Inchie and snow story with photographs

Hi All and Happy Monday. Nice to have you join me for the first of this week's offerings at Jumbled Crafts. Thank you for your visit.

A reminder that at Try it on Tuesday you still have another week to join us in our Celebrations Challenge--hope to see you there. If you call in there tomorrow you will be able to see the TOP 5 choices for the last Challenge

At Every Inchie Monday this week the theme is Grin

scary or what?

Now for a snowy story with pics

One day in winter 2010 our intrepid travelers set out for a Sunday walk to Sewerby Park. It is a round trip of about 10 miles and a really lovely walk with an amazing place to visit as well.

They reached the sea front and light snow started to fall. The sky looked darker but they decided to carry on as planned. By the time they got to the cliff top the snow was definitely getting quite heavy and had started to cover their boots. It was too late to turn back so they battled against a blizzard until they reached the park and sheltered in the bandstand.

By now the paths were all covered but they knew the place well enough to find their way to the toilet block and warm their hands in the hand drying machines. No one else anywhere to be seen at all though there were footprints here and there

A little robin stopped to say hello

Then just as they passed the wall of the zoo Chrissie saw Santa

He said he had landed to give his reindeer a rest but he wouldn't say where he had tied them up.

 He asked if I would like a hug and I said ok as I knew him from way back when I was little and he used to come into my bedroom late at night--can you say that sort of thing these days?

Vic looked on and took the photographs--it was OK because he doesn't believe in Santa and said it was some man dressed up!

Have  a great day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. What a gorgeous, beautiful story, Chrissie. Love it.
    Happy day to you xx

  2. Fun post and lovely photos with a great story. Great idea to warm your hands on the hand dryer! Love the inchie, too. Have a good week, and enjoy any Santas you might meet. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Lovley inchie and loved your story and pics, NO you couldn't say that now days but there you are, how sadly times have changed.xx

  4. Lovely somewhat scary inchie, and a lovely story.

  5. Your inchie is fab in a scary wind of way :)
    Your story and photos are really magical Chrissie - a real Christmas card scene - thanks for sharing.
    It would be an even sadder world if Santa had to leave his presents just on the doorstep :(
    Have a great week.... Gill xx

  6. Nice quirky story made me smile but the pictures were stunning - I love virgin snow - nothing like its stillness and silence. Very good inchie grin too - a fun post love Jenny

  7. What a wonderful post Chrissie! I totally enjoyed your story and photos of your walk through winter wonderland! We just got dumped on last night and am I so anxious waiting for the sun to come up so I can get outside!! Tell Vic he is wrong, Santa is real!! lol. Love your inchie, that is one of my favourite roles of his! hugs :)

  8. Silly Vic. Doesn't he know that when you stop believing you get underwear? Beautiful photos he took though :) And, yes, your "grin" is scary!

  9. Such a snowy adventure (warming your hands at the hand dryers - hilarious!) and how lovely to have that winter wonderland all to yourselves... apart from that one special exception of course.
    Oh, and scariest grin in the world - great take on the theme!
    Alison x

  10. What glorious photos! They have put me completely in a pre-Christmas mood which was sadly lacking, despite having been out to a festive lunch today. Wouldn't it be lovely if it were to snow, snow, snow at just the right time?
    All best wishes for the coming days

  11. Thats a scary grin on your great inchie Chrissie.
    But I loved your fantastic snowy photos and the magical story. Lucky you to meet up with Santa. I hope you explained to Vic that he has to believe, so he can have his presents delivered on the 25th.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Had to laugh at your inchie. Yep, I'm going with scary and creepy.

    Loved the story. It was touching, but I'm like Vic. I can't ever remember believing in Santa. If he entered your bedroom in the middle of the night when you were a small child, I'd say he was a pedifile (OK, that was a joke).

    It really WAS a wonderful story, and I'm glad all turned out well and you found your way home through that blizzard.

  13. Love the joker on the inchie!!

    Hope we don't get that much snow this year!

  14. love the inchie, he is pretty scary! Also love the story, and the pics you are a far braver woman than I. After living in the snow for 30 years I dont venture out in it.

  15. I'm thinking the grin belongs to "the Joker" I certainly hope that it was not Santa's! He would have scared me with a grin like that when I was little lol. Your snowy walk looks like it was quite a white one!!!!



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