T Stands for Tasty and Add a Quote at Try it on Tuesday

Hi All and thank you for calling in.

At Elizabeth's blog it is time for T Day and the poor love is having some problems with her blog so I am hoping I can add this link.( just visited there and all is sorted by the looks of things-so pleased)

We went to Filey and to a cafe where they do a wonderful breakfast and coffee. It is only a small place but has the air of somewhere much larger and fancier. I just love that it has notices that say---
'We Are Only a Small Cafe so Please Sit Positively.' We tucked ourselves into a corner on a table for two.

Happy T Day All

It is time for a new challenge at Try it on Tuesday where we would like you to add a quote to your make this time. So many quotes to choose from that I am sure you will have wonderful ideas. If you haven't and need inspiration, call in at TIOT and see what the rest of the team have made to give you some ideas. All you have to do then is follow our simple rules and have fun. Two weeks to make something and any medium you choose to make it in.

I made a hanging to put on the wall above my craft space.

The backing is made from nail varnish floating on water. The varnish was given to me, with other almost empty bottle,s to see what I could use them for and this technique was somewhere online. It is very messy and quite smelly so I won't be doing again. The problem started when I said anything can be used for crafting?

 One of the sheets was stuck onto a bought canvas and then the canvas was edged with cork filler--I found this in the shed:)Not sure it was lost but it has found a new home now, When it had started to dry I pressed in some pearls from an old necklace. The quote seemed apt for the craft room. All I  need is some stronger cord to hang it up.

A reminder that you still have almost a week left to join us at Tag Tuesday where the theme is Things with Wings and no birds, Hope to see you there as well

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. love your artistic post Chrissie. AND Bacon, egg, baked beans yum...now I am hungry and it's almost our evening meal time.xx ♥[aNNie]

  2. Its a fabulous hanging and quote Chrissie. I thought it was a marble shaving foam effect until I read it was nail varnish, it looks great.
    The notice in the cafe would have made me smile as well and your food looked delicious.
    Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  3. Wow, the café looks wonderful with all the lovely artwork on the walls and that for sure is what I would call a proper English breakfast - yum! :-) . I love you art piece, the nail varnish looked like a fun technique and the patterns are beautiful! Wishing you happiness this T Day! J :-)

  4. What a great piece of inspiration for your craft room wall! Love the challenge you gave yourself to use the old nail varnish - smelly or not it looks fabulous!! Doesn't eating breakfast out seem naughty? We do it sometimes and always really enjoy it when there are no pans to wash up!! The cafe looks really cosy and that breakfast looks a real feast! Hugs, Chrisx

  5. Cool looking cafe and wow- what a BIG breakfast. It looks delicious though. i think going out for breakfast is even better than going out for dinner lots of time. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  6. Love your hanging Chrissie and the quote is just perfect for the craft room!
    Have never tried nail varnish on the background so I guess it is time to give it a go.
    Have a lovely Easter my dear Friend

  7. Love your hanging Chrissie and the quote is just perfect for the craft room!
    Have never tried nail varnish on the background so I guess it is time to give it a go.
    Have a lovely Easter my dear Friend

  8. Isn't it wonderful that Scott came through for me? I've been so frustrated over this, I haven't been by to visit much.

    I've used nail polish on water to make backgrounds. It IS smelly, I agree. AND if you don't wear gloves, you get nail polish on your hands and fingers. Don't even bother asking how I know this. I love the wall hanging, though. It's genuinely lovely, and quite unique.

    That is a beautiful cafe in Filey. The photos are actually lovely and well placed. But I must ask, is that a traditional British breakfast? That would have been more than I eat all day long, I fear. It certainly looked filling. Thanks for sharing your beautiful art and your breakfast and coffee with us for T this Tuesday. And thanks for trying to get me back on course with my blog, too.

    1. Yes it is a traditional English Breakfast though not what most people eat often. Vic had this as a treat and I had a very scaled down version

      Love Chrissie xx

  9. So strange Chrissie to see baked beans and tomatoes on a breakfast plate...lol I don't know if i could get used to that.. Love your art quote and the piece you made... Yeah i think working with nail polish would be stinky... I bought some of the clear and glittery kind before to use on artwork and ended up not being able to use it as the stink did not fade away... Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  10. such a cute looking cafe-and wow-what a full plate of food! Love your inspirational quote project. I have only done marbling using shaving cream-and that I imagine smells much better than what you did although you got great results. Happy T day!

  11. Really fabulous hanging! The background looks wonderful and is great for the quote.
    Hugs 🌻

  12. An amazing cafe and an adorable project for TioT!Happy T-DAY! oxo Susi

  13. Breakfast looks delicious and a great cafe - lots of interesting things on he walls too.
    Love the hanging and that quote is just perfect for the craft room, especially when you've used it with a new technique.
    Avril xx

  14. What a lovely breakfast. Glad you got to Filey again, and thanks for the pic you sent me, I so enjoyed my time there. Wonderful hanging for TIOT, love the quote. Have a nice afternoon, Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie.

  15. Your nail polish backgrounds look super Chrissie, but I'm with you the smell would really bother me. I tried shaving cream backgrounds once and there was the same issue.
    Filey looks like fun. My husband is looking forward to a full British breakfast later this month when we visit Devon and Cornwall (not saying anything on my blog about our travels before hand). The Sit Positively sign has be scratching my head a bit LOL.
    Happy T Day to you oxo

  16. your nail varnish Background turned out great!!
    happy t-day, chrissie!

  17. Thank you for your help with my link-up for Tag Tuesday, Chrissie. I'll get it right next time!

    Your sign and quote are fabulous. It's so true. I think you have to change your saying to "anything safe can be used for crafting. lol.

    I'd never heard of cork filler so had to look that up. Yours look like what we call caulking this side of the Pond. But caulking is sticky. I think you found yourself some inexpensive (art) modeling paste. Good for you!

  18. This is brilliant Chrissie, a great quote, and as I love the smell of nail varnish I would be more than happy to try this lol. My cut price modeling paste is quick drying Polyfilla (but the unbranded sort) it dries really quickly - just like it says on the tin and it's tough and sandable xx

  19. Lovely hanging, and that looks like a fun little cafe with lots of delicious treats!

  20. Stunning hanging with fabulous textures, Chrissie, and the quote is great too.
    A really wonderful breakfast and... very abundant...hahaha!
    Mar xx

  21. Your results with the nail varnish are beautiful, but based on your description, I will probably stay away from it. Love the quote. It's tough to beat a hearty breakfast. Love the polka dot table cloth and sugar jar.

  22. Fabulously creative and an apt saying.

  23. what a nice looking cafe, enjoyed your art and breakfast sounds good
    Happy T Day

  24. what a charming cafe, and quite a magnificent fry up for breakfast! beautiful hanging you've made...the edging is lovely! happy T day!

  25. i love a cozy and delicious breakfast spot! glad you found a new one. your art is lovely and the quote just jumps out and grabs me -- it is really on point for me right now so thanks very much. happy week to you! xo

  26. What a cosy little cafe! Vic's breakfast looks huge and very yummy. I am writing this at lunch time and my stomach is grumbling at the sight of so much yumminess! We love our 'full English' although we don't have it for breakfast, we will eat it at lunch time (or brunch time).
    Your hanger is lovely. I don't particularly like getting messy, so that is a technique I will def not try, lol.
    Belated happy T-Day,

  27. Looks like a great place to eat and love the hanging you made. I tried the nail polish thing a couple of times and the results can be very interesting but the mess is not work it to me. Thanks for stopping by my blog and look forward to seeing you next week and hopefully with more garden news. :)

  28. Fabulous work, but have to be honest, my eyes stayed on the breakfast far longer than it should LOL. We LOVE our "English" breakfasts, usually on Saturday lunch time. Seems Blogger is having problems all over the UK, if my blog comments are anything to go by.

    I love your wall hanging, nail varnish and water, how you creative people get to mix these things is beyond me, BUT, that's how you produce such fabulous work, so keep it up. :) Your quote just shows what you do.

  29. Great photos, and loving that nail varnish technique xx

  30. Love all the art and photos in the cafe... and the food looks pretty good too!

    Fabulous textured framing of the words in your panel - and such true words too. The nail varnish technique may have been messy, but the marbled effect is well worth it, I'd say (though I suppose I'm not the one who had to get messy!).
    Alison x

  31. great idea with warnish ;O)) looking good


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