Journal Page and Tag

Hi All from a very cold NE UK Coast. Hope you weren't flooded yesterday as our coast had horrendous tides. Snow is forecast so I will be staying in and knitting with some sport watching as usual. Thank you for calling in and I hope you enjoy your weekend.

At Art Journal Journey the challenge for January is chosen and hosted by Erika. The theme is Every Journal Page tells a story.

Once upon a Time,
Before Ebay or Amazon Prime,
A magical shop
Came out on top
And sold everything that you desired,
Plus other things that could be hired.
A balding man found his lost hair
The good news is the shop is still there.

I took this photograph last year in Lytham. There are little alleyways all over the place full of interesting shops and great ideas for crafting. On the other side of the road there is an alleyway with a great coffee shop upstairs with home made food.

Go Tag Thursday has alphabet or letter as the theme for this week

I painted the background then used a stencil to do the alphabet in black ink.

I drew the word cat and the cat images- they were meant to look childlike--pretend :)

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. The shop looks interesting but your weather sounds terrible. Stay safe and indoor Chrissie, keep knitting, crafting and make more superb displays like this{aNNie}

  2. Love the journal page with the shop, I used to love those corner shops in London that sold everything. Beautiful tag, too. Stay home, keep warm and take care! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Beautiful shop page and I agree with the poem, I miss all the little boutiques with the one of a kind items. Now it's all Walmarts and Ikeas, blah! Beautiful tag, have a great weekend Chrissie! hugs :)

  4. Fab page and poem, I love shops like that, they seem few and far between now! You cat tag is fabulous! So clever! Stay warm and enjoy your knitting and sport. xxx

  5. Great page Chrissie, I love the thought of fairies working at the shop to ensure it has everything in stock :-). I know this shop well as Lytham shops are in walking distance from my house. As you say Lytham is such a wonderful place to explore and has so much inspiration for crafting. There are so many lovely places to eat and drink as well. Enjoy your knitting and stay warm and cosy this weekend! J :-)

  6. I love shops like this. They are so much fun and interesting to walk through, and you always find things you didn't know you needed. LOL. This is such a great story and page Chrissie. Thanks for joining in with it. Hugs-Erika

  7. Hi Chrissie, I love your fantastic cat tag (I'm a cat lover.. .well dogs too). Your page is interesting, the shop sounds like great fun. Take care, Shirleyxx

  8. Lovely tag and page dear Chrissie!
    I love such shops - the 1 Euro Shops nowadays are also fun to visit and remoind me of this kind of shops from earlier days!
    Happy sport-watching!
    Stormy weather and much snow here - also better to stay inside!


  9. Love the page and the poem. You don't see many of those shops around these days.

  10. That's a fantastic AJJ page, and it reminded me of a British period drama that appeared a few years ago called "The Paradise." It claimed to sell everything, many times on "clearance." I loved your piece because it brought back those memories for me.

    Bleubeard and Squiggles each give your cat tag two paws up. It's harder for Bleubeard to stand and balance on his back legs now, so it's a real tribute to you. Personally, I loved it!

  11. That looks like my kind of shop Chrissie. I love looking around this type of store. Its a fantastic page.
    Its a great tag as well , the cat is so cute made out of the letters.
    Yvonne xx

  12. What a mess in this shop! I can't by anything from this kind of shops as I don't find anyting.... Your photo manipulating is great and the tag fun.
    Here we have the very gray weather.
    Wishing you a enjoyable day at home XX

  13. What a mess in this shop! I can't by anything from this kind of shops as I don't find anyting.... Your photo manipulating is great and the tag fun.
    Here we have the very gray weather.
    Wishing you a enjoyable day at home XX

  14. Good weather for crafting indoors... Love your shop and I was convinced it was from an exotic location! The digital makeover gave it all its magical powers... Love your cat make too, lots of clever ideas. Enjoy your Sunday, xx

  15. Today was a tad cooler Chrissie but humid so your tennis star should be

    1. LOVE your header, animated, did you do that, love it.xx

    2. Yes I did do it Annie in Animation Shop that came with Paint Shop Pro 7 many years ago. Difficult to learn but easy when you know how like everything else digital.

      Love Chrissie xx

  16. LOVE the shop, wish I was closer LOL, you have made it VERY interesting on your journal page. VERY clever digi work as always. Hope the flooding wasn't as bad as forecast and hope the snow isn't too bad.

  17. These are brilliant Chrissie, these kind of shops really are treasure troves aren't they xx

  18. Great Tag Chrissie..I love the background...
    Thank you for playing along in this weeks challenge at Go Tag Thursday...x


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