Rustic Sewn Flowers

I think when I use the word rustic it should be rubbish as I am not a neat worker at all. I think it is because I craft from the heart and make things up as I go along. If I do get organised or use a pattern or anything like that I over think the project and it ends up in the bin or unfinished forever. This is the bag I made for challenge 18 at Out of a Hat Creations and Sandra asked how I made the flowers so I thought I would write down how I made them. The tutorial flowers may not be exactly the same as the ones on the bag--well none of those are the same as each other either because they were just made roughly with no pattern or anything else. Here goes--hold onto your hats and use your own measurements and adapt anything that I have written to suit your style. I have hand sewn my flowers but I am sure they could be machine sewn and look even better. Just to say that thinner material is the easiest to work with--the one I used for the middle was very thick and it made it a harder t...