
Showing posts from June, 2013

Addicted to Stamps and More

Good morning All. The forecast says it is going to be sunny and hot today-yipee! Not much sign of the sun yet just lots of cloud but I am hopeful and hope the sun is shining where ever you are The challenge this week at Addicted to Stamps and More is Anythings Goes so I thought I would make a card with something I have been meaning to try for a long time This what I have been meaning to use for a long time. I bought the book at a charity shop for £1 and it is full of lots of pictures that will be great on projects. I cut out the little girl and fairy image then assembled various papers and card and a die cut shape that I got in swap. I did do faux stitching around the edge of the card but it doesn't show up very well. Great samples from the Addicted team as always. Love Chrissie x

Blue, Green and Yellow

Hello All--hope your day is going well. Vic took some wonderful photos in our garden yesterday so I thought I would share 3 of them with you. They do say that bees are in short supplies these days but our garden is full of them and they are so beautiful-this one was in and out of every flower on the pink foxglove. I was up early so had a go at the Craft Room Challenge  where the theme this time is to only use yellow, blue or green to make something. Wasn't sure if black and white could be used so I just stuck to the three. I cut a piece of card 4x6 inches and painted it with acrylic in the three colours. Then I took a few pens in the colours and did some fantasy artwork. It is fun to just let your imagination run riot sometimes. Love Chrissie x

Out of a Hat Challenge 66

Hello Friends and Followers. Hope your day goes well and that the sun is shining where you are. I feel I am so lucky to have so many people pop by and leave comments and would like to say a big thank you to all of you. This week at Out of a Hat we have the theme 'Inspired by a Song with a Flower in the Title' There are so many songs with flowers in the title it was difficult to know where to start I chose Lilac Wine by Elkie Brookes.  If you want to hear it then click on the title and listen. Heaven knows why I chose it cause it makes me cry every time I hear it as it was popular at a time in my life I would rather not remember. Good to cry sometimes and remember life wasn't always as good as it is now. Here is what I made I have had this wine bag for ages so thought I would decorate it and maybe decorate a bottle of wine to go inside it as well. I would make some lilac wine but I haven't got any lilac lol. I painted the bag with white emulsion then while it was still w

Craft Barn Alpha Challenge and a tag

Hello everyone from a sunny day on the NE UK coast. Welcome all and especially my latest followers--hope you enjoy visiting Jumbled Crafts it is always nice to have people pop in. This time the challenge at The Craft Barn is B For a change I kept it quite clean and simple with free digi images I found online and printed onto the scanned page. I coloured them with Promarkers and dabbed around the edges of the page with Distressed Stain. I still really enjoy this challenge and look forward to seeing what the next letter is every 2 weeks there is sometimes a twist so no good trying to get ahead. Had to show this as it is my first tag at Tag Tuesday where it is the letter Y this week. I was invited to be a part of it this week and you have to be invited. Not sure how to add a link really as my link is for members. I'm hope someone will guide me along the way. Have a nice day all Love Chrissie xx

Every Inchie Monday and Artful Times

Hello Friends and Followers. I am pleased to say that the sun is shining here today and I am going for a stroll around the car boot sale to look for interesting things. Always great to be able to browse rather than just shop for essentials. Adding two challenges to this post as I am sure people don't want to visit twice in one day. At Every Inchie Monday the theme is wing. This is mine. I had made a piece of card covered in the egg shell technique and have been using it up on various things. Unfortunately the varnish on it doesn't photograph too well so it looks like white lines. I stamped the image of a butterfly and just showed half of it so it is one wing. Looks a bit sad to halve a butterfly really :(  The second offering for today is my piece for Artful Times  and here Neet has asked us to make something that is all white. Beautiful examples from Neet and Cathryn so do go and have a look and join in the challenge. This is what I made and I think I will use it as a card fr

Take Flight

Happy Sunday to All and I hope the sun is shining where you are. We have heavy rain forecast so I won't be venturing far unless the forecast is wrong. The theme this time at Rhedd and Rosie  is 'Take Flight' so lots of things to think about for the challenge I made a tag.  The background is distressed inks. The little house are Tando and the wonderful image is from Beyond the Fringe  There are wonderful digi images there and I printed this onto a shiny card to make it stand out more when I coloured it. I made some shabby,white lace look coloured by using Promarkers. Then I 'borrowed' an idea from Alison of fastening them together with a button Thanks for dropping by Love Chrissie xx

First Day of Summer and Moo Mania

Hello Friends and Followers I hope you are feeling happy and well today. Here in the UK it is the first day of Summer. Yipee! Well it should be yipee but it is heavy drizzle here and very cold so not very summery at all so far--I'm sure it will be sunny later :) At Moo Mania the theme is fashion so here is what I made for the challenge I used three Moos to make this and the digi images were freebie ones I found online. It is all mounted on strong card covered in some paper I have had for ages. I am not sure whether to make it into a hanging or use it as the front of a card cause I do need some cards very soon. Hope you have a good day and some sunshine where you are-thanks for dropping in today Love Chrissie xx

Out of a Hat Challenge 65

Hello Everyone and welcome to Jumbled Crafts This week has flown by and it is time for another challenge at the Hatters. This week the theme is 'transport' so lots of scope to make anything you like that says 'transport to you' I made a hanging. I found a piece of paper with large flowers on it then splodge and splatter with my distressed stains, I highlighted and coloured the flowers on the paper as I thought they were really nice. Next I stamped the London buses, the stamps are from Personal Impressions. The gears stamp is from a set of stamps from Chocolate Baroque.  As we travel everywhere by foot, bus or train I made up the quote cause I love to watch and listen to people and you hear so many interesting stories. Have a beautiful day Tracy is still with us as June's guest designer so do pop and look at her blog and at Janet and Sandra's as well-lovely makes from all the other Hatters as always. Love Chrissie xx

Addicted to Stamps and More

Hello Everyone and I hope your day is going well so far. I decided to get up early and try to make something for a few challenges as I seem to have been doing knitting and sewing and forgetting to make anything else. At Addicted to Stamps and More this week there is a beautiful photograph to use as inspiration for a challenge piece. I don't know who makes the two backing cards I used as I bought a big bag of stuff on the car boot sale and the card was in that. I made this card and used all sorts of different stamps. The flowers and the little butterfly are Crafty Individuals from their C1-293 set. The 'Live life' sentiment is one from a free set that was exclusive to Homemade magazine. The little bees are Joanna Sheen--I use that set all the time at the moment-Back to Nature The Larger Butterfly is Personal Impressions-'Fluttering by' set and last is the Happy Birthday stamp from Hobby Art. This has made me realise that I have lots of stamps all of them need a good

Monday is Inchie Day

Hello Everyone on this fine, sunny morning-well it is here in NE UK. Hope the sun is shining where you are today Monday has soon arrived again and it is time for the challenge at Every Inchie Monday . Always a great way to start the crafty week and it is amazing what people can add to one square inch. The theme this week is light and I chose sunlight. Here is mine Mostly done with Promarkers except the little cat which I copied from a picture online and it was difficult to draw so small. Have a great day Love Chrissie xx

Here Comes Summer

Hello Everyone hope your day is going well. The title of the post is what I am looking at out of the window but Vic tells me it isn't as warm as it looks:( The title is also the theme of the challenge at the Craft-Room this time where you can make anything you like so long as it has the right theme for the challenge. Here is the ATC that I have made. I used a digital image that I have had for a long time-not sure who it came from but thank you if it was you. I coloured it and then raised it up with foam pads. Next I drew the stem and leaves and stamped the beautiful little bee. The stamp is one from Joanna Sheen. Enjoy whatever you are doing today Love Chrissie xx

A Tale of Two Pages

Here I am with my second post for today as I have been crafting most of the day because  we got rain again and also there is rain at Queen's so the tennis hasn't started there today so far. I'm afraid sport watching takes over from crafting for me. The first page I made was for The Craft Room Alpha Challenge  where the letter for this time is U. A difficult letter to find anything to illustrate but I found the word Umiak and it is a small boat used by Eskimo women. Remind me not to grumble when I have to walk into town for a bit of shopping when there is a covering of snow. I painted the page with H20 paints then coloured the picture I found online-the shapes with the words are supposed to be ice blocks. The second page is for the challenge at the House of Bears  -it is a great challenge with lots of quotes from Jane Eyre and you chose one to illustrate. You can make anything you like so long as it fits the theme. I was in a weird mood so used a photograph of myself and pl

June Tando Challenge

Hello Friends and Followers everywhere. Hope the sun is shining where you are today. Everywhere here looks clean and sparkly after a lot of rain in the night but now we have beautiful sunshine and blue sky At Tando Creative Challenge t his month the theme is numbers so I made a large postcard. For the background I blob Distressed Stain onto  a plastic sheet then transferred it to a piece of card  Then I stamped and drew sevens here and there. I have also used a stencil and paste twice on the right hand side but it doesn't show up very well on the photograph. The big seven was one I rescued from a 70th birthday card. Little flower stamps here and there and that's it. I'd just like to say a big thank you to Tando for my prize for being their winner in May This is what I chose and I am thrilled with all of them Have a beautiful day Love Chrissie xx

Out of a Hat Creations Challenge 64

Hello Dear Friends and Followers-hope you are all well. Another week has flown by and it is time for a new challenge at  Out of  a Hat Creations . This week the challenge is to make a tag book-you don't need to fill it - just the front page will be enough. This is my make and I chose the theme of hats. I changed all of the images to sepia or black and white and added hat quotes to all the tags. The front was stamped with a Crafty Individuals stamp after masking the title of the book. I then made little felt, hat charms to fasten onto the ring. I left the backs of the tags free so that they could be used for shopping lists or phone numbers or whatever the tags before I assembled them into a book. Hope you will visit Tracy , Janet and Sandra's blogs to see their makes for this challenge. Have a great day Love Chrissie xx

Maps at Artful Times

Hi All-hope your day is going well. It has turned warmer here today and even a flash of the sun now and again--I think summer is on the way at last. I have added a link to Alison's blog as she has lovely blog candy but on the same post she has advice as to what you can do when the Blogger Reader is closed on July 1st. I have joined Bloglovin which she writes about in the post and it was quick and easy and has all my blog contacts and latest posts--thank you Alison for giving me permission to add the link and for the help it gave to me. Now to my entry for the challenge at Artful Times where Neet has chosen the subject of Maps this time. Nice to see that Sam is back giving a helping hand at Artful and using her talent to encourage all of us. If you think this card looks tatty well it is because the map is the back of a very old Ordnance Survey Map that I picked up a while ago. It is on canvas and this bit I used is the back of the map when it is all folded up. The card is to give t

Every Inchie Monday

Happy Tuesday Everyone.  I didn't have time to post this yesterday as we went off for an early bus to travel to Pocklington to meet some friends who are up here in Yorkshire for a holiday. We had a wonderful day out with lots of laughs and chatting. Afraid the weather was very unsummery which made me think of making this inchie for the Every Inchie Monday Challenge . This week the theme is bed so I thought of two different beds--flower bed and sun bed. I found a photograph of part of our garden and a picture of a sun bed that I made into a digital image and I combined them. Not sure we will need a sunbed here this year but I am hopeful Have a good day Love Chrissie xx

Out of a Hat Challenge 63

Hello Friends and Followers-hope you are all well and having a great crafting week This week at Out of a Hat Creations  the theme is 'Tickets Please'. What a shame that these days almost all the tickets we get are just bits of paper that pop out of a machine and only a bit off a roll at that-bring back the old tickets I say. I might not be saying that when the queue at the various places was a mile long as the desk clerk searched for the right ticket. Right back to the challenge :- This is my make and it is a pot of cream that I mixed with different oils that help sleep. I called the cream 'DREAM' and added that to one ticket and the other ticket says 'made by chrissie'. This is 'rustic' looking but I am not trying to compete with big name products--these makes are  gifts for friends The pot was a glaring pink colour and one that was in a new, mousse hair colourant  I didn't like it when I had used it and rushed to the hairdresser to put it right lol

Inchie and Twinchies

Hello Everyone and a big welcome to my latest followers Monika and Sandy-always good to visit your blogs and everyone else's as well. Hope you have all had a good day and the sun has shone as it has done here. We went for a very long walk along the cliff top and all the way back home again which I didn't imagine I would be able to manage -this means I am official fit again after the cough and cold. Today I have an inchie for Every Inchie Monday where the theme this week is table Not the best drawing of a table in the world but my collection is looking really great now that I have got them all stuck in one place. I like to vary them a bit so that they all look different I joined in with the first challenge of a new Twinchie blog called Twinchie Challenge Blog  and this is for their second challenge which is 'Bees and Butterflies' I just love watching the bees in our garden. Last year we had our very own bumblebee nest in the garden but it has moved to next door this ye