Favourite things at Try it on Tuesday

Hello Everyone.

Happy 2015 to friends who haven't visited in the last few days. 

 I hope you enjoyed the festive season and that you are ready to join us again at Try it on Tuesday for the start of a great year of challenges ahead. At TIOT you can see the wonderful things that my team mates have made to inspire you and also to show you the things we like to use.

I made this picture using alcohol inks, which I like to use and also Grunge Paste and stencils on the frame which are also favourites of mine.

No need to read any further unless you want to know how I made it as there are a lot of pictures and some of them are a bit dark due to the fact I had to take the photographs where the work was being done and it isn't a good place for photography.

Things you will need to make this
I used an old cardboard box

Alcohol inks, a piece of glossy paper, spray bottle with water, something with a pointed end to make scratch marks and the most important things, rubber gloves unless you want coloured hands for a few days.

Spray the paper with water then drop different colours of alcohol ink here and there. When they have spread out fill any gaps by making small drops of a light colour onto the spaces. I used a gold colour for this. Let it dry just a little then try your scratch tool and see if you can make a mark. If you can then scratch away to make a design. Some of the colours may be dragged into each other or you may uncover some of the gloss underneath--just have a go.

Now cut two pieces of the box the same size and stick your work of art into the middle of one of them. Measure just inside the 'painting', then cut out the middle of the second piece of card to that size, to make the frame.

I added the Tim Holtz 'Measured', stencil using the Grunge Paste. Then for the other sides of the frame I just messed about with GP to make a few designs. When it was dry I painted it with emulsion paint, sanded it lightly, then varnished it to give it a better finish

When it is dry add something to hang up your finished picture--I had a bit of chain so used my glue gun to attached it to the back of the frame-- then stick the frame and picture together.

The size and style of your  masterpiece is only limited by the paper size and box size so hope you have a go.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie x


  1. This looks sooo cool Chrissie- gorgeous! Have to try this out with my AAI's!
    The frame is fantastic as well!

  2. Gprgeous piece, Chrissie, love it. Really perfect! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Stunning project, indeed, Chrissie. Wonderful art piece.
    Hugs xx

  4. This is beautiful Chrissie ! Love the colours and the embossed frame ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  5. Wow, what a gorgeous frame Chrissie and you made it from scratch...WOW!! Love the stencil work you did and the art piece is just stunning! Love the colours! hugs :)

  6. Fabulous art project, Chrissie! I love the great frame.
    Hugs, Mar

  7. A great finish project and super tutorial hugs Bee

  8. Supercool frame Chrissie, love your step-by-step! And your new blog look is really wonderful as well ;-)
    Hugs, Ira x

    Ira’s Crea Corner

  9. Great frame and fab scratching into the paint xx

  10. Love how you recycled the box. The frame is fabulous, love the colour and texture. Gorgeous art as well using the inks.
    p.s great tutorial .

  11. Loved the step by step pictures. Thought you had altered a frame. Great recycling. Love the colours.
    Avril xx

  12. Great project Chrissie, I haven't had my alcohol inks out in ages! So hard to choose just one thing! Cindy x


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