Inchie and Tags

Hi All. A wet and windy weekend for us and cold as well so I didn't go out much. I think it is maybe better to have this weather than that in Australia where it so hot this year. I hope it is alright where you are and thank you for your visit to Jumbled Crafts.

A reminder that the new challenge at Try it on Tuesday starts tomorrow so I hope you will be joining us there.

Every Inchie Monday this week has the theme Cow as we work our way through lots of animals this year

Here's another tag for Tag Tuesday where I chose the theme Bookworm. It is wonderful to see that we have more people joining in as the blog challenges had few entrants before the revival last Tuesday. I hope you will be able to join in as there is still a week to go before this theme ends and Valerie has a surprise--not sure what it is so that will be worth having a go to find out

So Wolf Granny is reading a book that Red Riding Hood got for her from the library. It is keeping granny awake at night, it so frightening. She never gets to the end of the stories where good conquers evil.

I find a lot of Fairy Stories very scary and especially when they make them into films.

At Go Tag Thursday the theme this week is Paris and Romance. I have made a second tag as it is such a great theme

A alcohol inks background with some shimmer paint. I even got out my sewing machine. One thing about cold wet days it means a lot more crafting.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Love the cow, it's mooosome...not funny is it...
    Your book tag is awesome and love the mixed media one. That is a good theme choice you chose Chrissie, looking forward to the next one.xx{aNNie}

  2. Great projects and your Red Riding Hood inspired tag really made me laugh.

  3. What fun tags you have made today. Love the bookworm one and the Paris one, both are GORGEOUS! This Grandma was up reading half the night and is very tired today! HAVE A GREAT WEEK; HUGS; vALERIE

  4. You have fun post today 😁
    Thanks for a big smile!
    Hugs ❤

  5. So pleased you like this weeks theme at Go Tag Thursday..This tag is gorgeous. love the stitching...x

  6. Oh my gosh, I just love your fairy tale tag. Took me right back to childhood!! Love your Paris tag too, very romantic! We had a wonderful day of snow yesterday, although my hubby wasn't happy about it. lol. I spent most of day outside taking photos. So glad I don't live in Australia, 50 degrees, what!!!!! I'll take cold over hot any day!! hugs :)

  7. Love that Grandma Wolf - very clever tag - great job!!!

  8. Great inches and tags Chrissie, I love the Paris theme as well. Have a great week.

  9. Love your cow and your tags are fantastic, love how the book is 3d xx

  10. Nice tags Chrissie. I want to know why fairy tales are considered kid stories when they are so scary. Maybe they were a way of teaching lessons about life. Hmm. May have to look that up. Hugs-Erika

  11. Sorry it's such a quick visit Chrissie, but I'm on a borrowed laptop! Brilliant makes as always, your fairytale tag made me smile. Have a lovely week, Sue xx

  12. A super post Chrissie. The details in the small inchies always amaze me, that cow looks cute. Gorgeous tags as well. love the Fairy story one, yes I think these tales were made to scare out young ones. Its a good job that many do have Happy Endings.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Love the fairy tale inspired tag - yes too scary even for bookworms!

  14. Love the book worm theme! Your inchie is so detailed!

  15. Your cow is incredible. I adore it. I am always impressed you can work on such a small surface.

    The bookworm tag is wonderful. I agree that many of the old Fairy tales, especially Grimm's, were horrible. They would make adults fearful, much less small children. Imagine Hansel and Gretel and the oven. But I love the tag you created.

    Your Paris tag is wonderful. I love your beautiful stitching. It is so neatly done, too. This is the icing on the cake.

  16. Nice selection of artwork again this week & the cow is a cracker!


  17. Your book worm tag made me laugh, the cow made me smile and the Paris tag made me wish I was there already! Hugs, Chrisx

  18. I love your background and stitching on this very romantic tag! Happy Valentine's Day, Autumn <3

  19. Love your cow and the tags are great

  20. Great work, Chrissie! I like your Paris tag with the stitching and the cow is adorable. c

  21. Grandma made me smile - great idea for the bookworm theme - and the romantic Paris tag is just charming. Love the stitching detail.
    Alison x


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