Happy T Day with Tag Tuesday at the Beach

Hello Everyone. Hope your week has started well and thank you as always for visiting Jumbled Crafts along the way. 

 Our new challenge at Tag Tuesday. Just to say thank you for the wonderful entries to the texture challenge last time and that you can always use any style tag you like at TT, 2 weeks to enter as well so hope you will join us.

This time our teamie Joan has chosen The Beach. Lots to see and enjoy at the beach for sure.

For this tag I concentrated on the things you could find on the beach. The seaweed is a rare find as it was blowing along the Prom on a very windy day and had dried out. I collected the bunch and brought it home to use on projects and now it feels like fine leather. The 'net' is a bag that had satsumas in it and I collected the shells from our beach. The bit of wood I found in the garden and the head and bird was sent to me years ago by a friend.

Happy T Day if you have arrived from Elizabeth's wonderful Tuesday get together where all you have to do to join in is write a drinks related post. A great way to get to know new friends I think.

My home town gets many visitors as it is a well known day tripper, seaside town. May be you came to Bridlington on a  coach when you were little I know I did but now it gets many more old people arriving on day trips and then coming to live here. Old people need tea and coffee and nice places to drink it. We have lots of those places and some have started updating. About time some would say as the town hasn't changed much in the last 70 years that I have been coming here.

 An inviting window display
 The back of the cafe but there is lots of space in front of this as well

This cafe is called the Woolly Teapot and has lovely food made while you wait and look around at all the beautiful crafty things here and there. I don't usually take milk but who could resists a play with this milk jug.

Still a week left to join in with us Try it on Tuesday for our Letters, Numbers or both challenge. Hope you join us there.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Gorgeous tag Chrissie, great idea with the flotsam and jetsam. The little cow milk jug is sweet, I have a similar one, but it's cracked :( - like me. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Lovely tag my friend and I just love that moo cow milk jug..so cute.xx.♥

  3. A lovely seaside tag and I love the cow milk jug.
    xxx Hazel.

  4. Your tag is splendid. I have one of those molds for clay that your friend must have used to make the face. I haven't worked with poly clay in years, and this has really inspired me. It's a beautiful tag.

    Your cow shaped milk container was quite adorable. It made me laugh, as did the idea that the town and a few of the eateries needed an update. Thanks for taking us to the Woolly Teapot for drinks and thanks for sharing your tag with us for T this Tuesday.

  5. what a beautiful tag with all These great elements! and i love the fun you had with this cow milk jug!! *g*
    happy t-day!

  6. I forgot to tell you, not sure if you know what an ATC is. It is Artist Trading Card and is 2 1/2 inches X 3 1/2 inches. It is not converted to metric, because it is the size of a trading card (think baseball, etc). On July 18, if you want to make one for trade, we will have something called Pay It Forward. If you decided to make an ATC for trade, you will put an asterisk after your name. The person whose name comes after yours who also has an asterisk after their name, is the person you send your ATC to. The person whose name is before yours (with an asterisk) will send to you. I hope that makes sense. Any questions, please ask.

    It's all for our 4th T Tuesday anniversary, which is July 18.

    1. Thank Elizabeth sounds like fun

      Love Chrissie xx

  7. Its a super tag Chrissie, a great texture and you are lucky to find seaweed and shells so close to your home.
    The cafe looks charming, somewhere to feel comfortable and want to return to.
    The milk jug is fun, My mum had one like it but I don't know what happened to it as she threw loads of stuff away as she got older.
    Not me I'm a hoarder.
    Happy T day Chrissie
    Yvonne xx

  8. A fantastic tag and lovely Impressions of your hometown! Such anice photo of you! Happy T-Day!
    oxo Susi

  9. Lovely tag that reminds me of the beach with the seaweed and shells you collected 😀. I enjoyed visiting the Woolly Teapot and who could resist that fabulous milk jug, great photo of you too! Wishing you a Happy T Day! J 😊

  10. Love your beach tag Chrissie and you can bet I'll be in on the new theme:) Charming place for tea and the cow milk jug is so fun. I know I've seen similar in antique shops and such. Happy T day!

  11. This is so gorgeous tag...lovely milk jug :)

  12. Aaah Chrissie what a lovely tag!! And that milk jug! My Aunt had one just like it when i was little ... I still love it today.. I must look for one... Hugs! deb

  13. What a cute cafe! I think it speaks well of a place that people have such fond memories of it that they choose to retire there. Happy T Tuesday!

  14. lovely tag and what a superb milk jug..want one of them

  15. What a nice cafe and the Tag is wonderful with beach elements!
    Happy Evening

  16. LOVE LOVE LOVE the tag ♥♥♥♥ Thanks also for sharing your world with us and for stopping by my blog.

  17. A brilliant tag Chrissie, well done on the seaweed find! I now need a cow milk jug lol xx

  18. Hi Loving your beach tag-and I am with you I would have to use that cute milk server-lol Looks like a nice cafe.
    Happy T Day Kathy

  19. What a beautiful, and colorful tag! love the touch of seaweed and shells...and the charming cafe' you visited...great creamer pitcher! happy T day!

  20. Hello! That cow-shaped pitcher is adorable. It would make me want to add milk to my tea, too. Have a Happy T Day. :)

  21. Fab tag Chrissie,love all your "found" pieces. I love that milk jug, I have something similar my Mum brought me back from Holland many moons ago! We went to Bridlington a lot as children, think it's about 2 years since we were last there.


  22. Your seaside tag is fantastic Chrissie. I love how it feels like things you find on the beach.And I'm with you, the cow creamer is way too cool not to play with. Hope it was a happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  23. I love your tag and how you made it! We used have holidays on the East Coast and I was old enough to remember Bridlington and a girl called Sandra who I met one year at our B and B(or digs as they were known then) When I was about 10 we started going to Great Yarmouth every year instead of different places. We have noticed that some cafes in Morecambe are updating too! I'll be back tomorrow for a catch up! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  24. That's a fabulous tag, Chrissie. I'm always saving those satsuma nets, but they rarely make it as far as a project. They're tucked away too carefully - out of sight, out of mind. How well it works as a fishnet backdrop to your beach finds. Love the actual seaweed, and the mask is wonderful against the driftwood. Very much enjoying that milk jug too!
    Alison x

  25. That's a very cool beach tag, Chrissie! I haven't seen a cow-shaped creamer since the 1950s. My mother used to collect salt & pepper sets and creamers. I like your colorful top ;-)

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  26. Oh, I love the beach treasures on your tag!! Very clever and fun too!

  27. Great tag. love the sea! and all the texture you used. so creative. That little cow pitcher is so cute. made me smile.

  28. What a beautiful tag Chrissie, I love the natural elements and the warm summer colour palette. That town looks just lovely, I adore a good cafe! I must say it's a wonderful thing that the town hasn't changed much in 70 years. When we found our new home less than two years ago, it was a little piece of heaven, so private and quiet. It has changed so much in just this short period of time that we are thinking of moving again. It's been a heart-breaking experience watching them destroy all the plant and wildlife for the sake of progress. Perhaps I'll come live with you, lol. hugs :)

  29. Fab tag, love the face and that milk jug is so much fun xx

  30. Great tag for The Beach 7! I really love all the elements in your assemblage. Ooh and that cow milk jug is great!

  31. I love the beachcomber items on your tag, perfect for the theme! Isn't it nice to live close to the sea... Great tag, Chrissie and oh that milk jug... fabulous!


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