Tag and Photographs of cards and a robin

Hi All. I hope your week has gone well and that you are looking forward to the weekend. Today was the day my daughter and her husband were coming to stay with us, I even ordered sunshine, but unfortunately she has flu and sounded really poorly when she phoned Vic yesterday. Never mind there will be other times soon I'm sure.

I did create chaos as I tried to finish 60 cards for her to take back for the Cat Protection sale. She said Christmas cards always sell well any time of year so I did some of those and a few others as well. I work so much better when the place is in chaos though I am a tidy person really and love to see it all cleared away afterwards.

Chaos and cards

At Go Tag Thursday this week the theme is Stamps and you can use rubber stamps or postage stamps

This is a tag using used postage stamps with some of the envelope and also stamping on them with rubber stamps as well. Even the stamping by the post office is on show as well. All stuck onto a large tag.

On Wednesday we went to Filey on the bus for a change. The bus we went on only runs at certain times of year and goes in and out of the coast so you get to see lots of lovely places along the way. I took too many photographs as usual so may show some another time but I did want you to see my friend the robin.

We walked up a  beautiful ravine from the beach and the bird sounds and wild flowers were fantastic. This robin just wanted to be friendly so I stopped and chatted to it

It followed us all the way to the top of the ravine . At the top it was noisy and full of people as there is a park, cafe, shop and small boating lake. It went back down the ravine when we left to catch the bus back.

Vic took the last  photos on his phone.

Have a great day all

Love Chrissie xx


  1. WOW... 60 cards! Your are so busy and I love the clever "stamps" tag ! What a lovely meeting with that robin! Thank you for sharing the nice photos!
    Happy weekend dear Chrissie!

  2. Chrissie, I love to donate cards and love making them, it's making the envelopes that take up my time and pleasure. 60 cards, well done.
    Your tag is awesomely clever and that robin is a real cute birdie, he seems to like you.x
    xx Have a lovely weekend..

  3. I'm impressed that you are making all those cards! I hope you are having fun too. Like you, a actually work better with a little chaos, although I also like everything in its place so I can find it. Nothing worse than when I can't find something I "need". Love the robin. What a friendly guy. Hope your daughter is better soon. Hugs-Erika

  4. Well done on the card marathon, I really should get down to making some, my box is nearly empty. Great idea for your tag. The robin photos are lovely, I love robins. Have a great weekend, I'm off to help my daughter in her aquatic shop.
    Hugs Wendy

  5. What a darling little robin, and so friendly and trusting, thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Love your fun tag, and you were really busy with the cards, I love the chaos! Sorry Linda can't come, hope she is soon well again. Good that you had a nice day out. Hugs, Valerie

  6. You've made a great job with the donate cards! What a clever stamp piece and I love the most cute robin. Beautiful photos.
    Have a happy weekend xx

  7. Oh Chrissie I loved seeing your chaos, there was a fantastic amount of super cards for you daughter to take for her charity. I hope Linda feels better soon.
    The tag was brilliant and a good idea as well.
    Your photos looked lovely and the Robin seemed so friendly.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  8. My blog is on meltdown. I got to your blog from Valerie's. Right now I'm a mess, but I am SO grateful you visited.

    I have trouble creating in chaos, and right now that's what my floor looks like, too. OK, not with cards, but stuff I'm sorting and trying to find places for.

    That's a fabulous tag. AND, the postage stamps are the ultimate recycling fodder, too.

    LOVE the bird, and the story, too. I couldn't believe that bird was so tame. Here, they would fly away at the sight of a human.

  9. I'm so impressed at your productivity! No wonder you have the satisfaction of a job well done after the clear up! I bet the robin will appear on a Christmas make very soon...

  10. I'm glad you explained the chaos on your floor - I thought you had been burgled!!! He! he!!
    I do know what you mean - sometimes it's best just to keep going!! I love your tag - a clever idea! Your little robin friend looks so friendly! Hugs, Chrisx

  11. Super Tag..a great way to showcase the stamps too..Thank you for joining in with this weeks challenge at Go Tag Thursday..
    Loving your Robin, they are such delightful little birds.
    Love the chaos in your craft room..my work bench is like your floor,lol...xx

  12. Wow, such many cards, Chrissie, your tag is fantastic, great idea. And I love your pictures


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