T is for Tag Tuesday and Tea

Hi All. Second post for me today as there will a scheduled post for tomorrow and might get a bit crowded if everything comes at once. Welcome to anyone from the T Gang

Tag Tuesday this week has the theme Square Grids and Mosaics. I made one of each. Be sure to pop in next Tuesday to hear news about changes to Tag Tuesday 

I used to help my daughter when she was making big patchwork quilts and sewing every stitch by hand.It involved cutting out lots of shapes from thin card then bigger shapes from the materials she was using. Then the material ones were tacked to the card ones. A real labour of love though she did buy me a special quilter's square rule to help with the process. This is a tag to represent those days.

This is a mosaic background and a photograph of another of my daughter's projects. She did a large tapestry picture of a Samurai warrior and I took a photograph and made him into a Paint Shop Pro Brush. This is a digital piece with other PSP brushes I added as well.

It is time for Elizabeth's usual get together where T is for Tuesday Tea Party. Anyone can join in so long as the post is drink related.

We were fed up of staying in because the weather had been so frosty and cold so decided to brave it all and walk along the cliff top to Sewerby Park. Vic said I look like Medusa with my hair going all ways--he says the nicest things. We soldiered on knowing that we would be able to get a warm drink in the beautiful cafe in the park.

How wrong can one be. The cafe was closed because the clock tower was having to have essential repairs. In its place was a marquee and it was all warm and cosy with large glowing heaters.

 A fun extra were blankets in case you felt cold. We had a large pot of tea and some delicious chocolate Things--not sure what they were called but they were terrific.

Happy T Day All

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Glad you had a nice outing, even if it was in a marquee instead of the usual cafe, main thing you were snug and got your drinks. Love your pieces for TT.
    Off to bed now as I need to be up very early, I have to be at the hospital at 6 am for an examination, how crazy is that! Love the photo of you and Vic. Hugs, Valerie

  2. I loved Vic's comment. He certainly does say the nicest things! Happy T Day, Chrissie! Hugs, Eileen

  3. Wonderful mosaic page Chrissie, I could imagine this on a floor in a Roman Villa, though perhaps not the warrior The Quilting is fantastic as well.
    It looks like you had a lovely walk, windswept and happy, seeing both of you smiling. I liked the idea of the rugs in case visitors were cold, I'm sure the tea would be warm and welcoming.
    Happy T Day Chrissie.
    Yvonne xx

  4. What a great photo of you and Vic. Never mind about your windswept hair (It's called: Coup de Tornado)
    That marquee looks cosy with blankets and all You forgot to take a picture of your hot drink. I'm sure it was lovely. I would have loved to see your choc thingy...
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Forgot to take a pic of the drink and choccy thing--do better next week hopefully

      Love Chrissie xx

  5. What a lovely photo - you both look so happy! The view behind you from the cliff top over the sea looks amazing and I love walks that have a nice cafe included. The rugs are a nice touch, they look so warm and snuggly :-). Great tag, so clever to use the pieces of fabric and your mosaic piece is a beauty! Happy T Day! J :-)

  6. Oh that Vic. He sounds like my hubby because my hubby might not know what a medusa is but he would sure find something to comment to me if my hair was blowing around. :) Too bad you couldn't get a warm drink, but sometimes, a walk on a brisk day does just what you need it to, like get out of the house. :) Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  7. Those tags were fantastic. I love the sewn aspect of the Quilter's Square. It is a lovely piece and a fantastic way to use up some scraps.

    That mosaic is incredible. It is unbelievable that your daughter made that quilt. And of course, your digital skills in preserving the memory is simply out of this world.

    Too bad the cafe was closed, but at least you got to snuggle with your honey and sip a pot of tea and each some chocolate.

    Thanks for sharing these tags and your trip out and about with us for T this Tuesday.

  8. Sometimes you just have to make yourself get out in it...And once your out there its not half as bad as you thought and your glad you did.. :) Your day sounds wonderful! Happy happy Tday! Hugs! deb

  9. what a great photo with the big smiles - liftens up my mood! that awesome green artwork is promising spring (too soon, i know...).
    wishing you a happy t-day!

  10. Beautiful projects Chrissie and what a lovely photo of you and your husband - glad you had a lovely day out.
    xxx Hazel.

  11. Absolutely beautiful projects with lovely colours and thw two film stars on your page look happy and in love ♥ .xx{aNNie}

    1. Vic will love the film stars bit Annie:)

      Chrissie xx

  12. Love the quilt! I have been wondering if I will ever go back to making a quilt - I have so much fabric! It's good to get out and walk - we had hoped for a coffee after our walk but the cafe was closed and we had to go home for one! The blankets look like a good idea for a draughty marquee! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  13. Love your quilted tag, it's so pretty! The mosaic is really cool! Gorgeous photo of the two of you, you both look so happy! The tent cafe sound fab, love that they had blankets! xxx

  14. wonderful tag art Chrissie! I love the happy pic of the two of you and I can tell that although it was cold you enjoyed getting out a bit. Thankfully you were able to warm yourselves with some tea and a bite to eat. And how nice to have warming heaters and blankets. Happy T day!

  15. A wonderful post with wonderful things to enjoy, LOVE the Samurai print, it must have been an amazing quilt.

  16. So nice to "see" you Chrissie in that cute photo.
    I can almost feel the breeze and smell the fresh sea air in that beautiful spot.
    Snuggling under blankets near a heater with some tea and treats sound just perfect too.
    Your quilted tag is really lovely.
    Quilting takes such patience and I admire that very much.
    Wishing you a Happy T Day

  17. Your Vic sounds like my Bob. He would say something like that too :) Glad you at least found a spot to warm up and have tea after braving the cold.

  18. Medusa had a unique power ;) I think I'd take it as a compliment. What a beautiful day and a lovely place for a walk. Even if it was a bit brisk. Happy T Tuesday!

  19. You might have had Medusa hair, but what a beautiful smile!
    Your hike sounded cold........what a pleasant thing to serve.....warn blankets!
    Happy T-day

  20. Wonderful tags! thanks for taking us on your walk, and sharing smiles! happy T day a bit late!


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