Journal Pages

Hi All. Hope you have had a good week and you are looking forward to the weekend. I am confined to indoors and doing very little as my cold turned to a chest infection I have antibiotics and been told by the doc to take things easy. Not my style at all so I thought I would do a bit of sneaky posting on my blog. Thank you for your visit and for the lovely comments. I have been able to read them on my i-pad as I haven't been on the computer for a while.

It is almost the end of my hosting month at Art Journal Journey and I want to say a big thank you for all the wonderful artwork that has been submitted for the challenge and getting to know more of you so much better during the month. Also a very big thank you to Susi and Valerie for having me as their host again.

I have two pages I prepared earlier before I got the bug so thought I would post them today even though you still have time to join in for the rest of January. I may have to be a good girl and stay quiet for a few days.

Distressed ink background. White and black pen and cutout shapes

A bit of this and a bit of that and a poem I made up. Hardly Shakespeare I know but I haven't been well lol.

Enjoy your weekend, I'm off to sit really quiet and draw some inchies.

Love Chrissie xx


  1. First of all!
    Get well soon! Take care of you!

    Both pages are gorgeous and I want to say
    THANK YOU !!!!!!♥♥♥
    And another big THANK YOU dear Chrissie -
    you were such a wonderful host again!


  2. Gorgeous journal pages. Take care of yourself and REST!!!! Be a good girl, and do what the doc says! Thanks for all the hard work you did for Art Journal Journey, we will surely be booking you as hostess next year again! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Love the sneaky posting but do take care of yourself! I love the blues on the first page but your poem and those beautiful trees are brilliant! This has been a great theme! Hugs, Chrisx

  4. So sorry to hear you are unwell... Cestina is just recovering from a horrid chest infection, still hacking away at times. Take good care of yourself.

    Very glad you managed to share these pages though - they are a lovely finale to an amazing month's worth of Winter Wonderlands.
    Alison xx

  5. Your journal pages are really lovely
    AND what a wonderful poet you are too Chrissie!
    Take care of yourself.
    Slowing down is hard but worth it in the long run.
    Thank you for a very inspiring theme for January along with all of your lovely artwork and the time it took you to visit everyone and comment (which was alot!!!)

  6. Love both of these pages Chrissie, but I was drawn to the second one with the wonderful trees and the fantastic poem you wrote. Thank you for this months inspirational theme.
    Take care of yourself.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Please get better soon, Chrissie. I know how long it can take to get over these nasty bugs that seem to get to us in winter.

    Speaking of winter, I have so enjoyed your hosting this month, and love the two winter entries you saved for us. Since I'm such a big fan of trees, I love them both. Your poem is truly lovely, too. I'm genuinely impressed with yet another facet of your abilities.

  8. Love these Chrissie! The trees in particular are beautiful. Jenny x

  9. Chrissie, I am certain each time I visit your pages are becoming more and more amazingly them...xx

  10. Both of your pages is wonderful Chrissie. I love the smiley snowflakes in the top one and the trees are very wonderful in the second one. They are really fun trees- anything to make the dead of winter a little more whimsical is good. Hope you feel better SOON!

  11. Your pages are lovely. I especially like the tree page and the poem is great.
    Do get well soon.

  12. Love your trees and it's been snowing here this afternoon xx

  13. I think I recognise one of the tree die-cut... think I have the die in my stash! Sorry you're still poorly, my cold is on the wane. Just relax and take it easy. xx

  14. Beautiful pieces Chrissie, love the fancy die cuts there. Go snuggle up in bed and have some chicken soup. Feel better. hugs :)

  15. What wonderful pages Chrissie, both have a lovely design and I love the great poem.
    Take care! Hugs, Mar xx

  16. Two beautiful pages and a lovely poem Chrissie. I'm sorry that you're still feeling rough, keep warm and get better soon.
    xxx Hazel.


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