visit Jumbled Crafts. I hope that your weather is ok and that you stay safe.  This week at Three Muses the theme is Amazing Hats and I am sure there will be some wonderful ideas from the people who enter. I immediately thought of ladies day at the races. I just had to add this quote I found on Google. Roger would never get away with saying that these days I'm sure Have a great day Love Chrissie 

Inchie and Journal Page

Hello Everyone. I hope you had a good weekend and the weather was ok for you. We are off on the early train to Sheffield for the day as we got a special offer on our train routes. I was born in Sheffield so I am looking forward to seeing how it has changed over the years At Art Journal Journey there is still time to show how you have been inspired by the Masters. I bought a book on Saturday at Oxfam. It is callled Techniques of Impressionists and has some wonderful pictures in it. For 99p it was such a  bargain and looks like new. One of the artist is Signac Born Paul Victor Jules Signac 11 November 1863 Paris, France Died 15 August 1935 (aged 71) Paris, France Nationality French Known for Painting Movement Post-Impressionism, Neo-impressionism, Pointillism, modern art I have never tried this style of art before and this attempt is done in Promarkers not paints which I intend to try. At Every Inchie Monday the subject is talk  I hadn't a clue how to use this theme for an in

Collage and Card

Hello to everyone who calls in to Jumbled Crafts and a thank you for your visit. I am still trying to get used to my varifocals but I think I am getting there and they will be better than the bifocals in the end. At Speed Craft Challenge this time the theme is Sparkle and Shine. The rules are easy--you can gather together what you need for your project, start the clock and do what you can in 15 minutes then take a photograph. Then if you haven't finished you can carry on and show the finished project. You have 2 weeks to enter so why not have a go. This is the card I made and the black circle is a little mirror that shines beautifully in real life but doesn't look shiny at all on the picture So here are my ingredients. Gold paper from the Christmas Crackers,a oiece of purple card, a Spellbinders die, with love sentiments and two sparkly emblies I bought a while ago. I also used a leaf stamp as there were spaces left on the card and time to do it in. That's it all in less th

Journal Page and Collage

Thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts. I am muddling through at the moment trying to get used to varifocals which I haven't had before so please forgive any spelling mistakes This time at AJJ we are asked to be inspired by the masters and I am really enjoying finding out about different artist's and their styles. Today I have chosen -- Joseph Fernand Henri Léger was a French painter, sculptor, and filmmaker. In his early works he created a personal form of cubism which he gradually modified into a more figurative, populist style. Wikipedia Born: February 4, 1881, Argentan, France Died: August 17, 1955, Gif-sur-Yvette, France Movies: Ballet Mécanique Periods: Cubism, Section d'Or, Modernism, Modern art Education: Académie Julian, École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs This is in one of his simple styles. Many are quite complicated--too complicated for me to try to paint for sure. At Three Muses this week the theme is Alice as it is the 150th aniversary of the bo

Use some Fabric at Try it on Tuesday

Hello Everyone. Nice of you to call in at Jumbled Crafts today--thank you. I am sure you are all ready for our new challenge at Try it on Tuesday  where the theme this time is to use some fabric somewhere on your entry. Ribbon doesn't count as the fabric for the challenge. Hope you will pop and see what my fellow team mates have made and feel inspired to join in with us. I made this art journal as I seem to be doing a lot of journal pages recently and need somewhere to keep them all in book form. This was my inspiration though it doesn't look very inspiring I know. I have some of Vic's old hankies that I use to clean paint brushes and wipe up stains and this is one that I rinsed through but it was still patterned. I had a pad of large pages loosely joined together-ideal for making a book. I also found a quite large cardboard envelope that was just right for the outside of the book. After shaping it, I painted it with orange acrylic paint and then stamped and coloured the ou

Inchie Day

Hi All. A quick post from me today as I am off to optician for my new glasses. It is very icy outside so I think I may have to ring for a taxi as I am useless walking on ice. I have some things for the bottom of my shoes but they are for thick ice not just a coating of the stuff. Thanks for calling in today. At Every Inchie Monday  the theme is Elephant this week My elephant is shy but pretty I think. She is on lush, red, felt background. Have a lovely day. Chrissie xxxxx

Journal Page and Collage

Hello Everyone from a very cold NE UK coast. It is icy and frosty but still no snow has settled so not as bad as some parts of the country. Hope you are safe and warm where you are and a thank you for taking the time to pop in to Jumbled Crafts. Still Inspired by the Masters at Art Journal Journey  and today I have chosen an artist that is special to me. Not only for his artwork but for his architecture and the way he influenced a whole island. César Manrique was an artist and an architect.  Born: April 24, 1919, Arrecife, Spain Died: September 25, 1992 Artwork: Teufelsfisch, Marisco, Crecimiento, Hendido, Trapo, more Structures: La Vaguada Education: Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, University of La Laguna La Vaguada is a shopping mall located in Madrid, Spain.designed by César When you land at Arrecife in Lanzarote you are met by large displays of Manrique art and all over the island there are sculptures, paintings, wind toys and architecture by him. I just did a simple

Digital Collage and a card

Hope you are all well and will like what you see today in my little part of Blogland. Thank you for calling in. It is icy here today but sunny as well so maybe the ice will melt quickly. At Three Muses this week the theme is Artist Inspiration I have done a digitally revamped version of a painting I did, in real paints, in August last year for Art Journal Journey. I do love Frida Kahlo and thought this was worth a revamp and second outing. Some wonderful entries for the challenges at both blogs. At Moo Mania and More the theme is Anything Goes so now is the time to show off your latest makes or anything that you might have forgotten to write up on your blog. You can make anything at all, it doesn't have to include a Moo My daughter gave me her old sewing machine that does all sorts of fancy things so this is a card I made using bits of material and a Moo cut out from some old vertical blind material with the sentiment printed on it. The image is printed onto that as well. The f

Tag and Journal page design

Hi All. Thank you for visiting today and I hope you like what you see here. A fine bright day but colder today so I may fit in a walk later though I had some curtains to make before I do anything else. At Tag Tuesday this week the theme is Diva. I don't always remember to show my tags for there as you need to be a member and and do your own posts on Tag Tuesday's blog. I chose Elizabeth Taylor as my Diva she was so beautiful in films but definitely a Diva in her private life. Art Journal Journey are still drawing me in with the artists inspired theme so here is yet another page for the challenge there.  This was inspired by Damien Hirst though years ago I didn't feel inspired by his work at all when I saw some of it for real at the Liverpool Tate Gallery. We had gone there to see the wonderful Rodin sculpture 'The Kiss' which graced the entrance to the Gallery. Then we strayed into the next part and a whole wall was covered in dots. It didn't look like art to


Hello Everyone.. Very windy here again today but I will be going out later and will try to avoid big trees if possible. Not much to offer at Jumbled Crafts today but thank you for your visit and welcome to my new follower. At Every Inchie Monday this week the theme is giraffe. I am still going to do all of my inchies on felt backgrounds this year and hopefully be able to stitch them together at the end of the year. It is lovely to see that there are new inchiers joining in and to see their different ideas. Hope some of your will join as well Have a lovely day Everyone

Journal page and card design

Hi All from a sunny NE UK coast. It really does look tempting through the window. Nice to have you call in, thank you. At Art Journal Journey , you will know by now that, I am addicted to their theme of Inspired by the Masters. This was inspired by Andy Warhol's work and it is my hubby Vic, daughter Linda and her husband Graham. It was digitally made. I did it way back in March 2013 for a challenge at the blog I ran with friends. At the time I added a strange shaped frame which didn't do it any favours. At Moo Mania and Mor e there are still a couple of days to enter your Polka Dot entries This is a digitally designed card front that I am going to print out and make into a card. I painted the face in Paint Shop Pro so that I can add any hair I like and change the eye colour and make-up etc to match what I am doing. Have a great day Love Chrissie x

Speed Craft Card

Thank you for calling in. At Speed Craft Challenge this time the theme is 'music inspired' Quite a few photographs today so here is the first one :- This is the card I made and the story will unfold with the photographs I was lucky enough to be given some photographs that belonged to my grandmother. Most of them were in an awful condition but I was able to work a bit of magic on some of them. This one was of my grandfather in his teens He was a professional musician and played violin, organ and piano for all of his life. For generations no one showed any interest in playing the violin until now when one of his great, great granddaughters has taken to the instrument and loves it. I made the card for her birthday. Things assembled at the start and the time. First step-the flash makes the background looked partly white but it was all covered really I can't believe I had finished the whole card in about 7 minutes though I did know exactly what I wanted to do I designed the flo

Left overs and Painting

Hi All. Hope the weather is fine where you are. We have high winds and even higher gusts which seem to find things to rattle around that have kept me awake for half the night. A good day to craft I think. Thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts and for leaving comments to make my day. At Our Creative Corner  the theme this time is Christmas Leftovers. My daughter couldn't believe that I was collecting all the cracker bits and saving them in a bag after Christmas Dinner. She is a crafter but always uses things bought online or at a craft shop so making anything from these bits of card wasn't on her list at all even though I said I would share them. I made this card using some of the glitter card and have made several more toppers as well to use on cards or other projects. Cut the shapes with dies and my Cuttlebug. Now to another painting for Art Journal Journey where the theme is Inspired by the Masters James Ensor (1860–1949) was a major figure in the Belgian avant-garde of the

AJJ and Three Muses

Hello Everyone. Nice to have you visit Jumbled Crafts. Thank you for being such wonderful followers and friends. Art Journal Journey is quite addictive with its theme being Inspired by the Masters. So many artist to choose from and so much to learn along the way. Andy Warhol Born on August 6, 1928, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Andy Warhol was a successful magazine and ad illustrator who became a leading artist of the 1960s Pop art movements. He ventured into a wide variety of art forms, including performance art, film making, video installations and writing, and controversially blurred the lines between fine art and mainstream aesthetics. Warhol died on February 22, 1987, in New York City. I can't believe I have been brave and done this sketch. I have long admired the self portrait sketch that Andy Warhol did and I marvel at anyone who can do a sketch of their own face let alone do it in 3D. I had help with this one. Vic took three photographs of me to start with. Then I worked on

Favourite things at Try it on Tuesday

Hello Everyone. Happy 2015 to friends who haven't visited in the last few days.   I hope you enjoyed the festive season and that you are ready to join us again at Try it on Tuesday  for the start of a great year of challenges ahead. At TIOT you can see the wonderful things that my team mates have made to inspire you and also to show you the things we like to use. I made this picture using alcohol inks, which I like to use and also Grunge Paste and stencils on the frame which are also favourites of mine. No need to read any further unless you want to know how I made it as there are a lot of pictures and some of them are a bit dark due to the fact I had to take the photographs where the work was being done and it isn't a good place for photography. Things you will need to make this I used an old cardboard box Alcohol inks, a piece of glossy paper, spray bottle with water, something with a pointed end to make scratch marks and the most important things, rubber gloves unless you wa