Journal Page and Tag

Hello Everyone. Thanks for calling in today at Jumbled Crafts. I am late posting  as I have been sorting out a bit of my craft room. The room gets smaller every time I come into it--I expect you all have the same problem. I call it shrinking walls syndrome :(

At Art Journal Journey there are still a few more days to join in with Valerie's Indian Summer theme. It has been very popular with lots of wonderful ideas. If you pop here you can see all the wonderful pages all in one place

 I had this on a postcard and used it to make a card but first I scanned it for this page. It is a bit lost with all the surrounding colours of Autumn that I added.

At Go Tag Thursday the new challenge today is 'Our Favourite Theme'. Well I love anything that is a bit different.

I have always loved these sort of characters and have a folder full of them

Great that they are already coloured to use digitally or to print out.

Hope your day is going well. I will back to tidying out again later. I think someone is sneaking stuff into my craft space.

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Wonderful journal page with those flaming colours and a fun tag with a great quote, thanks for all your support for AJJ, it is much appreciated. Those naughty house elves shrink our crafting space at night, just like the calories shrink the clothes hanging in the wardrobes! Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Gorgeous colours on your Journal page Chrissie and I love those little characters on the tag. Enjoy your 'crafty' tidying, but if you're like me there's the chance you'll get sidetracked!
    Avril xx

  3. Lovely colours on your journal page and the tag is great. I also have a shrinking studio and it's the biggest room in the bungalow. I also have Valerie's problem with the shrinking of my clothes.

  4. The same with me in my craft space ! Lol!
    A wonderful page and tag dear Chrissie!
    So pleased you linked again to AJJ!
    Have a great evening!
    oxo Susi

  5. Hi Chrissie your pages are gorgeous. And yes I sometimes feel that the walls are closing in on me in the craft room. However I cannot work in clutter (except the mess I make while creating) so I continue to downsize, eventually I won't have anything left... just joking... Have a great day xxx

  6. I love these Chrissie, and I agree my craft room is definitely shrinking - but I am sharing it with a washing machine and tumble dryer at the moment. I love the quote that you've used, this is one of my favourites, along with 'not my monkeys, not my circus' You can tell I'm very deep lol xx

  7. Gorgeous page Chrissie, really sumptuous autumnal colours. Thanks for lovely comments earlier - I was really surprised when you mentioned snow, I've not seen weather forecast for days - hope you've got a snow shovel ready just in case.
    I can empathise with the shrinking walls problem, that's why we are having a big de-clutter at present - not just in my craft room but everywhere.
    Have another biggish pile of records, books and stuff waiting to be collected by BHF - I can see the attraction sometimes of being more minimalistic....errr maybe not in the craft room though :)
    Have fun with your clear out... Gill xx

  8. Its a stunning autumn page, I love the postcard painting you used as well as the words.
    The tag is fun with those 'mod', fun looking characters.
    I'm with you on the walls closing in, the floor seems to be shrinking just as much as well. The problem with a tidy up session with me is that I can never find what I am looking for. In a mess its always close to hand.
    Yvonne xx

  9. I'm loving that postcard of Monet's art you used in conjunction with your beautiful background. It fits Valerie's theme so well.

    I adore that saying you used on the tag. It's one of my favorites. the children are adorable, but the buttons you stamped were fantastic. I can't seem to get good stamping when it's on two different surfaces. You did a fantastic job.

    My craft room isn't getting any smaller, but it's not getting any larger, either. I make it a rule to put things away once I've finished with them, so I never have to worry about coming into a room that's a mess.

  10. What a lovely card and journal page and it is perfect with that quote. In my craft room lately not only has the space been shrinking but someone must be stealing stuff, too because I can't find what I am looking for. ;)

  11. Page is beautiful and tag fun. Fabulous post, Chrissie.
    Happy weekend 🎃

  12. Wonderful pieces today. Love the quote on your tag! I always discover some things that I forgot I had, every time I tidy up the craft room. How fun that is! hugs :)

  13. What beautiful colours on your gorgeous page, Chrissie! The tag is fabulous and I really love the super characters and design.
    Mar xx

  14. Fabulous combination of colours on here, love it all.xx {aNNie}

  15. That fall piece ha some cool color effects Chrissie. And your card is cute. I have never heard that Einstein quote before. I like it. Hope its a wonderful weekend. Hugs-Erika

  16. Gosh it has been ages since I visited, no idea where the time has gone. Just had a lovely catch up with all your gorgeous autumn/halloween themed projects all vibrant and wonderful to look at. Scrolling back your Go Tag Thursday project jumps out in those vibrant blues. Clearly you are enjoying your crafting and that makes the magic. XOXO

  17. A beautiful journal page and a fabulous tag, I love the images and the brilliant quote.
    xxx Hazel.

  18. What great quirky characters you have used for your Tag Chrissie,love that sentiment..fab tag...perfect for this weeks challenge at Go Tag Thursday..x

  19. Wonderful page, love the fiery colours and the perfect quote! Cool and quirky characters on your tag with another fabulous quote! My craft room is shrinking too! xxx

  20. I am way behind here but so glad I didn't miss this! I love your page and I think your tag is brilliant! Chrisx

  21. I don't think the painting gets lost - the blue sky will always draw the eye, even with all that vivid autumn colour around the edge. Love those quirky little characters too - and the words (though I'm unconvinced that it's Einstein!).
    Alison x


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