
Showing posts from February, 2017

Time for Tea at TIOT and Tea stands for Tea Bags

Hello Everyone. Hope your week has started well and thank you for calling in today. Happy T Day dear friends if you have arrived her from Elizabeth's blog , There is a story about the tea bags at the bottom of the post. It's time for another challenge at Try it On Tuesday and the theme is Time for Tea, You can do anything at all so long as it follows the theme so cups, teapots, Alice or anything else you can think of. Lots of ideas from the DTs so I hope you will visit their blogs and maybe get some ideas from them if you don't have any of your own. I have made a teabag holder The photograph was taken with the teabag holder nestled in among my Christmas Cactus that still continues to flower and bud and is so beautiful. I started off with a 12'' x 12'' paper by Anna Griffin  This was folded in half and the two halves stuck together to make one doubles sided piece. Then this was cut in half to make 2x 6'' square pieces. You could use any pieces of pa

Card and Inchie

Hello Everyone and happy new week to you. Always so good to have you call in and thank you for your support. Thank you to friends old and new that are joining Valerie and me at Tag Tuesday  where there is still another week to join in with the Spring Flowers theme. At Allsorts Challenge this time the theme is to add Metal and/or a charm. Also at Make My Monday they would like Birds so I combined the two. This card is for a young couple that have recently bought a house and it needs lots doing to it. I thought the words were encouraging and the lock and key represents the key to the house. Every Inchie Monday this week had Rooster or Cockerel. We used to live near to allotments and they all had hens and cockerels--what a noise in the early morning! Have a great day everyone Love Chrissie xx

Old Rocker and background paper

Hi All and Happy Weekend to You. Thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts along the way. Apologies about the print on my posts-I haven't a clue why it has changed. A dull day today but plenty of rugby to watch and knitting to do as I watch it so I am a happy bunny. At  Moo Mania and More  the theme this time is Hand Painted.  and  Linda K   is hosting the theme 50 Shades of Red at   Art Journal Journey This is for both challenges. I have never ventured into portraits but I thought it was about time I had a go. This is supposed to be one of the Old Rock Singer that seem to go on forever and appear in the press with huge scarves covering their wrinkled necks, wide open eyes but a sadness that says they are really past their best. The fashion now is that they are fathering babies with their young girlfriends. I didn't base this on anyone at all it just kept growing in front of me. The cardboard on the right is my palette for the painting and when I had finished I splodged it ont

Journal Page and Tags

Hello Everyone from a wet and windy NE UK Coast. The forecast looks awful for us today so it will be crafting and reading for me I think. Thank you for calling in and your encouraging comments Linda K is hosting the theme 50 Shades of Red at Art Journal Journey Here is a page I forgot to post on Valentine's Day. I made for the Red theme.   The background was painted then scanned it to use for this digital page and ones in the future maybe. Go Tag Thursday has the theme Turquoise and Brown this week I used a tag that was on a pair of gardening gloves so I added rows of ribbon to it  and the dress I cut from a magazine and added a jewel. At Tag Tuesday we have the theme Spring Flowers chosen by Valerie. A digital tag from me  as a reminder that you can make a tag in any way you like so long as it follows the theme. You have almost 2 weeks to join in so I hope to see you there Have a great day Love Chrissie xx

Tag Tuesday, Inchie and Messy Make

Hello Everyone and thank you for calling in today. Happy T Day if you arrived here from Elizabeth's blog. I hope you will join with us at some of the following challenges At Tag Tuesday it is our second challenge with the new format and we are so pleased that the first challenge went so well with old and new friends joining in. Valerie has chosen the theme for this challenge and it is Spring Flowers. Such a lovely theme and I can't wait to see what everyone makes. I found a lovely bunch of Spring Flowers that had been in a folder since 2010. The background is made digitally with the same flowers and I printed that out as paper to cover the tag.  The flowers were printed out three times and I cut around   some of the larger flowers. This was all decoupaged, though it doesn't show up on the photograph as well as it might. At Every Inchie Monday the animal for this week is Horse Better than most of my animal drawings I thought We are half way through the Let's Get Messy

Altered box and journal page

Hello Everyone and Happy Weekend. Nice to have you call in at Jumbled Crafts and thank you for your visit. No rugby this weekend so I guess it will walking and some crafting for me. At Altered Eclectics it is their first challenge of the year and you have until February 25th to join in with anything altered. I used one of the many boxes I save to alter and most of them have been there a very long time waiting their turn I made this 'hold lots of things' box, It started out as a very large Corn flake box and I cut it down to the height of a toilet roll middle. The rest of the  cardboard box has made lots of large tag shapes which will be very useful. The outside of the box was covered with thick patterned card and it folded over part of the inside as well. Then I add a trim to the top edge to make it stronger. Side View The inside was fitted out with toilet roll middle and lots of small boxes so there were places to  put things in tidily and I can now find them easily Art Journa

Journal cover and Tag

Hi All from a very sunny NE UK Coast. At last we have sun and blue sky and everything looks so different after the grey and wet days of late. Thank you for joining me at Jumbled Crafts, it is always good to know you are there and supporting my efforts. At City Crafters they have a great theme, Old Stuff, New Look From card to Journal Cover for me. I found a card I made October 2016, post   here  The journal before being covered A paper napkin background.  What a great idea to look at old makes and recycle them it into something new. Go Tag Thursday has the theme Wheels and Cogs this week. Another opportunity to use my favourite stamp set. It is Punk Romance from Chocolate Baroque. A large stamp but so beautiful I think. I coloured it in paler shades for this tag. Then I cut it out and stuck it onto a tag. If you like making tags maybe you would like to join us at the changed   Tag Tuesday where we are starting a new venture with the theme Bookworm that I have chosen. Still 4 more days

Let's get Messy and T stands for Tuesday

Hello Everyone who drops in and thank you for your visit. We have a new challenge starting today at Try it on Tuesday   and the theme is Let's Get Messy. Lots of ideas from the wonderful team so do go and have  a look at what they made and visit their blogs and leave a comment if you have time. I made a notepad holder and it looks innocent enough now it is finished but what a mess I made along the way. I am sure some of you will have had some of these coasters through the post if you are in the UK. The Red Cross send them through the post to ask you to send a donation. It seems like my neighbours know me well and give me theirs to use for crafting. First of all I covered them in metal tape them embossed them with Tim Holtz folders. Next comes the messy part as I dripped alcohol ink all over the place and just let it spread around. As you can see I put too much on and it spread to the mop up sheet as well--more of that next Tuesday. They were then mounted on  coloured foil card. An

Inchie and Tags

Hi All. A wet and windy weekend for us and cold as well so I didn't go out much. I think it is maybe better to have this weather than that in Australia where it so hot this year. I hope it is alright where you are and thank you for your visit to Jumbled Crafts. A reminder that the new challenge at Try it on Tuesday starts tomorrow so I hope you will be joining us there. Every Inchie Monday this week has the theme Cow as we work our way through lots of animals this year Here's another tag for Tag Tuesday where I chose the theme Bookworm. It is wonderful to see that we have more people joining in as the blog challenges had few entrants before the revival last Tuesday. I hope you will be able to join in as there is still a week to go before this theme ends and Valerie has a surprise--not sure what it is so that will be worth having a go to find out So Wolf Granny is reading a book that Red Riding Hood got for her from the library. It is keeping granny awake at night, it so frig

Music and Heart

Hi There everyone who pops in and thank you for your visit. Cold here in the NE UK so good to have something to keep me warm and your comments always do that. I'm pleased to say that our new venture at Tag Tuesday is collecting new and old friends and a big thank you to them all. Hope you will join in if you have time. At Moo Mania and More they have the wonderful theme of Music this time Here is my entry and it is a digitally revamped version of something I did way back when. The wonders of Paint Shop Pro. This is the original box I made for a challenge at a blog I used. That's Crafty have a new challenge that is called I Heart You andnd  Allsorts Challenge have Hearts and flowers I cut out an 8 inch heart from layers of thick card. I stuck them together and painted them red with a gold smudged border. The flower was made from a printout on the Canon printer site but I did it a lot smaller than the original. Vic has made me some of the larger ones to put in a vase and they

Journal Page and Tag

It has soon got around to Friday and I hope you are all looking forward to the weekend. I will be watching rugby as usual at this time of year-only on television but it still exciting. Thank you for dropping in at Jumbled Crafts It would be great if you could join in at the revamped Tag Tuesday where I have chosen the theme Bookworm. Our few regular entrants are going to try hard to revive the membership At  Art Journal Journey  this month  Linda  is the host and has chosen the theme '50 Shades of Red'. Red is so easy to work with and there really loads of different shades of red. This is a digital collage of some of red things I found in old folders on my computer. At Go Tag Thursday the theme this week is Paris and Romance. I made a background of chestnuts in blossom then added the Eiffel tower and a few effects. This was printed out and stuck onto a tag and I added a Kanban image I had on a sheet my daughter gave to me. The background I made though the chestnut trees were

Card and Digitally sweet

Hello Everyone. I hope your day is going well and thank you for calling in and making a cold and gloomy day brighter. We even had a snow flurry this morning and more is forecast in the next few days here. Hope you will join us at Tag Tuesday for my chosen Bookworm tag challenge At Country View Challenges  the theme was chosen by Sue  and it is to make a card in 30 minutes or under. It sounded like fun so I wanted to have a go I made a card with distressed inks and a die cut that was recycled from a card that my friend sent for my birthday-thank you Max. I used a rose stamp for around the edges and on the ink circles I wasn't sure when the time should start and quite a bit of time was taken up choosing the inks and the stamp to use. Now to Digitally Sweet where the project has to always be 100% digital. The theme this time is Winter I used some of my own winter photographs for the background, the birds and squirrel then I added some children from a picture in a book. My photograph

New Tag Tuesday

Hello Welcome to Jumbled Crafts. Thank you for your visit today and all the other days that you call in and leave comments to make my day A special day today as we announce the revamp of Tag Tuesday with a new format where you can just join in the challenges instead of being on a members waiting list you just add a link to your entry with the Inlinkz tool. Also you will have 2 weeks to make tags for the challenges so plenty of time to think what you would like to do. Valerie  is leading the venture and has invited our regular contributors to host a theme in the coming challenges. She is also giving a prize this time to a lucky winner. I was honoured to be chosen to think of the first theme and I have chosen Bookworm. The Google meaning says--- bookworm ˈbʊkwəːm/Submit noun 1. informal a person who enjoys reading. 2. (especially formerly) the larva of a wood-boring beetle which feeds on the paper and glue in books. Whatever that means you can make a tag with what you think Bookworm mean