Tag Tuesday, Inchie and Messy Make

Hello Everyone and thank you for calling in today. Happy T Day if you arrived here from Elizabeth's blog. I hope you will join with us at some of the following challenges

At Tag Tuesday it is our second challenge with the new format and we are so pleased that the first challenge went so well with old and new friends joining in.
Valerie has chosen the theme for this challenge and it is Spring Flowers. Such a lovely theme and I can't wait to see what everyone makes.

I found a lovely bunch of Spring Flowers that had been in a folder since 2010. The background is made digitally with the same flowers and I printed that out as paper to cover the tag.  The flowers were printed out three times and I cut around   some of the larger flowers. This was all decoupaged, though it doesn't show up on the photograph as well as it might.

At Every Inchie Monday the animal for this week is Horse

Better than most of my animal drawings I thought

We are half way through the Let's Get Messy challenge at Try it on Tuesday and  the TOP 5 for the last challenge will be posted today so hope you are among them. This is also for  T is for Tuesday where Elizabeth is our host every week to see what we have as a drinks related post. Happy T Day to all my friends from there.

I made a mess last week and have used the mop up sheet from that to make another mess for this week

I used an old calendar as a mop up sheet and it looked quite pretty in the end

The mop up sheet was torn into pieces and then stuck onto a paper cup.

 The cup was brought home when we had a coffee in town. I get strange looks when I put the empty cups in my bag but they are soooo useful. Also there has been a lot of trouble about them not been recyclable because of a plastic coating so I am really doing a service by using them for something new..

The inside was painted with some acrylic paint, and the top of the outside as well,  What a mess that was and especially as it got all over my hands and sleeves.

Here it is holding some of my brushes and still looking messy but nice and bright on the shelf

Hope you will join in with something messy you have made, Spring Flowers tags and even inchies if you fancy having a go at those.

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Love your messy mug, great idea to re-use those things, I hate seeing so much go to waste. Your TT tag is very pretty with the bunch of flowers, too. The little horse is so sweet! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  2. A pretty tag Chrissie and I love the recycled mug - and the messy painty theme is just perfect for storing paint brushes.
    Have a great day.
    Avril xx

  3. Love how you altered the mug and recycled it, it looks colourful and great on your shelf.
    The tag is so beautiful with the pretty flowers, Spring must be around the corner now.
    Happy T Day.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Your flower tag is very romantic looking. I like the layered look, too.

    Your horse is awesome, but you put your drawing skills down, because each of these animals have been great. This one is especially pretty, though.

    Now recycling that cup is thinking outside the box. That's a fabulous T entry, as well as a way to honor messy at TioT. I was going to say you are the queen of brushes, but then I saw all that tape, and may have to add that to your queenly status!

    Thanks for sharing your art and your recycling efforts with us for T this Tuesday.

  5. i really love your recycled Cup and the horse inchie, too!
    happy t-day!

  6. Lovely drawing of a horse, and yourtag and cup are very colourful. Great re-cycling. Have a great week. Wendy xx

  7. I love the tag Chrissie. Nice new challenge! And I was thinking at first you were going to throw out those scraps- but no, you out smarted me and made that cool cup! perfect! Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  8. Oh my gosh! Amazing projects dear Chrissie!
    You rock!
    Happy T-Day!

  9. Your tag is quite beautiful and yes sings of Spring. Super job making such an artsy cup-perfect for the art table and filled with paint brushes! Happy T day too!

  10. Your tag is so pretty with the colourful background and the lovely bouquet of spring flowers! You managed to get so much detail on your fantastic horse inchie - amazing! I love that you recycle your coffee cups and it's been put to very good use; it reminds me of an article I read which said that just in the UK 2.5 billion paper coffee cups are being thrown away each year and only 6 million are actually recycled, so thank you for making a difference! Happy T Day! J :-)

  11. wow! everything you've made is amazing. your spring flower tag is an explosion of color! i can;t believe you drew that horse -- it is excellent! an love your "messy" work -- turned out great! all awesome. xo

  12. Recycling YES!!! I love to see a recycling post!! Just love your mop up sheet... How come my mop up sheets never look that lovely?? LOL! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  13. Love that you recycled the cup into such a pretty and useful item!! Your spring flower tag is very lovely - just another month or so and Spring will be here!

  14. I love the idea of re-purposing the coffee cup. Messy? Maybe, but perfect for its new task :) Happy T Tuesday

  15. Wonderful Tag dear Chrissie and a good new theme for the next time. We all are longing for flowers, me too. I will look what kind of Tag I can create for your challenge.
    Dear Greetings

  16. the Spring flowers are so beautiful. I just love that shade of blue. And your mess is so neat! How clever and green of you to reuse your coffee cup. Happy T Day!

  17. A very beautiful tag, the background paper and Spring flowers are so lovely!
    Love your recycled cup... a great idea Chrissie!
    Mar xx

  18. Love how you gave the cup a fantastic makeover! Your tag is lovely and I love the theme! I do love your inchie this time! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  19. Beautiful Spring flower tag, and love your recycled cup. Yes, we artists save the most unusual things- it's all possible art supplies! Happy T Day!

  20. Your horse drawing is great (I couldn't achieve anything even recognisable!), and I love your colourful recycled cup and your tag is very spring...Dixx

  21. Great recycling with the paper cup!! I usually save all of mine and use them as little flower pots for the seedlings in the spring. Happy T Day!!! and here's to a lovely Spring!!!

  22. Love the recycled cup, it is beautiful! The horse inchie is great but those flowers look awesome

  23. FABULOUS Chrissie, love your inchie and your fabulous recycling is a good idea. Your tag is precious I am trying to get mine made. xx ♥{aNNie}

  24. Hi Chrissie, Love your Messy Make - useful recycling! The bright flowers make a beautiful Spring bouquet.

  25. Oh yes! Your flower tag is sooo pretty. And clever you for drawing an inchie horse.
    I love the recycled cup. I think drinking cups are no longer coated with wax like they used to be.
    Belated happy T-Day,

  26. How clever to use old calendar pages for your mop up sheet. You're almost guaranteed to get a pretty background for another piece. Love your tag and your decoupaged brush cup.

    Happy T-day, Chrissie! Eileen xx

  27. Love your Iris tag, such pretty colours and I can see the layers! Beautiful work and projects.

  28. Your spring tag is very pretty and the recycled cup is so creative and beautiful ! Your drawing of the horse is amazing. Take care, Shirleyxx

  29. Great creativity with your recycling and love your horse inchie drawing. Nice tags too.

  30. Your ARE so clever to bring the paper cup home and recycle it into something so lovely. Wish my mop up papers would turn out as pretty.
    Beautiful tag.
    Belated T-day wishes!! Thanks for the comment on my blog.

  31. Oh, you have been having a fun messy time! Great inchie :-)


  32. I've never brought back a cup (yet) but I do routinely keep the wooden stirrers... I love up-cycling and your cup is an excellent example! The flower tag is gorgeous too!

  33. Love your horse inchie. Beautiful mug.


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