T stands for this and that today

Hi All. So pleased you called in and thank you for your visit.

Every Inchie Monday has Butterfly as the theme this week so it is something a bit easier to tackle

At Altered Book Lover Elizabeth is our host for the Tuesday get together with a drink related post. Happy T Day to everyone who drops by from there and thank you for your visits to my blog each week

This is my attempt at a really healthy meal last week and it has worked because I now feel back to normal again after the awful cold and cough. I do like fruit on a salad though Vic always says it looks very strange. Yesterday I had a full sliced apple in my porridge with some cinnamon and it is definitely the way forward for me. Not been out much so nothing exciting to report. Have a great week T friends.

At Art Journal Journey the theme is Magical Mystery Tour and was chosen by lovely Hazel

This is a photograph Vic took at Grassington a few years ago. We went on a coach trip for the day to visit the area. We hadn't gone far from home when I felt really sick so I took some travel sickness tablets and,it felt like I was in cloud cuckoo land all day. We walked around in the pouring rain then I had to face the journey back. Me and coaches, buses or cars don't get along at all well and that is why we use the train most the time.

Hope your day went well

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Wonderful journal page and inchie, and your meal with fruit looks fantastic, I would really enjoy tucking into it. That must have been a 'fun' day when you made your coach trip! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Your journal page is funny, even if your trip was not the best. Car sickness is no fun. Your butterfly is cute. Good work on the healthy eating. Nan

  3. Lovely butterfly inchie and your healthy salad looks delicious! Glad you are feeling better :-) Wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)

  4. Your butterfly is beautiful and a fabulous addition to the rest of the inchies.

    That coach trip really WAS a magical tour for you. I had no idea you got sick in cars or on buses, but this "trip" was apparently out of this world.

    Thanks for sharing your welcome salad with us, too. It really looks good to me, because I love fruit on salads.

    I know I'm late visiting (and posting), time just got away from me. Thanks for sharing your lovely art and healthy salad and water with us for T this Tuesday.

  5. Loving the rt today Chrissie. That looks like one magical tour. And like you, I love fruit on my salad. I've never tried bananas though. glad you are feeling better. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  6. Lovely post Chrissie, I love the butterfly and vibrant colours here.
    I too love fruit on salad, in my curries, on my sandwich....love it too.xx
    Thanks for taking time to comment while I was away on my scheduled posts. Greatly appreciated.

  7. Thanks for all the fun images and stories...I ALWAYS suffered motion sickness as a child but thankfully outgrew it (everyone else in the family was very grateful too!). I have always loved fruit on salads, well on anything really, could live on fruit as a matter of fact, however my mother always thought it was a very "American" thing to do...Dixx

  8. i know why i don´t ride the fun park cars any more;)
    but i love salad with fruit (well, except bananas... for some unknown strange reason i only can eat bananas pure, not in ice cream, shakes or anything...)
    happy t-day!

  9. This inchie is lovely and the page is really just MAGICAL - Thank you so much for sharing it with AJJ ! Your meal looks really good and it is fab if it helps to make you completely feeling well again!
    Happy T-Day !
    oxo Susi

  10. Lovey inchie and journal page. It's as well you were not with us yesterday as we were stuck on the M 42 because of a police incident. Our 2 hour journey took 4 1/4 hours. We always have grapes on our salad, and love sliced banana in a curried mayonnaise.

  11. Lovely inchie this week and like you I suffered from travel sickness and only out grew it when I learnt to drive but I adore what you did to the photograph - it looks great - so does your salad - we do a similar thing with fruit on a salad and call it our vegetarian treat!!! Yours looks yummy it has put me in mind that it's a while since we had one! Hmmm - might solve tonight's meal! Thanks Chrissie

  12. Like your art pieces. I don't suffer motion sickness but I certainly do like to travel by train. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  13. Sorry about the motion sickness...hopefully the trip was worth it. :)
    Happy T day!

  14. Inchies are new to me, but I like your butterfly. Your fruit salad looks tasty. Happy T Tuesday!

  15. I'd lay my money on the cinnamon as the magic ingredient - though I'm sure all that healthy food helped too - glad you're feeling better, in any case. Lovely butterfly, and the story of your not-so-magical Mystery Tour is hilarious, and well-illustrated in that whirling page!
    Alison x

  16. Lovely inchie! what do you do with them when you've made several? that salad looks terrific, though I've never put bananas in mine, but it looks good. I usually add grapes or orange slices. hope the motion sickness stays at bay...happy T day!

  17. Hello Chrissie, thanks so much for dropping by my post Your salad looks delicious and I love fruit in mine too-my husband and I are both working on eating more salads and more fresh fruits too-Happy T Day Kathy

  18. What a sweet butterfly inchie. Your journal page is truly magical. You got that across very well.
    Your salad looks really tasty. I often have apple on my salad and yes, I have also made porridge with apple and cinnamon. I also like fruit in my curries, and strawberries in a salad. Way to go!
    Happy T-Day,

  19. Chrissie, your page has made me smile, that road up to Grassington is awful, but that the joy of being out in the countryside makes up for the joggling about.
    It was a really healthy looking salad, will have to think of adding other fruit besides apple.
    Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  20. Fresh fruits + fresh veggies = loads of vitamins and antioxidants. Glad you're feeling better, Chrissie.

    I'm with you on adding fruit to salads, especially grapes and/or Mandarin orange segments. My hubby doesn't eat what he calls "rabbit food" so he makes fun of ALL my salads. lol.

    Your journal page really conveys the theme of a magical mystery tour. Now I have a Beetles ear worm in my head. But that's okay because I love Beetles music ;-)

  21. Hmmm... i think i would have put the apple on the salad and the banana on the porridge...lol I think eating better makes you feel good for lots of reasons... besides the food making you feel good i think you feel good about doing something good for yourself.. win/ win... Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  22. The salad looks great almost as good as your works this week.

  23. I love your visit to Grassington page, I seem to remember a similar trip there years ago but I can't remember much about it. The butterfly inchie is lovely and your salad looks yummy.
    xxx Hazel.

  24. Love your inchie Chrissie, and your salad looks good too, I don't mind bananas on salad, but Neil sometimes puts sultanas on too Yuk! I feel your pain with the motion sickness, it's a standing joke in our faimily that I was once sick on a pedalo, and also whilst snorkeling at sea - the bobbing just got to me! Hope you're fully recovered now xx

  25. LoVe your butterfly niche! Your salad looks delicious and I will definitely try banana with mine - we already add fruit - apple, grapes, mango when we can, as well as raw mushrooms and avocado - nothing like a bit of variety! I am not so keen on twisting road travel(fine on M-ways) although it's boats that really get me! Hugs, Chrisx

  26. A sweet flutterby, a hilarious coach!


  27. A sweet flutterby, a hilarious coach!



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