A Tale of Two Pages

Here I am with my second post for today as I have been crafting most of the day because  we got rain again and also there is rain at Queen's so the tennis hasn't started there today so far. I'm afraid sport watching takes over from crafting for me.

The first page I made was for The Craft Room Alpha Challenge where the letter for this time is U. A difficult letter to find anything to illustrate but I found the word Umiak and it is a small boat used by Eskimo women. Remind me not to grumble when I have to walk into town for a bit of shopping when there is a covering of snow.

I painted the page with H20 paints then coloured the picture I found online-the shapes with the words are supposed to be ice blocks.

The second page is for the challenge at the House of Bears -it is a great challenge with lots of quotes from Jane Eyre and you chose one to illustrate. You can make anything you like so long as it fits the theme.

I was in a weird mood so used a photograph of myself and played around with it in Paint Shop Pro to make 'me' look from another world as the quote I have chosen is

“You have rather the look of another world. I marveled where you had got that sort of face.” 
This is the pic I used and I used all sorts of digi brushes to make it different.

Everything else is stamped and coloured to create my own idea of another world. My ideal place would be something like the film Avatar but without the violence and mindless destruction.

Hope your day is going well

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Lovely pages, and a good choice for the Alpha Challenge. Love how you transferred yourself into another world! Hugs, Valerie

  2. ...super pages Chrissie, lots of lovely colour too...Queens is looking pretty doubtful, hopefully some evening tennis if we're lucky...Mel:)x

  3. Great pages Chrissie, I have to admit I've never heard of that U word before!!

    Hope the tennis comes back on again soon, they are drying the court with towels and a blower at present - lol

    Sam xxx

  4. Love your women in their Umiak - and of course they're ice blocks, it's perfectly clear!

    Your page for the bears' challenge is absolutely fantastic - it's one of the other quotes I've been thinking about for an entry, and you've given it a brilliant spin - your altered photo is genius!
    Alison x

  5. Great pages, love the boat image for the alpha challenge. Loved the quote on your other page and your photo altering taking you to a new place is great.
    Yvonne x

  6. So, it says its "worked" by women with paddles. Well, my Eskimo man and I would be having a little talk about that! LOL. Great pages!

  7. Love the u word & those ice floes look fab.

  8. Both of your pages look fabulous Chrissie, they're telling stories, which I love! Hugs, Ira xox

  9. Seriously inspired pages Chrissie!! Love your alter ego and I've definitely learned something new about Eskimo women. As you say, I'll never complain again! Hugs, Jenny x

  10. Kiwi in Timbertown,
    Love the eskimos going off on their shopping expedition in the freezing cold. well done. Your second page is also great

  11. Never heard of an umiak before - very interesting! Lovely pages!

  12. Brilliant pages Chrissie - a great word to use for the alpha challenge and I love how you've altered your photo'.
    xxx Hazel.

  13. I'm so sorry we've taken our time to comment, we've only just found your entry, bad bears! Anyway, it was worth the wait as this is lovely, we really like the idea of making an 'other' you. How clever.

    Thanks for joining in with the bears, we love it when we can come and see all the different interpretations of the quotes.

  14. Lovely word choice and a great page


  15. Cool page and a new word for me.Love your quote page too and the new you, you created.

  16. Your work is wonderful - love the dictionary pages!!

  17. Hi Chrissie..Love both of your pieces - cool alterations on your photo too... Gill x

  18. Catching up with my commenting after my holiday, fabulous word and wonderful page.

    Sylv xx

  19. Great choice of word. Did not know that one.
    Thank you for playing with us at the Craft Barn

  20. What a great interpretation. Of course your face isn't really from another world - until you digitised yourself!


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