Tag, T stand for Tuesday and Reminder

Hi All and welcome to Jumbled Crafts. Always nice to have you call in and thank you for any comments you leave.

Today is reminder day for the challenge at Try it on Tuesday where we are asking you to use tissue or napkins on your project. Lots of ideas from the team so do visit the TIOT blog if you need inspiration. Still another week for you to join in.

Tag Tuesday has the theme Paper Lace or Doilie and you can use any medium you like to make a tag. Not many join in these days but if you like tag making they do have some very different ideas.

I have gone digital this week as I am still playing catch-up with my crafting since my daughter went back home.

This was made also for T stands for Tuesday at Altered Book Lover Elizabeth's blog. It is quite a new venture for me and I only just grasped the idea that T stand for something to do with a drink related post. So this week T does stand for Tea, Happy T Day to all the others who visit from Elizabeth's post.

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Lovely tag Chrissie! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Its a fantastic tag, those words reminded me of the boys sharing their sweets when they were little.
    Happy T day Chrissie.
    Yvonne xx

  3. That's a perfect T day post Chrissie. I'd love a cup of tea and cupcake! :) Hugs-Erika

  4. a delightful digital piece of art Chrissy! Happy T day!

  5. Great Tag Chrissie!!!! Happy T Day!!!!

  6. Lovely tag Chrissie! That blue cupcake looks yummy!!! We are so glad to have you here at the T party! Our daughter spent ten days over Christmas with us and i know what you mean by catching up when she went home... lol Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  7. a nice digital Piece - yes, when the Kids come catching up there normally is no time for other than digital art. have a nice t-day!

  8. Sorry I'm late visiting. My old computer had a major meltdown, and I had to reboot it twice in order for it to run again. I was able to visit a couple of people, then it went out again. I gave up and went to bed. I'll be so incredibly glad when I get my new computer back.

    I'm always impressed with your outside-the-box thinking and your digital savvy. I've got to learn to use PS now that it's loaded on my computer. If and when I get it back, that is!

    That tag is a perfect piece for the challenge AND for T Tuesday. Thanks for sharing it with us for T this Tuesday.

  9. Your tag is very pretty and the doilies give a lovely delicate touch to the design. Glad you saved a cup of tea and cupcake for me, that's very kind of you :-). Happy T Day! J :-)

  10. Love all the elements of your tag, perfect for T-day!
    Thanks for the earlier visit and the comment.

  11. So nice to see you for T Chrissie.
    AND very nice of you to share one for you and one for me!
    I am a bit of a paper doily collector.
    When we're out and the men in my life see one under a cup or dish they know what to do ;-). I enjoy using them for collage.
    Oh my you got me going!
    Happy T Day oxo

  12. Fabulous make Chrissie and perfect for those challenges!
    Happy Tuesday!

  13. Fantastic digital piece Chrissie! A brilliant design with pretty details.
    Mar xx

  14. you can't beat a cupcake and hot beverage! great combination, and lovely digital art! happy T day!

  15. Hello Chrissie!
    Seems that your celebration continues 😋 A beautiful tag and made me want coffee.
    Hugs ❤

  16. Fabulous digital piece! I really fancy a lovely cuppa tea now and one of those yummy cakes too! I will have to settle for a rich tea biscuit (or two) instead! xxx

  17. I love to have a cup of tea with a treat, your page is wonderful! I hope you are having a great day xx

  18. I love this tag -singing "Tea for two" now!! Belated Happy T day! Hugs, Chrisx

  19. Lovely tag for T day, Chrissie. Digital can be a great timesaver unless you get so many supplies that you spend hours trying to choose which to use - lol.

  20. I agree with Eileen, digi is GREAT, but choosing takes AGES! so does the playing. LOL.

  21. Clever you to be able to do this digital wizardry. But I am going to learn in 2017 to digiscrap! or tag or whatever.
    Anyway...great digi tag!
    Sorry I'm so late in commenting, I've been away from my desk.
    Belated happy T-Day,

  22. What a lovely elegant tea-time setting - I'm afraid I've only ever used doilies for crafting (or for decorating a cake top with icing sugar - so that's still crafting really!), and never for their actual purpose on a tea table!
    Alison x


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