T is for Lunch, Tag and Inchie

Hi All. A bit late in the day for me today but I have been busy doing this and that. Hope your day has gone well and thank you for your visit. Welcome to any new followers-the number has sneaked up to 148 and I hadn't noticed until now. 

Happy T Day to anyone who pops in from Elizabeth's. On Thursday we had Vic's mum and her friend Bill here for the day and we seemed to be eating and drinking for the whole 8 hours they were with us. Vic's mum is 88 and Bill is 83 so eating and drinking lots has to be the answer to a long life I reckon.

We had curry for lunch and washed it down with water. Our tap water tastes awful as it is hard water area. If we are going to drink a lot of it we buy bottled water. Vic had made a delicious curry and we had wild rice and potatoes with it. Then came apple pie and custard followed by a box of expensive chocolates that Bill had brought for us all to share.

At Tag Tuesday there is still a week to join us for the Birds and Nest theme chosen by our lovely Wendy. Hope you will join us with a tag made in anyway you like so long as it follows the challenge theme.

I made a digital tag. The background is made from one of Valerie's wonderful bird pictures. The crow's and nest were a free to use picture and the other things were brushes I made in Paint Shop Pro.

Now for my inchie and the theme this week at Every Inchie Monday is peacock

I am pleased to say I have decided how I will display my inchie this year so here are the ones I have mounted so far

They will all be on pennants to hang on a wall.

Love Chrissie xx


  1. That'a a lovely idea with the inchie pennant. Beautiful tag for TT, glad you were able to use one of my photos for the BG. Your dinner with M&B sounds great, happy T Day. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Sounds like you had a good day with Vic's mum and her friend. Curry sounds delicious to me.
    I like the idea of how you will display your inchies, looks good so far.
    Its a beautiful bird tag and inchie as well.
    Have a Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  3. The meal with your friends sound yummy and the table setting looks so pretty! Fabulous tag - some gorgeous images. Cool peacock inchie too and I love the pennants to display them on, a really cool idea! xxx

  4. Lunch sounds like it was a fine time. Love the mini-banner.
    Happy T day

  5. Great tag and inchie, sounds as if you had a lovely day.

  6. Sounds like you had a good day with Vic's Mam and Bill.
    Love the inchie and what a great way to display them. Love the digital tag the bird photo made a great background too.
    Avril xx

  7. Happy T Day- I love your idea on how to display your inchies-very nice and they will be out to enjoy.
    sounds like a fun time by all eating and drinking

  8. What a beautiful table Chrissie. I bet it was a fun time-food for 8 hours. And talk too I'm sure. Great tag with the crows and really liking how those inches look on the banner. Happy T day. hugs-erika

  9. fab art projects and a lovely table! In France I have had many long hours at a dinner table and loved every moment! Happy T day!

  10. What a yummy sounding feast from beginning to end Chrissie!
    Your table setting is so very lovely. I am a big fan of blue.
    Great way to feature your inches...lots of lovely creativity you shared here.
    Happy T Day to you oxo

  11. I stayed up until almost noon your time to see our Monday inchie, then gave up. I am glad to see your latest, the adorable peacock. I really like how you are displaying them this year. It is a festive way to display them, and makes everything more cheery, too.

    I'm so glad you had a good time with your MIL and her friend, because there is nothing better than a good meal and lots of great conversation around it. I have a few friends who can sit around with me for several hours, eating and talking. I only wish Sally didn't eat fast and want to leave as soon as she finished her meal. There is absolutely more relaxing than slow eating and good conversation in between bites of food and drink.

    Thanks for sharing your peacock and other inchies, as well as your table for T this Tuesday.

  12. i love the way you are displaying your inchies, very clever! beautiful artwork throughout this post! xo

  13. such a great idea to putthe inchies on pennants! they look fab!
    happy t-day!

  14. I see we both went with the idea of just a head as it's impossible to do justice to a peacocks plumage in an inch!


  15. I do like the inchie's banner ♥♥ Sounds like you had a grand visit with the family food is always fun to share.

  16. Fantastic idea dear Chrissie!
    Happy T-DAY!

  17. Sounds like you had a super meal with Vic's mum and her friend.
    The tag is beautiful. Now is the time for birds and nests, so it is a theme well chosen.
    What a great way to display your inchies! Great!
    Happy T-Day

  18. Looks like a great table setting you have there! Tony is the curry expert here - we are lucky to have hubbies who can cook!! I love your bird tag - we were watching sparrows flying around with bits in their beaks the other day! I love how you are displaying your inchies and the peacock is beautiful! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  19. Such a pretty table setting and it looks like you had a lovely celebration! I love the way you have showcased your inchies on the pennants to hang on a wall, it looks so beautiful! Wishing you a Happy T day Chrissie! J :-)

  20. A lovley way to enjoy a curry, AND chocolates, LUXURY indeed LOL. Fabous makes too, love your digi tag and the way you are displaying the inchies, a lovely idea.

  21. What a lovely table setting Chrissie... The only way i have ever had curry is a currywurst in Germany many moons ago. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  22. What a beautifully set table! I'd stay and eat more, too, if the table was that attractive :) Happy T Tuesday

  23. What a lovely table setting! Love the blue tablecloths and dishes together...and the food sounds sensational! Beautiful tag you've created, and love your idea for displaying your inchies...so clever! happy T day!

  24. What a cute way to display your inchies, especially since you chose a theme to tie them together. Your birds and nests tag is really neat, Chrissie. The crows make me think of the birds we've had this spring. They're not much to look at but they mimic sounds - like our phones and doorbell. lol.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  25. P.S. Chrissie, I've been following you with Feedly. But I also added myself to your Google followers, so now you have 149 there ;-)

    1. Thank you for becoming a follower Eileen

      Love Chrissuie xx

  26. Love how you are displaying the inchies! The time spent with your MIL sounded like fun. Love the tag as well

  27. Wow, your tag is so beautiful. I just adore the image of the two birds and their nest, and I love how you carried the theme into the background layers as well. Your peacock is just lovely Chrissie, and what a great idea to use pennant banners to display them all!! happy humpday :)

  28. Love the inchie display idea! Your tag is awesome - love how you incorporated the real photo and the layers together!!

  29. Very pretty peacock and great idea to use pennants to display your inchies!


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