T is for Mixed bag

Hi All. It has been a sunny and bright day after the frosty start and it was good to see the brightness back again after the dark days of late

Happy T Day to all the lovely people that join Elizabeth for her Tuesday get together where we share drinks posts.

I took this when I was having my first morning cup of tea. I do have a coffee in bed to waken me up. I have had this computer for a few years and didn't even know if it had a camera but I was determined to find out so that I could take a pic for this post. Cheers everyone! Not easy to juggle a cup and a mouse at the same time but I made it.

A reminder that you still have another week to join us at Try it on Tuesday where you can make anything that isn't Square

This is for all Aquarians out there. Hope you have a good year.

At Tag Tuesday this week the theme is pebbles and stones. 
 From the first Tuesday
in February. It will still be Tag Tuesday, but instead of being a 'closed'
blog, it will have a link up where anyone can link to if
their tag fits the theme. 

I made a tag by covering it with foil and passing it through the Cuttlebug in a folder. Then I painted on the blue as sky and the brown as soil. The polished stones are some that Vic brought back from Arizona about 40 years ago and he has given me the small ones to use on projects. The text and the tie were added digitally after I took a photograph of the tag.


  1. I think this is a super photo with your cup Chrissie! I wonder if my computer can take a photo like that. And loving the Aquarius piece. Is it already that time? Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  2. I think your selfie is wonderful. Several of my friends are trying to get me to invest in a new camera once I get my new computer up and running, but I don't want my face on the internet. And Bleubeard and Squiggles would never sit in front of the computer for a snap shot!

    Your Aquarius journal page is beautiful. I like that it has a pitcher in it, too. So, you have a double T entry this week.

    Your stones tag is awesome. I love that you showed how you got the texture, and those stones are beautiful.

    Thanks for sharing your Aquarius art, your beautiful tag, and your cup with you smiling behind it for T this Tuesday. It was nice seeing a bit of your craft room, too.

  3. Gorgeous art, and lovely to see your smiling face. Happy T day, must rush, got an appointment at the doc's- Hugs, Valerie

  4. Beautiful post Chrissie, and you sure look happy first thing in the morning...ahh nothing like that first cuppa to make one smile..hugs beautiful lady.xx{aNNie}

  5. awesome selfie! your aquarius Piece is great and the pebbles are, too! happy t-day!

  6. Great to see your lovely smiling face! A great aquarius piece and the pebbles tag is gorgeous as well! Happy T-Day dear Chrissie!

  7. Good to see ya! LOVE the assorted skills you have to make the tag, love the polished stones.
    PS couldn't spell my own name last time LOL.

  8. Nice to have a morning drink with you-great photo! Super art projects too. Happy T day!

  9. Lovely picture of you with your cuppa! Great art work too and I love your little animated fairy/bee friend :-). Happy T day! J :-)

  10. I'm drinking a cup of Tea reading your post :) Cute to see you with a cup as well :) Your tags are fabulous, especially like the top one. Have a great day xx

  11. Great job with the selfie! Your try it Tuesday piece is wonderful!
    Happy T day!

  12. How nice to SEE you Chrissie! Happy T day!! I just love your Pebbles and stone tag! Hugs! deb

  13. Its a lovely happy photo of yourself Chrissie. Great job juggling with the technicalities.
    Loved your art pieces today as well.
    Happy T day
    Yvonne xx

  14. Happy T-Day Chrissie!!!It is always nice to put a name and a face together, and such a pretty smile you have. I never thought to use the camera on my PC for a photo......not sure the T-gang would want to see how I look first thing in the morning....haha!
    LOVE your Aquarius page and the tag. is super.

  15. It's good to see you Chrissie, I wouldn't know how to take a photo with the computer either. I love your tags, those shiny pebbles make me want to go to the seaside xx

  16. Great photo of you! You've got me going! I have a camera on my computer but I've never ued it for taking a photo. I'll have to find out.
    Happy T-Day,

  17. Great pic of you. Your mug is so Spring time. It's so grey here after a big storm that left freezing rain, drizzle and slush. The Zodiac page is fabulous. Will you be doing all the Zodiac signs? I love the stones tag. My hands are just itching to pet the smooth blue stones. Have a Happy T Day

  18. What a great photo of you with your cup! I'd never thought of checking to see if my computer could do such a thing. Hmmm...

    It's 63F and sunny here today, and it feels like spring :) Happy T Tuesday

  19. Great selfie!!! Mine computer won't take photos but Hubby's will so maybe I"ll figure out how to use it someday soon... Love the tag and the Aquarian piece ♥♥♥ Happy T Day!!!

  20. I love the Aquarius piece! The pebbles against the blue looks amazing! Love your flowery mug! Happy T day! Chrisx

  21. Your computer skills put me to shame. Or maybe it's your "no fear" approach to learning new ones. It's so nice to see you, Chrissie! Nice photo.

    The falling snow, your animated sign-off (so cute!) and now taking selfies! I'm afraid to touch anythng new for fear of crashing everything - lol. But now you've got me curious. The stones tag is great. The colors on the little stones are amazing.

    Happy T Day, Chrissie! XOX Eileen

  22. Wonderful 'selfie!' and such a pretty coffee mug...Love your Aquarius card, and cute tag too! happy T day a bit late!

  23. A stunning card and a very creative tag!
    Great to see you with a smile in the morning!
    Mar xx

  24. I love the texture on that tag! Both my chikdren are Aquarians, I believe - one has his bday today and the other is Valentines Day. Nice photo of you and your cuppa.


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