
Showing posts from January, 2016

Journal Pages

Hi All. Hope you have had a good week and you are looking forward to the weekend. I am confined to indoors and doing very little as my cold turned to a chest infection I have antibiotics and been told by the doc to take things easy. Not my style at all so I thought I would do a bit of sneaky posting on my blog. Thank you for your visit and for the lovely comments. I have been able to read them on my i-pad as I haven't been on the computer for a while. It is almost the end of my hosting month at Art Journal Journey  and I want to say a big thank you for all the wonderful artwork that has been submitted for the challenge and getting to know more of you so much better during the month. Also a very big thank you to Susi and Valerie for having me as their host again. I have two pages I prepared earlier before I got the bug so thought I would post them today even though you still have time to join in for the rest of January. I may have to be a good girl and stay quiet for a few days. Dis

Journal Page

Hi All. Apologies for lack of visits to your blogs but life has rather got in the way just at the moment. Thank you for calling in and for your lovely comments. Today I have two journal pages for Art Journal Journey  where I am hosting a Winter Wonderland theme. Still almost 5 days left if you want to join in with us. I had these pages ready made so thought I would post them today just in case I haven't time again before the end of the challenge. This is the back  of an old calendar, I got this idea from Susi. I painted it in white acrylic then drew in charcoal and used more acrylic for the images and the sky. This is a digital page though I used a stamped image for the centre piece and altered it a little. Have a good day all Love Chrissie xx

Journal Page and Inchie

Hello Everyone. It's nice to be back again after a week away and thank you to everyone who left comments while I was away and to the ones who call today. I have a rotten cold and MIL is back in hospital again but apart from that all is ok. At Art Journal Journey you have the rest of January to join in with a Winter Wonderland theme. Today I dug out a painting I did in the 1990 and added to it what I felt should have been there on the day we did the walk. It was at Uldale bottom in the Lake District and a place that very few people visit. Every Inchie Monday has village as their word of the week, Have a great day everyone Love Chrissie xx

Silhouettes at Try it on Tuesday

Hi All. Nice to have you join me at Jumbled Crafts and thank you for your wonderful support. Time for a new challenge at Try it on Tuesday  and I'm sure the choice of  Silhouettes will be very popular. Hope you join in and have the chance to be chosen as one of our top five and maybe asked to be a guest designer in a future challenge. My team mates have made some amazing things to inspire you so pop along and see them and maybe find time to visit their blogs as well. I made this picture to give to some friends. I started out with the two images I have had since way back when I made them into this silhouette with the help Paint Shop Pro. The background I made by using acetate and blobbing it with alcohol ink. I blew the ink through a straw, I dabbed it with tissue, I scrawled on it with the end of a paintbrush and this was the result. It took ages to dry so I hadn't a clue what it would like like when I turned it over. I cut a piece to size to fit the opening in the card then us

Journal page and inchie

This would normally be my Monday post but I won't be around tomorrow or for another week so I fitted it in early. I will have my phone with me so will look forward to popping in at your blogs to see what you have made but I haven't fathomed out how to do posts on it yet or even if you can do that on a phone. Thank you for calling in and for any comments that you leave. At Art Journal Journey we have the Winter Wonderland theme and it feels cold enough to snow so maybe winter is still on the way for us. A digital creation today. The background is part of a photograph and the other images I found on Google. The quote was on a quotes website with no copyright. At Every Inchie Monday we are still going through the list of words chosen from Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I get them checked out by Vic as it is one of his favourite book and I have never read it. Sorry to say it has revived his interest in the book and I think he said there was a series on telly. HELP! This

Journal Page and Time Flies

Hi All from a sunny but frosty NE UK coast. Nice to see the blue sky and sunshine again here. Hope it is nice where you are and that you have a great weekend. Always lovely to have you drop by-thank you. Art Journal Journey  have the Winter Wonderland theme for the rest of the month so I hope you will join in with us as I am the host there for January. The background is done in chalk and the figures are from Gecko Galz I think. I do thrill to the first snow of winter but I am not thrilled when it lingers and becomes slushy and frozen At Mix Media Monthly the theme is Time Flies. I had a few background waiting to be used for something so thought I would join in this challenge as it is a blog I hadn't visited before until one of my old blog mates reappeared on my blog roll and she had made something for this challenge. For the clock I used two Chocolate Baroque stamps and a clock face image I found on Google. I made the flower using the Tim Holtz Tattered Flower die and guess what e

Journal Page and digital art project

Hello Again from Jumbled Crafts and thank you for your visit which is always appreciated. Another page from me for Art Journal Journey where I am hosting the Winter Wonderland theme for this month. I hope you will join in and also that you click on this button to see all the wonderful entries in one place thanks to Valerie . Today I have done a digital page with a textured background and skating silhouettes I found on Google. The snowflakes and text on the background are Paint Shop Pro brushes that I made. The quote I found on Google. Dear June at Denzinaworld  has a new list of cheeky challenges and the first theme is poverty.  June added a picture you can use for your project and I used it as my background. The girl at top left was called Eliza Armstrong and her parents sold her for £5 which would be £527 in today's money. The girls were bought for a life of prostitution and their lives were very short. Have we moved on? Maybe not as some girls are now imported and promised goo

Journal Page and Collage

Hello Everyone. Hope your week is going well and that the weather where you are is good. We have snow forecast today so that will be different :) I'm almost looking forward to it. Thank you for dropping by today. At Art Journal Journey the theme is Winter Wonderland and as I am hosting this month I have had such a great time visiting all the entrants blogs and seeing the many ideas. On the page today I just dabbled and daub with emulsion paint in various colours to create, what I hope is, a wintery scene. Then I found a few things left over from Christmas projects and stuck them on. I added Let it Snow because I am quite happy if it does, we have had dark and wet for so long it will be a nice change. At   Moo Mania and More  the theme is Famous People. What a great idea for a challenge. I did a digital collage for this, set in Marie Antoinette's dining room. I altered the quote she supposedly said and made it kinder as I am sure she never said it at all. Have a great day all L

Something different

Hi All. Today we have frost and rain so something a bit different from just rain. Thank you for your visit and I hope you like what you see this time. At Country View Crafts the challenge theme is Inspired by Bottles which definitely caught my eye and fueled my imagination. Here is my ornate bottle which started life as ------- This plastic bottle I gave the bottle a thick coat of PVA to start with then when it was dry I gave it a very thick coat of caulk that I found in the shed. Not sure what it is supposed to be used for but it only costs £1 for a big container so it can be used liberally and dries to a good finish -it does take a few days to dry properly. The piece of card in the middle was added first and was a piece of a pre-cut box shape I bought from Create and Craft many years ago-there were loads of them with the offer and I gave most of them away. I dabbed Distressed ink lightly here and there on the caulk. Everything else you can see and the wonderful flowers were sent to

Journal Page and Inchie

Here we at Monday again already. Seems like every Monday I have the same title for my post and they do seem to go well together. At Art Journal Journey  I am hosting the Winter Wonderland challenge and I amazed that there are so many entries already and such terrific and varied ideas. My page today is pure indulgence on my part as it represents a very wonderful winter for me in 1989/1990. Everywhere seemed to be snowy and icy, Vic and me had almost become a couple. He would drive me down country lanes in the snow and always had music on the radio or on tape. We seemed to liked the same music and sang along with whatever was on. One day he seemed a bit eager to drag me out into the cold car and he put a tape in the machine. This page is part of the song that was being played. I hadn't heard it before but it did become our song and still is even after 26 years of marriage.(to each other)lol If you would like to hear the whole song it here  Now for second inchie of the year for Every

Birthday Card

Hi All. Rain again here but I got up early so that I can add more hours to my day as the time seems to go by in the blink of an eye these days. Thank you for finding time to visit Jumbled Crafts. At   Digitally Sweet they have a colour palette for the challenge this time I took a part of the palette to make paper to match and then made a patterned paper as well. The digital image is from Delicious Doodles and I used the same colour for it as I did for the patterned paper. All of this was digitally framed then printed out and added to a 6x6 card I would also like to add it to  Crafting by Designs and Moo Mania and More where they have asked for anything goes this time. Hope you have a great day Love Chrissie xx

AJJ Page

Happy Weekend and thank you for dropping by to see what I have to offer today. I have another page for Art Journal Journey This time I did a digital page I started out using this wonderful photograph taken by Valerie , she takes so many wonderful photographs that inspire ideas for pages. Then I changed the photograph in Paint Shop Pro and added the beautiful Winter Maiden that was part of a tapestry my daughter made years ago. A few other bits and bobs and the page was finished. Rain here for a change lol. Looks like a crafting day to me. Enjoy whatever you are doing  Love Chrissie x

Journal Page

Hi All. Hope your week has been a good one and that you are looking forward to the weekend. Thank you for calling in and for the comments that you leave to brighten my day. At Art Journal Journ ey I am the host this month for a Winter Wonderland theme and I am really enjoying making the pages and visiting all the blogs of the people who have joined in with us. Hope you will be one of them as there is still lots of time to the end of the month. Also at Moo Mania and More you can enter any thing at all for the next 4 days so I am going to add this to their wonderful collection. Stamps and Stencils have Oh So Blue for this month so this will fit there as well. I had such a great time painting the background in Emulsion paint that was in small tester posts. It blends so well and covers any paper-this is just a piece from a very thin paper journal. I drew what I thought a snow bird might look like and cut it out to fly above the snowy mountains. It felt freeing somehow and made me smile.

Journal Page

Hello Everyone from a wet and dull NE UK coast. It seems to have been wet and dull for weeks and I would love to see the sun again. Great to see the beautiful entries for Art Journal Journey  that are many and varied. Hope you will join in with the Winter Wonderland theme that I am hosting for Susi and Valerie. This is a digital page and the background is one from the very talented Astrid . The link will take you to her freebies page and there are so many wonders to inspire you to make something. I added various things and changed it to black and white but most of the images were already on the page before I added anything at all. Thank you Astrid. Hope your day is going well and thank you for calling in. Love Chrissie xx

Numbers and Letters

Hello Everyone-nice to have you call in-thank you for your support in 2015 and for all the wonderful comments you left when you visited. Hope you enjoyed the holiday and that you are ready for a new challenge at Try it on Tuesday . The theme this time is numbers and letters so I am sure you will have lots of wonderful ideas and join in with our first challenge for 2016. If you need inspiration the team have made some great things so do go and have a look and visit their blogs if you have time to say hello. I made an perpetual calendar I started out with an empty icecream cone box- I cut out the shape and painted it all black Next I made two cubes that would fit side by side I painted the edges of them with the black The number plates were made in card covered in a patterned paper- the 6 can be used upside down as a nine when it is in place on the cube. The numbers on each cube are important Cube one, O and 5 top and bottom and 1,2,3,4 around the outside Cube two, O and 8 top and bott

Journal Page and Inchie

Hi All. Thanks for visiting Jumbled Crafts. I hope your new year has got off to a cracking start and it continues that way for you. At Art Journal Journey the theme is Winter Wonderland and I am the host thanks to Susi and Valerie's invite. Hope you will join in with your take on the theme. I painted the background in acrylics then added white circles for the tree tops and shapes for the green tree. The beautiful stamp is one I got in an Astrid bundle. The snowflakes are drawn using a while pen. The tree trunk and branches are in felt tip. A new year at Every Inchie Monday -yipee. The subject for this week is Galaxy. The list for the whole year is posted on the blog so hope you will have a go I always try to do something different for my inchie collection each year and this year they will be mounted on jigsaw pieces that will,  hopefully, fit together at the end of the year Have a great day Love Chrissie xx

Journal Page and charity project

Hi All. Hope your new year started off well and continues that way. We had a nice day yesterday as it was my birthday so we went for a special meal where I chose things I wouldn't normally choose at all. Thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts today At Art Journal Journey I am the host this month and the theme Winter Wonderland has already attracted some wonderful Journal page ideas. Today I have made a digital page with a quote from the beautiful Snow Queen fairy story. You can use any medium you like to make a page so long as it follows the rules. Hope you will join us. At Moo Mania and More  anything goes for their theme this time. My daughter is one of the team of fund raisers for the Cat Protection League and every year I try to think up an idea that will sell at their Spring Fair. I have made tea bag holders in the past so adapted the pattern to make holders for lense cleaners. I designed a spectacles paper then printed it on card in various colours. The original patter