Journal Page and Inchie

Happy New Week All and thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts along the way.

At Art Journal Journey we have dear Yvonne taking us Out and About this month.

Our garden is full of fairies though they don't come out too often and you need to be very quiet when they do or they fly away.

I painted the background with acrylics then drew around the shapes with white pen. The fairies I drew digitally about 15 years ago when I bought a 'How to draw fairies' book. Not sure I ever got them right but they were useful to use for PSP tutorials when it was tabu to use anything copyright at all without permission.

Every Inchie Monday has Woodpecker as the theme this week

It does look a bit like my heron did last week expect for the angle and a bit of brown.

Enjoy your day. 

Love Chrissie xx


  1. What an amazing page for Yvonne's theme Chrissie !Thank you once more again! Lovely made and a nice heron inchie is this! Happy new week!
    oxo Susi

  2. It's real spring here, Chrissie! So much cheerful to see, well done.
    My allergy is better now, but the eyes are reddish yet. Taking medicine still.
    Have a great day xx

  3. Love the inchie and adore your gorgeous page, wow the colours are amazing.xx ♥[aNNie]

  4. Cool page for AJJ , its allwoodpeckers in my garden rather than fairies but still have fun watching the acrobatics:-)


  5. A beautiful fairy page and I love the woodpecker. I usually get woodpeckers on my bird feeders but they've not visited me yet this year.
    xxx Hazel.

  6. Beautiful fairy page and woodpecker inchie! Hope you had a lovely weekend and wishing you a great start to the week! J :-)

  7. I love the woodpecker Chrissie, we can hear them in the wood near us, but hardly ever see them near the house.
    Its a fabulous journal page and those fairies are beautiful. I would would be very happy to have them in my garden as well.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Your inchie looks like a woodpecker Chrissie. Great journal page, very colourful.

  9. I love this page - reminds me of my Mum, who used to sing a song about fairies at the bottom of the garden!!! I love your woodpecker - hoping that one will visit the bird feeder when we go up this week! Have a good week! Chrisx

  10. Love your magical fairy garden, and it seems to me that that is quite clearly a woodpecker!
    Alison x

  11. Love your page, and the idea of the fairies in the garden. Great inchie, too, you caught Mr Woodpecker well. Just got home, need to put m feet up! Hugs, Valerie

  12. Love your garden page Chrissie, it looks perfect for those fairies to visit.
    Love the woodpecker, nothing like a heron.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  13. Your fairies are fantastic Chrissie - love your page!
    Incredible Inchie as always.
    Gill xx

  14. I'm incredibly late visiting, but had to stop by for the inchie. All you need is a bit of sound and a tree, and that woodpecker would be right at home.

    I think your fairies are grand. You definitely got them right, and they look wonderful in the flowers. This is just beautiful, and copyright free, of course.

  15. love your fairies! your woodpecker is great as well. What great work this week

  16. Wow Chrissie, your fairy piece is exquisite!! I just love all the bright colours, and your white outlines really make everything pop!! I sure wish I had a garden full of fairies!! I love your Woodpecker inchie, looks exactly like a Red Bellied Woodpecker to me! Great job! hugs :)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I was always brought up with the idea there were fairies at the bottom of the garden - I remember one year when I was 7 searching for a pot of gold and finding it under a stone - a pile of shiny old pennies (it was pre 1970's!!) just magical as your page is and a great woodpecker inchie too.


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