
Showing posts from June, 2017

Thursday is Tags Day and photographs

Hi All. We seem to be having more than our share of rain the last few days and it is cold as well so a good time to do some crafting. At Tag Tuesday ,  Joan has chosen The Beach for our theme for the next 2 weeks. Hope to see you there with your ideas for the beach theme. Any format or size of tag you like so long as it has Joan's theme on it.  For my second tag for this theme I have gone digital. The background is one of my own photographs taken at Filey  and I think the quote is true for me. Go Tag Thursday always give a head's up for the week ahead and I try to be ready with a tag for that. This week the theme is Butterfly or Butterflies This was sort of a happy accident tag as I ran it through a Cuttlebug folder then painted it with Aztec Metallics silver. It was taking ages to dry so I used my heat gun and it curved at the sides so I have left it that way. The flowers were cut from a piece of wallpaper and the butterflies from birthday cards Here are photographs of some o

Happy T Day with Tag Tuesday at the Beach

Hello Everyone. Hope your week has started well and thank you as always for visiting Jumbled Crafts along the way.   Our new challenge at  Tag Tuesday.  Just to say thank you for the wonderful entries to the texture challenge last time and that you can always use any style tag you like at TT, 2 weeks to enter as well so hope you will join us. This time our  teamie  Joan has chosen The Beach. Lots to see and enjoy at the beach for sure. For this tag I concentrated on the things you could find on the beach. The seaweed is a rare find as it was blowing along the Prom on a very windy day and had dried out. I collected the bunch and brought it home to use on projects and now it feels like fine leather. The 'net' is a bag that had satsumas in it and I collected the shells from our beach. The bit of wood I found in the garden and the head and bird was sent to me years ago by a friend. Happy T Day if you have arrived from Elizabeth's wonderful Tuesday get together where all you ha

Inchies and photographs

Happy New Week and thank you for joining me at Jumbled Crafts. I am still playing catch-up after being away and I missed last week's   inchie so will post it now and apologise to my fellow inchiers for not commenting on their inchies last week. This week at Every Inchie Monday the theme is Lion and last week it was Tiger  Both are images found on children's colouring sites and I gave them my own twist. The very Daniel Craig like lion and the poor cockeyed tiger. There must be a story in that somewhere. While we were visiting daughter Linda and her husband Graham we went to Muncaster Castle as it isn't very far from where they live. It has always been a favourite place for me and for Vic and we went often when we lived in the Lake District. I am pleased to say it is even better now than it was then and well worth a visit. Here are a few of a few of the photographs that Vic took with his phone on the day. There is an owl centre there and the birds fly freely every day and als

Tags and Journal Page

Hello Everyone and thank you for the wonderful comments you left while I was away. I did have internet a few times but not for very long so I haven't been able to do my usual blog rounds. I will be back to normal now and look forward to seeing your makes. At Tag Tuesday dear Wendy chose Textures as her theme and it is going well. You still have a few days left to join us there with your textured tag so I hope to see your makes This tag is made of fabric that has metal drops on it. Haven't a clue how they do that but it was from quite a nice old tee shirt that I cut up. I used a plastic doillie and a metal adornment from a belt as well. Go Tag Thursday has Star or Stars as the theme for this week. Good to see more people joining in there as well. A bit of a tag revival going on I think. This is a digital tag with free to use tattoo designs and a background I made in Paint Shop Pro. At Art Journal Journey the theme chosen by Rosie is circles and runs until the end of the mon

Try it on Tuesday would like your letters and numbers

Hello Everyone who calls in at Jumbled Crafts and thank you for your visit. This is a schedule post from me so I hope your week is going well. Today is the start of a new challenge at Try it on Tuesday  and we are always happy to have you join us with your take on our themes. You have 2 weeks to enter and if you are stuck for a project then the team have some great ideas if you visit the TIOT blog. The subject this time is Letters, Numbers or Both so I am sure you will have lots of ideas that we didn't think of. I am not good at making cards for men but I needed to make one for Vic's birthday so I used the challenge to spur me on. Lots of layers added to a large card. Background papers from Papermania and a piece of sparkly card from my daughter. Other elements found on Google or made by me in Paint Shop Pro and printed out. The hearts on the right are die cuts and fastened together with fine ribbon. Definitely numbers and letters for the challenge. Hope you will join us there

Thursday Tag and photographs

Hi All. Last post from me for a week or more as we will be visiting daughter Linda and her husband in Cumbria then off to North Yorkshire after that. Not too sure when we will be back it all depends on the weather and our energy levels. Hoping to have internet connection sometime but will catch-up when I get back if not.  At Tag Tuesday we have the Texture theme chosen by our team member Wendy. Everyone is welcome to join in with us with their take on the theme. You can use any medium you like to create your tag This tag has corrugated card and ordinary card in the form of butterflies. It has texture paste. wood, a mirror, complete with me and my camera trying to take a picture. Mustn't forget the bit of fluffy wool as a tie as well. I would like to enter this at Go Tag Thursday  where the theme this week is Anything Goes. Don't forget to enter there if you make a tag this week for anywhere else and especially if you make one for the texture challenge. Try it on Tuesday still