
Showing posts from December, 2016

Journal Page and Moo Mania

Hi All from a cold and frosty NE UK Coast. Looks like I will staying in again today as I did yesterday. The paths and roads are so slippery I am afraid to go out at the moment. The sky is turning blue so maybe the sun will follow and the frost will go away hopefully. Thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts and for all the wonderful support you give to me over the year. At  Art Journal Journey   their challenge for December was chosen by  Valerie  and her theme is Light and Darkness A digital creation I did a while ago and I have added this quote. Hope it fits your theme Valerie. Moo Mania and More have ASIA as their theme for the next 2 weeks I made a screen in Paint Shop Pro The first thing I did was design a tile. then a screen and then I combined the 2. Hope you all have a great day Love Chrissie xx

Journal page and photographs

Hi All. Hope you are ready to start crafting again and that it is a nice day where you are. Thank you for dropping in at Jumbled Crafts. We have a heavy frost here and everything looks crisp and white though it is very cold so I am not going out unless it improves. At  Art Journal Journey   their challenge for December was chosen by  Valerie  and her theme is Light and Darkness I made this page and added my own quote after chatting to my neighbour yesterday. He needed to chat about a problem and thought that the best thing to do was run away from it. For some unknown reason these words came out of my mouth. It appeared to help him at the time or maybe it just confused him. It made for a good idea for an AJJ page anyway. We walked along the seafront on Boxing Day and there was a gathering of people ahead of us, then they all ran onto the beach and down to the sea. About half of them went for a swim in the freezing cold water. They used to do this at North Bay her...

Journal Page and Inchie

Hope your Christmas Day went well if you celebrate Christmas. Today is Boxing Day here in the UK and these days involves the start of many sales in shops and lots of sport Original meaning At  Art Journal Journey   their challenge for December was chosen by  Valerie  and her theme is Light and Darkness A digital creation with lots of effects on my 'model' and a mask for the background--just relearning things in PSP. The light and Darkness theme has brought out so many wonderful ideas from people and I am really enjoying it.  Every Inchie Monday  has Letter as the last theme of 2016. The 2017 list is on the EIM blog and also at the top of mine if you are thinking of joining the 'inchiers' next year you could get ahead start.  Something simple for me this time-well most of the time to be honest. Here are is the complete jigsaw collection of inchies that I have done in 2016. Still thinking which way to present them in 2017. Have a great day Love Chri...

Journal Page and Tags

Hi All from a cold but sunny NE UK Coast. Hope anyone who is celebrating this time of year is ready for the big day. We aren't doing much this year so it will be lots of television and things we wouldn't normally eat at all. Got in the mince pies, lots of chocolates and a big Christmas pudding with brandy cream to cover it. Not sure I could live on that sort of thing all year round though. At  Art Journal Journey   their challenge for December was chosen by  Valerie  and her theme is Light and Darkness I have done a digital painting though I had intended doing a proper painting but the time is just rushing by at the moment. Isn't it strange how the last cards to arrive at Christmas are from people you haven't sent one to. I am busy making New Year Cards to send if the postmen aren't on strike by then. Go Tag Thursday would like a Christmas tag this week I had a packet of tags so I made three of them into tags for the challenge. I thought they would be ok for ca...

Try it on Tuesday--SPOTLIGHT FOR 2016

Hi All. Hope you  are feeling well and happy and if you celebrate at this time of year that all is going well. I am not a big fan of Christmas at all so we usually spend it quietly and go for a long walk along the coast if the weather is fine. New Year's Day is my birthday so my daughter will be coming to stay then. The team at Try it on Tuesday  had a hard time choosing our favourites that hadn't been in the top five choices last year.  I hope you will pop over and find out which ones were chosen and congratulate the winners. I am looking forward to seeing lots of you joining in with us at TIOT next year. The first challenge of the year for us will be on January 3rd and last for 2 weeks as always. My card to all of you Have a Happy time whatever you are doing next weekend. Love Chrissie xx

Journal Page, Inchie and card

Hello Everyone. I hope you are well and ready for the start of a new week.  It will probably be a very busy one for lots of you so thank you for finding time to call in. At  Art Journal Journey   their challenge for December was chosen by  Valerie  and her theme is Light and Darkness                                   A digital creation today. I am not a fan of lightening storms at all and these days we don't seem to get the ones we had when I was a child, Every Inchie Monday has Ugly as the theme this week and it is the next to the last week for this year of inchies so next week I will show all of the ones I have made this year   I used an image of Ugly Betty though I have never seen the programme at all I am posting my piece for 'T is for Tuesday' at Bluebeard and Elizabeth's blog today, as tomorrow it is publishing day for t,he new challenge at Try it on Tuesday an...

Envelope and Knitting

Hi All and happy weekend. Hope you enjoy all that you have planned and thank you for your visit. There a mail art challenge at PaperArtsy  and I have just time to join in before it closes tomorrow I used one of Astrid's f reebie papers and they are beautiful enough to just use on their own for an envelope but as it is for a challenge I did do some stamping on it after printing it out onto a 5x5 inch envelope. Thank you Astrid for your kindness. Lots of small stamps added in Distressed ink. I always knit when I am watching television or I just fall asleep. Here are lots of hats I have knitted and I am hoping a neighbour will take them to the cancer unit for the patients who lose their hair. The neighbour is just finishing her chemo and her hair is growing back--I am so pleased for her. People give me lots of wool and I just love making up things I can use it for. Have agreat day Love Chrissie xx

Journal Page and Tag

Hello Everyone who calls in and thank you for making a dull day brighter. At  Art Journal Journey   their challenge for December was chosen by  Valerie  and her theme is Light and Darkness I thought of fireworks and the wonder as children watch them light up the sky. I have never liked fireworks or bonfires and the ones these days sound like a war has started with all the whizzes and bangs. I am not sure my added quote today is true as I do open my eyes to most things and I am usually amazed by most things in Life. At Go Tag Thursday this week the theme is Vintage Ladies I love the Art Deco period so went with that Have a great day Love

Journal Page and digital project

Hello All. A bit late today as we have been busy doing a bit of h---k as Vic's Mum and Bill are coming for the day tomorrow. At Art Journal Journey  the theme was chosen by Valerie and is Light and Darkness and there are some wonderful ideas already from all the people entering. I have an abstract for my entry today. I painted a page in black acrylic and when I took a photograph of it, the light reflected back and made the page look black and white instead of just black. Moo Mania and More have a new challenge that started yesterday the theme there is trees The background is a photograph taken along our cliff top and the tree is a free to use drawing.. This would be ok for AJJ as well I guess. Hope your day is going well and thank you for calling in. Love

T stands for Tuesday this and that

Hello Everyone. Thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts. I am a bit late as I had to to the doctors first thing and I have to back again at noon so not much time to do other things today I reckon. Elizabeth at Altered Book Lover  is inviting us to join her for the usual T is for Tuesday get together, I haven't made anything special for the 'drink' related posts this week but I do have a few things to share. Happy T Day to all the Tea Gang Just made some coffee-always love the smell of it fershly made Santa came along our road last night with lots of elves collection got local charities.                                     Pictures taken in Scarborough last week If  you ever go to Scarborough be sure to seek out the old market hall. The market is being refurbished and that will mean a lot of the character with be taken away but the if you delved deeper and go for a walk in the cellar it...

Inchie and snow story with photographs

Hi All and Happy Monday. Nice to have you join me for the first of this week's offerings at Jumbled Crafts. Thank you for your visit. A reminder that at Try it on Tuesday you still have another week to join us in our Celebrations Challenge--hope to see you there. If you call in there tomorrow you will be able to see the TOP 5 choices for the last Challenge At Every Inchie Monday this week the theme is Grin scary or what? Now for a snowy story with pics One day in winter 2010 our intrepid travelers set out for a Sunday walk to Sewerby Park. It is a round trip of about 10 miles and a really lovely walk with an amazing place to visit as well. They reached the sea front and light snow started to fall. The sky looked darker but they decided to carry on as planned. By the time they got to the cliff top the snow was definitely getting quite heavy and had started to cover their boots. It was too late to turn back so they battled against a blizzard until they reached the park and sheltered...

Journal page andTag

Hi All. The weekend is flying by as always and I now have all of my Christmas cards written and ready to post--Vic has helped as well. Thank you for calling in today. Art Journal Journey   their challenge for December was chosen by  Valerie  and her theme is Light and Darkness I painted a shiny, black background and did a scan of it to use a few times when needed. I added the other things to this page digitally. Go Tag Thursday  want to see Music this week. This peg doll Angel is one I made a few years ago and it is fastened to the top of our tree every year. I added musical notes to the background and a couple of lines from a carol. Have a great day Love Chrissie xx

Canvas and digital card

Hello Everyone. Almost the weekend so I hope you have something great planned. Lots of sport for me to watch on television and now we have the Christmas trimming up so it all looks a lot brighter. Country View Challenges have the theme Christmas this time and  Frilly and Funkie are asking for Home for Christmas so I would like to enter my project at both of these lovely blogs. I covered a canvas with some Christmas material thne made a suffolk puff and added a bought bell decoration and some die cut snowflakes. May add some glitter before we hang it anywhere. At Digitally Sweet Challenge this time the theme is for us to make a  digital Christmas Card Digital with some digital animation Have a lovely weekend all Love Chrissie xx