Inchie and Photographs

Hello Everyone. I hope you are enjoying the same beautiful weather that we are at the moment. Always great to see you at Jumbled Crafts and thank you for calling in

I missed last week at Every Inchie Monday so I have two show this week.

Last week was Panda

This week it is Kangaroo

I have lots of photographs from our Southport holiday so have sorted a few out to show you and will sort some more out for another day

All along the seafront are beautiful lakes with lots of birds. At the moment they all seem to have families so it was so lovely to just sit there and watch them. Nice shady trees as well, as it was very hot most days

 Bottoms Up
The sea never seems to comes in very far at Southport and even if you go to the end of this very long pier you are still well away from the sea. This was looking back towards the promenade
 This little train goes from one end of the pier to the other and the lady driver is so lovely and helps everyone on and off and waits for people who are maybe in the cafe looking at the terrific views from there. In the cafe there are also penny arcade machines and you buy old pennies to try your luck on those
A road has been built at the side of the pier and has a huge structure holding it up.
 There are various boat rides on the lakes but they didn't start their season until after we came home.

 A swan-ah-go on. Made me think of the Hans Christian Anderson tale Some of the young swans are just getting their white feathers

 Lots of  bridges in the gardens, crazy golf, children's play area and an outdoor singer with a dance area if you are so inclined.
 Lots of swans near to the road bridge

Enough for today and different places to see another time.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Gorgeous inchies and lovely to see all the photos of Southport, especially all the birds and their young. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  2. I am SO impressed with your inchies because you are such a talented artist. Both are really lovely.

    I really enjoyed the sights and views of Southport. It looks like a lovely place, and you never seem to be far from the sea, either. Thanks for taking me to this place I would love to visit someday.

  3. LOVELY photos views of Southport,thanks for showing there is another world and place ;O)) Chrissie

  4. The inchies are fabulously drawn and really cute. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos.s

  5. WOW - what a fantastic trip this was! Great!
    Lovely inchies dear Chrissie!
    Good to have you back in blogland!

    oxo Susi

  6. Beautiful pics Chrissie, nice to see other parts of the world. Great inchies too...well done.xx [aNNie]

  7. Great photos Chrissie. I love seeing them. The bottoms up photos looks like all the birds were putting on a show, the way they all put their heads under at the same time. :) Hope we have some more to see. hugs-Erika

  8. Your kangaroo is perfect! I could not get happy with mine, but I love yours. I also enjoyed the photos. It looks like a lovely place.

  9. Your inches are fabulous! I love seeing your photos of Southport - we used to go there quite a lot but haven't been for ages - love seeing the swans especially! Hugs, Chrisx

  10. Lovely inchies and how delightful to see the pics, some of them are great fun (bottoms up in particular) I've never been to southport but I have been on a paddlesteamer called the Tahoe Queen and also seen another called the Songo Queen on Long lake - the first in California on a ski trip & the second is a shortish drive away from my stepdaughter's house in Maine.


  11. Cute inches, Chrissie.
    Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos.
    Hugs xx

  12. Beautiful holiday photo you brought with!
    The animals you painted great!
    I wish you a nice week

  13. Thanks for sharing these beautiful and interesting photos, love the bottoms up LOL.

  14. Glad you had a good time, the weather looks lovely xx

  15. Lovely inches Chrissie. Great to see the photos of Southport, a place I have never visited.

  16. Lovely pictures! I love seeing all the bottoms up! Reminds me of those old Ethel Merman movies with all the ladies in the water. Love both of your inchies as well, Thanks for sharing

  17. Wow what a brilliant inchie Chrissie, but what rude ducks lol xx

  18. Lovely photos of your holiday and love your two inchies very nicely done


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