Happy Earth Day and Happy Bearth Day

Hello Everyone and thank you for your visit.

File:Earth Day Flag.png
Earth Day flag

Thanks to Elizabeth I know that today is Earth Day and also her 'Bearthday' as well

Tea cosy made from old wool

Elizabeth has been doing recycling projects all this month so I hope you will pop to see what she has been doing. I recycle all the time in my crafting and also in my other life as well because it is what I was taught to do when I was growing up just after the war. Even if you had money there wasn't much to buy. My grandmother made wedding dresses for the family from old parachute material and nothing was ever wasted at all by her or by most people.

I decided to do a biggish project for my Earth Day recycle.

We had a pile of clothes to throw away as they weren't even fit for the charity shop, they had paint on them and various holes here and there. I was going to cut them up for rags then had another idea.

A few weeks ago Yvonne went to Beamish and I recalled when we went there, the little cottages at the museum all had rag rugs-inspiration struck.

Years ago I used to make rag rugs so I thought now was the time to revive the old hobby. Vic made me a frame from some wood he had behind the shed and I cut up the old jogging bottoms and t shirts into little strips.

I had a piece of sacking so I over stitched the edges and ironed a fold all the way around. Next I drew a design in the 'maybe' colours based on the garments I had. This was then stretched onto the wooden frame and I started the prodding .

This is the finished rug though I did have to change the design as I was running out of some of the colours. I won't bore you with the method as there are lots of tutorials online and different ways of making the rugs.

We went to the car boot sale as I have plans for a larger rug but nothing left to use to make it. 

I bought all of these for 50p each and have washed them ready to cut up into strips. I am now thinking they are too good to cut up--I need help here-what should I do? Nice rug or wear them?

A little reminder to join us at Tag Tuesday with your Heritage Tags and also at Try it on Tuesday where you still have a few days to Add a Quote to a project

Have a great day and maybe some recycling along the way

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Oh Chrissie, thank you beyond belief for your bEARTHday wishes today. I simply adore that rug. I know how much you like owls, too, so thus was a double pleasure.

    My advice is to wear what you like from the lot, and use the rest in a bigger rug. You got some great bargains for next to nothing. Great way to add to your wardrobe OR your craft supplies.

    Again, thanks for all you've done this month and I'm with you. Having been raised by grandparents, nothing ever went to waste at my home, either.

  2. Love your rug, you worked quickly. Those clothes look too good to cut up! I am sure you will decide wisely. I used to do rugs like that with the kids at school, they loved making them. Hugs, Valerie

  3. I celebrated Earth Hour, but I didn't know about Earth Day - love your big recycling rag rug. How useful to have Vic around to knock up the frame for you! Tough call on the tops - I think you should keep one or two to wear and cut up one or two to rug with... either way you'll be recycling so it'll all balance out in the end.
    Alison x

  4. The rug is beautiful. Love the colors. Live the parachute dress story, reminds me of the Sound of Music. Happy Bearth day.

  5. What a fabulous post Chrissie. The owl tea cosy is so cute , it must make you smile when you see it on the Teapot. I love the rag rug and have memories myself of making those with my gran. She always had one on the go on a frame made by my grandfather. We were encouraged to add to it, it was frowned upon to be doing nothing and just sitting, although reading was allowed.
    Its a hard call for those tops, I would perhaps wear the ones you favour for now, you know your plans for them in the future so winners all round.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Chrissie you are a star! The tea cozy is so sweet and the rag rug is fabulous and much more cheerful than the ones in Beamish! I remember my Gran making them and we always took our old clothes for her to cut up. As for the tops - wear your favorites now and as Yvonne says - when you tire of them you know where they will end up.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  7. Ooh awesome rag rug! So clever! I think you should wear any of the tops you really like then use them when you get bored with them, you can then buy some more and do the same again! xxx

  8. Oh you must definitely cut them up Chrissie so that you can make another fantastic rug, it's absolutely stunning, I love it and with those bright virbant colour tops you've picked up it will be stunning xxx

  9. What a sweet tea cozy and fantastic rag rug! So clever made !
    Happy Sunday!

  10. I am loving all your recycling Chrissie. I always laugh a the newest recycling ideas-most are good but people have been recycling in far better ways for way longer than in our times right now. What a disposable world it has become. Your tea cozy is super. Hugs-erika

  11. Fabulous owl and rug, you are a lady of many talents. If you like the clothes, wear them, otherwise use them for your creations! Looks like a great bargain :) Take care, Shirleyxx

  12. Wow Chrissie, love the owl, the card and that rug is just amazing, - you are so clever!! As to the shirts, hmmm, some of them truly look too good to cut up, why not go half and half?

  13. Oh I love your tea cosy and your rug Chrissie - I don't think you realise how clever you are! I think Vic and Neil have similar sheds - there's always whatever you need at the back of it lol xx

  14. Oh I used to love rag rugging - your rug is fabulous! Love that you got some bargains although I can see what you mean about choosing! I would use the ones you really love and get some more wear out of them - you will still be able to use them for rag rugs in the future! I do so love your owl tea cosy even though I don't drink tea!!Hugs, Chrisx


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