Time for Tea at TIOT and Tea stands for Tea Bags

Hello Everyone. Hope your week has started well and thank you for calling in today. Happy T Day dear friends if you have arrived her from Elizabeth's blog, There is a story about the tea bags at the bottom of the post.

It's time for another challenge at Try it On Tuesday and the theme is Time for Tea, You can do anything at all so long as it follows the theme so cups, teapots, Alice or anything else you can think of. Lots of ideas from the DTs so I hope you will visit their blogs and maybe get some ideas from them if you don't have any of your own.

I have made a teabag holder

The photograph was taken with the teabag holder nestled in among my Christmas Cactus that still continues to flower and bud and is so beautiful.

I started off with a 12'' x 12'' paper by Anna Griffin 

This was folded in half and the two halves stuck together to make one doubles sided piece. Then this was cut in half to make 2x 6'' square pieces. You could use any pieces of paper to make your squares so long as they are patterned on either side.

Next fold in the sides to fit the size of your teabag and make sure the edges to the points are equal. Use a little glue to stick the centre points together

Then fold it in half to make two pockets

Now add a tea bag to each side and make another holder the same as before.

Make a hole at the top of the holders and tie them together so they stand up. I added a flower to the bottom of the tea bag  as it helps to hold the tea bag in place when it is in the pocket.

Have fun and do join in with us you are always welcome at TIOT.

Now for the tea-bag story. Last year we stayed at a lovely small hotel on the seafront at Redcar. We could have had a maid come in every day and make the bed and clean everything but I left the Do Not Disturb notice on the door. I did everything myself. We also bought our own tea, coffee and milk etc so the ones in the room didn't need to be replaced this was really because we like our usual brands. Imagine our surprise when we were leaving and the maid gave us a bag of goodies because we have done our own 'housework'. There were teabags, coffee sachets, packets of biscuits and sweets and a thank you. Such a lovely smiling lady as well. I have used some of the bags for projects as the green colour looks good.

Love Chrissie xx


  1. That was a fun story about the tea bags etc, and you got a nice reward for being good! Love the teabag holders, great idea for little presents. Your Christmas cactus is looking very good indeed. You must look after it well. Have a nice day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Its a lovely story about your visit to the hotel Chrissie. I think the maid must have really appreciated what you did.
    The tea bag holder looks fantastic a super gift idea for tea drinkers as well.
    Have a Happy T Day
    Yvonne xx

  3. Your origami teabag holder is just so cute - I love the idea and the story touched my heart! Yes sometimes you get back love and pleasure instantly .. some people are such kind souls.. I am so happy that that is so...I guess one angel ( the maid ) met the other ( Chrissie)

    Happy T-Day!
    oxo Susi

  4. Lovely tea bag holder and very clever indeed. Hubby and I are the same when we go away, we supply our own and make up our rooms but we leave things for the cleaners as they work pretty hard...xx[aNNie]

  5. Love your tea bag holder Chrissie and the paper is so pretty.
    Loved the story of you hotel stay, your maid would really have appreciated less work for her and so nice of her to give you a bag of goodies to take home.
    Have a great day, Avril xx

  6. That's such a great idea for the theme, and your floral envelope is a delight. What a lovely story about your happy maid, and the Christmas Cactus is looking spectacular.
    Alison x

  7. Wow. I never heard of getting a gift this way. How cool is that. And what a great idea with the tea bags. This theme sounds like a blast. Happy t day chrissie. Hugs Erika

  8. What a lovely story, it's so nice to be appreciated and the maid sounds as though she was delighted by your help :-). Your teabag holder is beautiful, the paper is so pretty and the ribbon and flower finish it perfectly. The challenge over a Try it on Tuesday sounds fun, I'll have to get my thinking cap on :-). Wishing you a Happy T Day Chrissie! J :-)

  9. Fun teabag story and how sweet to receive that surprise bag of treats!
    You used that gorgeous AG paper so beautifully with that lovely tea bag holder.
    Your Christmas Cactus looks perfectly lovely too.
    Happy last T Day of February dear Chrissie oxo

  10. Oh I really enjoyed this post-the tutorial especially-thank you and loved the tea story at the end-what a nice surprise!
    My home just didn't have enough sun coming in for my christmas cactus so I gave it to a friend to enjoy, I had it for many years and was getting quite big too but no flowers
    Happy T day

  11. Your teabags holder is a lovely idea and very pretty.
    Your Christmas cactus is really looking good - I think ours died and we have only the Easter cactus left which is just budding up. They live a long while don't they, ours come from plants we had more than 30 years ago.
    Loved your story about the hotel - that was really nice.
    Gill xx

  12. thanks for sharing the instructions to make the tea bag holder. Cute idea. would make a lovely presentation at tea. Happy T Day

  13. great story and I love your darling teabag holders-love the Anna Griffin papers too! Happy T day!

  14. That teabag holder would make a delightful gift, wouldn't it! A great addition to table decoration, too.

    Happy T Tuesday :)

  15. I LOVE your double tea bag holder. I can think of many different ways to use it.
    Well, surprises come from the most unexpected people.
    Happy T-day

  16. What a sweet story about the maid and the goody bag. Your tea bag holder is lovely. The first picture of it nestled on your Christmas cactus is stunning.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  17. What a great holder it is Chrissie!
    Admiring your Christmas cactus! Warm hugs!

  18. Beautiful Tea Bag holders and a lovely story you had to tell too. The cactus could be a present with the Tea bags?

  19. These are really lovely Chrissie, you must be very posh to have your tea bags in holders ;-). Your Christmas cactus is a beauty. My MIL used to have these, and Easter ones too xx

  20. I love this fabulous little gift Chrissie! I love the tale of your little gifts too - we often take our own coffee but mainly so that we can make up a flask to take out with us! What a lovely thing for the maid to do! Apologies for my late arrival - I have had two long meetings to attend here! Hugs, Chrisx

  21. Wow Chrissie! Your tea bag holder is very very beautiful and a super idea! Love the beautiful floral paper! A nice story about your maid!
    Mar xx

  22. What a nice surprise at the end of your visit Chrissie. We usually do the same thing ... mostly because we don't want someone coming in our room with all our stuff in there... Love your tbag holder... so clever!!! and pretty! Hugs! deb

  23. I feel horrible that it has taken me so long to visit. I’m not a very good host this week, and for that I apologize.

    Your tea bag holder is perfect for both TioT and TSFT. I'm also looking forward to playing in that challenge, too. I could tell it was AG paper as soon as I saw it. It has such a romantic feel to it. And I appreciate the clear directions for how to make it, too.

    Loved the story about the maid and the surprise you got in the end. How thoughtful of her, and a nice treat for you.

    Thanks for sharing your tea bag holder and your lovely tea story with us for T this week. Again, sorry I'm so late.

  24. Oh your tea bag holder is lovely! Those Anna Griffin papers are beautiful. I still have quite a few and still love using them.
    The story about the hotel maid is delightful. So good of you to do your own work, and so nice of her to appreciate it and give you the goodies.
    Happy (belated) T-Day,

  25. So, lovely and what a great treat to get.
    Hugz, Z

  26. What a lovely story. It is like what we say here< kindness generates kindness. Love your tra bag holder.Very sweet!Happy belated T Day!


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