Journal Page and Inchie

Hope your Christmas Day went well if you celebrate Christmas. Today is Boxing Day here in the UK and these days involves the start of many sales in shops and lots of sport

Original meaning

At Art Journal Journey  their challenge for December was chosen by Valerie and her theme is Light and Darkness

A digital creation with lots of effects on my 'model' and a mask for the background--just relearning things in PSP. The light and Darkness theme has brought out so many wonderful ideas from people and I am really enjoying it. 

Every Inchie Monday has Letter as the last theme of 2016. The 2017 list is on the EIM blog and also at the top of mine if you are thinking of joining the 'inchiers' next year you could get ahead start.

 Something simple for me this time-well most of the time to be honest.

Here are is the complete jigsaw collection of inchies that I have done in 2016. Still thinking which way to present them in 2017.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Wonderful journal page and inchie, and thanks for joining us again at AJJ. Your support is always much appreciated. Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Both makes look great in their own way, the effects on your journal page are so clever! What an amazing collection of inchies too! Happy boxing day and hope you had a great Christmas!!

  3. I love your amazing page and the last inchie and your complete jigsaw collection of inchies is just gorgeous! What a fantatic project!
    Thank you for all your support to AJJ, Moo Mania & More and for all your visits on my blog dear Chrissie!
    Happy boxing day!
    Here we call this day Stefanietag!

    oxo Susi

  4. Thanks for info of this day's history. I didn't know about trademen's story.
    The page and inchies over the year are amaqing and well done.
    Have a wonderful Boxing Day and the festive season xx

  5. Merry Christmas Chrissy and the very best for a good start to 2017. Love your 2016 inchies layout, it looks fabulous. Have a great new year - Sam xxxx

  6. Fantastic jigsaw - I was wondering how it would all fit together haven't you done a good job? Just brilliant

  7. Love your final collection, Chrissy. I have enjoyed following you and wish you a very Happy New Year!

  8. First, your AJJ entry is fabulous. You really shined the light on your model. She's a beauty, too. I like how you depicted her in black and white, with the colorful background.

    I was introduced to your blog about half way through 2016, so I really enjoyed seeing all the inchies together. They are fantastic. You did a really incredible job. I saw the list for 2017 last week, and I am not gifted enough to create animals. Nor do I have the digital skills to do so, either. But I plan to watch as you create your animals each week.

    I wanted to tell you that I wrote a very comprehensive post on Boxing Day last year. There are many scenarios, so you might want to read what I have written:

    It includes your interpretation, but there are many others, too. Thanks for sharing this and happy Boxing Day.

  9. I love your work with PSP. Makes me wish I would get back into it myself. I also love your inchie, a great one for sure. Not sure how you got those tiny words on there and the entire years inchies are awesome!!!!!

  10. Its a fantastic spotlight for the model on your great journal page Chrissie.
    I love the way you have displayed the inchies, I am always in awe of how you can make things so tiny.
    Yvonne xx

  11. I think I need lessons off you :) Love your digi work. What a GREAT puzzle you have put together.
    Happy New Year.

  12. Fabulous collection of art....and the jigsaw looks terrific 😍

    Can't believe that we start a new set of words next week!


  13. Great journal page and love the end result of your inchie puzzle.

  14. Wow! Love your completed collection of inchies! So cool! Awesome page too! Thank you for the info on Boxing Day too - I learned something new! xxx

  15. Wonderful last inchie for your 2016 collection. Your puzzle looks great. Happy new year.


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