Inchies and photographs

Happy New Week and thank you for joining me at Jumbled Crafts.

I am still playing catch-up after being away and I missed last week's 
 inchie so will post it now and apologise to my fellow inchiers for not commenting on their inchies last week.

This week at Every Inchie Monday the theme is Lion and last week it was Tiger

 Both are images found on children's colouring sites and I gave them my own twist. The very Daniel Craig like lion and the poor cockeyed tiger. There must be a story in that somewhere.

While we were visiting daughter Linda and her husband Graham we went to Muncaster Castle as it isn't very far from where they live. It has always been a favourite place for me and for Vic and we went often when we lived in the Lake District. I am pleased to say it is even better now than it was then and well worth a visit. Here are a few of a few of the photographs that Vic took with his phone on the day.

There is an owl centre there and the birds fly freely every day and also there are two flying shows each day--one for the smaller birds and one in a very large meadow. The birds can go as far as they like for as long as they like but most come back quite quickly and just love flying just above the crowd to the various perches.

 There is a long terrace to walk along with lots of interesting views and plants along the way
One of the views from the terrace where you can see the fells
Scafell Pike is on the left in the distance-I have climbed that a few times in the past.

A Japanese water garden all very natural and nothing like the ones in many stately homes. All of the places are used by the family who live in the castle and farm the countryside around there.
 One of the larger birds

It was amazing to watch the birds flying and seeing the different styles of flight.
Linda and me roaming
Some carved owls. There were many carvings on the old, dangerous, chopped down trees

Graham is a keen photographer and likes to get close-ups

It was very hot and Linda found some shade in this large plant.

I took this one

and this one of Linda in the fairy glen

Linda took this one of me in the shade of a beautiful acer

Pleased to say there is a cafe and if you can spare a little of the delicious food they make the little wild birds will come and say hello.
This is one taken by me of Graham, Linda and Vic.

Hope you enjoyed your time at Muncaster.

Don't forget to join us at Try it on Tuesday for the Numbers/Letters challenge and to pop back tomorrow to see what we have at Tag Tuesday for our new challenge there

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. I finally got the reference to Daniel Craig, and I simply adore the face of that lion. It's a gem. The tiger is adorable, too. I keep hearing Lions and Tigers and Bears, OH MY! Yep, I'm a big Wizard of Oz fan.

    The photos you and Vic took are fabulous. I was really impressed. Even though the birds seemed to be banded, I was impressed they knew where they were safe and secure. What majestic fowl.

    The grounds were incredible, too. I was SO impressed with the beauty of the area and the scenery you could see for miles and miles. Beautiful art and fantastic photos, too.

  2. Love the inchies, too funny! Great photos from Muncaster, lovely to see the great views and the owls, and of course, all of you. I also climbed up Scafell Pike many times, it was always one of our goals when on holiday in the Lake District. Thanks for sharing all that loveliness. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Your inchies are wonderful, love their emerald eyes. Thank you so much for walking me about those fabulous gardens and sharing the views and birds, I really enjoy your visits out and about...though a little disappointed not to have more detail supplied about the delicious food available! ;) Dixx

  4. wow you have had a great day i can see I love the owl photos ;O))

  5. Great inchies & pics of the day out at Muncaster! Nice shot of the chandelier primula ❤️


  6. The inchies are so fun and thank you very much for the fabulous photos of Muncaster - and so nice to see your daughter - she is lovely!
    Happy start of the new week Chrissie!
    oxo Susi

  7. Fabulous inchies and lovely photographs - glad you had a good time.
    xxx Hazel.

  8. Great inches and your photos are lovely. It's a beautiful place and lovely to see pictures of your family as well. The one of your daughter in the shade of the gunnera leaves and the one of you all is fab. I love the Lake District.

  9. Great inchies Chrissie, I didn't notice the eyes so just had to take another look.
    The photos from your trip away were wonderful , the ones of your family were lovely, you all seemed to be having a super day enjoying the sunshine and the views.
    It must have been so interesting to see the birds fly and and see them close up as well.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Great Photos from Muncaster!!!!
    That Lion ans the Tiger are sweet!
    Nice Week

  11. Oh my gosh the beautiful pictures of the gardens and the birds!!! I adore the birds! I also love the lion and the tiger.

  12. I love your inchies Chrissie, and what a wonderful day out! xx

  13. Splendid big cat inchies and what great photos from your day out. The flowers are just spectacular in the sunlight.
    Alison x

  14. I love both your lion and tiger - they are beautiful. I also really love the photos. I would love to see that place "in person". It looked like a lot of fun. Reminds me a bit of a nature center we have near here.

  15. Your inchies are just fabulous Chrissie, I love the eyes, they really pop!! Holy wowzers on your visit to the Owl place. I thought our Bird Kingdom was cool, but that place is just freaking amazing! The flowers, the view, the trails, and then to top it off, there's just owls and falcons flying around all on their own! What an amazing experience that must have been!!

  16. Great inchies and looks like you had fun with the birds, but rather you than me!

  17. Both your tiger and lion look great despite the weird eyes and I only noticed them because I enlarged the picture on my phone so I could see it properly!!! Looks like a lovely day you had with all those owls - love owls!


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