Journal Page, Inchie and card

Hello Everyone. I hope you are well and ready for the start of a new week.  It will probably be a very busy one for lots of you so thank you for finding time to call in.

At Art Journal Journey  their challenge for December was chosen by Valerie and her theme is Light and Darkness


A digital creation today. I am not a fan of lightening storms at all and these days we don't seem to get the ones we had when I was a child,

Every Inchie Monday has Ugly as the theme this week and it is the next to the last week for this year of inchies so next week I will show all of the ones I have made this year

I used an image of Ugly Betty though I have never seen the programme at all

I am posting my piece for 'T is for Tuesday' at
Bluebeard and Elizabeth's blog today, as tomorrow it is publishing day for t,he new challenge at Try it on Tuesday and that post is already scheduled

I have made a card for everyone and wish you all a Happy Time whatever you celebrate this time of year.

I made the card from a photograph I took last year at Burton Agnes Hall. It is very near to where I live. It is a lived in historic home and every year the family welcome everyone to look round their wonderful decorations. They are in every room and all of the rooms are used by the family. This is one of the sitting rooms. One of the ladies showed me how to make these wonderful snowflakes. There is also a beautiful tea room with wonderful cakes and old fashioned decorations.

This is a photo taken in the summer at another wonderful tea room in Redcar.

Happy T Day if you arrive from there and I hope everyone who visits has a wonderful day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Lots of great creations here Chrissie, and sorry for my lack of visits recently.... Love all of yoour makes today, you are always so creative and original! Have a great last week before the big day! xxx

  2. Love the journal page and inchie. We get a lot more storms here these days, and they are really scary! Have a lovely day, and a happy T Day tomorrow, hugs, Valerie

  3. You have packed a LOT into this post, Chrissie. Your journal page is delightful. I remember driving home one year on a very desolate road, watching a lightening storm work its way constantly a mile or so from the road. It was scary and mesmerizing. You can't live in Kansas and not know what lightening is all about. Yes, I'm not fond of it either. I always make sure a storm isn't on its way when I get ready to shower. I had a friend who got struck by lightening while taking a shower. Seems the lightening runs through the water.

    I saw the Ugly Betty show, but don't remember much about it. Says a lot for the show, doesn't it?

    Love the photo and the paper whites were really lovely as well as the stars. Thanks for sharing this with us for T this week.

  4. I love your wonderful journal page and the inchie Chrissie and thank you for the beautiful card!
    Happy last week before Christmas and happy T-Day ahead as well!
    Thanks a lot for all the support you put in the challenges dear Chrissie!
    Once again:
    You are an engel on earth!


  5. I love your journal page so much! It depicts lightening in such a cool way!

  6. Beautiful pages Chrissie. Best Wishes for the Holidays and all the best for 2017! Shirleyxx

  7. Great idea - that's a fabulous journal page Chrissie.
    Another great inchie - will look forward to seeing all the ones you made this year again.
    Wonderful card - thank you x - the snowflakes are lovely.
    Have a great week.. Gill xx

  8. We don't get those delightful cracks of huge lightning strikes here any more either Chrissie. I think that the heavy population keeps a lot of the heavy storms away from the cities. We watch on the Internet and the heaviest parts of the storms skirt right around the city. Great Ugly Betty idea, and your card is beautiful! Wishing you and yours all the best!

  9. Your atmospheric journal page is fabulous. lightening is not something I enjoy either. pretty to watch if you like that sort of thing, but mainly I'm too busy trying to keep the family dog happy. the current one is terrified.
    I've never seen Ugly Betty, but she look quite a character on your inchie.
    Its a beautiful card and those snowflakes look beautiful.
    Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Those snowflakes were hanging in my granddaughter's school!! I was wondering how they were made - but I found a tutorial online - fantastic decoration - love the card you made and Ugly Betty is a great portrayal for Ugly! Merry Christmas Chrissie have a good one.

  11. I love you journal page although as a child I used to hide in thunderstorms! Love your niche - my son was a fan of Ugly Betty but I don't recall the programme at all! The Christmas card is stunning - whats fabulous place to visit too! Hugs, Chrisx

  12. Some great work Chrissie, I haven't managed a page for AJJ yet. Where does the time go. Have a super Christmas Love Wendy x

  13. Hey Chrissie that's a lovely card - we don't seem to get many electrical storms up here never mind like they used to be. Nice artwork this week, love the inchie, its not a program I'm familiar with. Merry Christmas


  14. Wow, your card with those lovely snowflakes is very pretty! What a beautiful place to visit and how nice of them to share how they are made the snowflakes too :-). Fabulous inchie and lightening storm page, it's very atmospheric. Wishing you a happy time this holiday season too! J :-) x

  15. Love the card. The inchie is awesome. Never saw the show but I think it fits the theme great. Have a blessed Christmas

  16. I'm no longer confused about T time, Chrissie. That is a lovely photo of you in the Redcar tea room, and it looks like it was a LOT warmer then than now (grin).

  17. Those snowflakes look great, and wow, what a room! Happy T day and happy holidays too! Hugs-Erika

  18. so much goodness here. Love your digital piece as much as I love thunderstorms! Such a beautifully decorated room and card, and you look wonderful. Happy T day and a very Merry Christmas!

  19. What a delight for the eyes! Great journal page of darkness and light. I've never watched Ugly Betty either, plus I've never mad an inchy! You are the challenge queen!!

    Thank you for the pretty Season's Greetings card. I wish I knew how to make those stars. What a lovely display they make.

    Happy T Day and Happy Holidays, Chrissie!

  20. I'm impressed with those generous people who open their home to visitors. Those decorations! I imagine they have fun with their decorating :) Happy T Tuesday!

  21. wonderful digital page - very impressive and a good Quote!
    all the best wishes for a peaceful Christmas time, chrissie!

  22. I love your thunder storm page. I can tell by your chosen colours that you don't like them. It is very atmospheric.
    What a beautiful card of an equally beautiful stately home. So kind of the owners to open their lovely home. The paper snowflakes/stars are brilliant. They are so easy to make too. I have done several workshops for the ladies in the village making these stars.
    No, ive never heard of Ugly Betty (she doesn't look ugly to me), but the inchie is cute. I'm looking forward to seeing the others.
    I enjoyed reading your post today.
    Wishing you happy t-day and a wonderful Christmas,

  23. Awesome page, fab inchie (I have never seen the programme either!), wonderful card too, thank you! Happy Christmas! xxx

  24. Great journal page!!! I love to watch lightening...from a distance. Your Holiday Card is great....those are some awesome snowflakes ♥ Happy T Day and Seasons Greetings.

  25. Lovely journal page and cute inchie! the stars are beautiful striking! happy T day, and merry holidays!

  26. Great and varied projects - I love that lightening saying and your photos are really interesting.

  27. Love your artjournal page Chrissie! And thank you for the beautiful Christmas card... Merry Christmas to you too... Hugs! deb

  28. Merry Christmas my friend!Thanks for being part of my life this year.
    _______°Amizade° Sabedoria ° Perdão°
    ______°Igualdade° Liberdade° Boasorte°
    ____°Equilíbrio- °Dignidade-Benevolência°


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