Journal page and Inchie

Hi All. A bit behind with my crafting at the moment as my daughter is here and we are having a great time chatting, knitting and long walks. Thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts and apologies if I have been behind with commenting on your blogs this last week.

At Art Journal Journey the theme for this month is Back to School and it is hosted by Elizabeth so do join in with our ideas on the theme

Back to school isn't only for teachers and pupils. I was a chemistry technician in a very large comprehensive school when this was taken. I should have been able to have the holidays off work but I lived near to the school so was persuaded to go in most days to do the jobs I have scribbled around the picture. One of them was to choose a suitable person from unemployed young people who were eager to learn. Some were difficult but this boy was really nice and I am sorry I have forgotten his name. I used a mop up page, a photograph  of my own and images of the glassware.

At Every Inchie Monday this week the theme is Sky. I am bit late making mine and keep saying I will get a head start but don't seem to.

Yipee for Sky Sport! My daughter pays for this so we can watch all the sport we like and that is lots.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. I had to laugh at "feed the animals." I should have read your explanation first, because I wondered what animals you were talking about. After all, there was two people standing there. Of course, after I read that was one of the jobs they asked you to perform, I felt like my blonde roots were showing. I admit you look so young, I would not have taken you for a chem tech, but another student. It's a wonderful tribute to your job at that school and a super AJJ entry.

    I also laughed at your inchie. You certainly put your own spin on Sky. I LOVE it!

  2. What a fun page (and a great photo)! Very creative inchie once more too! Enjoy the time with your daughter!!

  3. Lovely journal page, glad you found a nice young man to train! Love the inchie, too. Have fun with Linda, Susi is on her way home now. Was a lovely week with her. Hugs, Valerie

  4. I know what it's like to be with a daughter - so much to catch up on!! Great work though - love your photo and lists - lovely to help a young person. Great take on sky - did think of it myself but too difficult for embroidery but love what you've done.

  5. What an interesting story about your youth. You look very smart and nice with your assistant, thanks for sharing!
    Inchie is smart too.
    Hugs ☺

  6. Great you have your daughter there with you Chrissie, enjoy your time together and I bet you've had some lovely walks together. Glad you found the time to do a bit of crafting too, great makes as usual xx

  7. Its a great page to remember that school staff are not just those who teach.
    So much work is done by many behind the scenes staff. I think you must have enjoyed your job very much Chrissie. its a lovely photo.
    A great idea for your inchie, it must be good having access to the sports channels on Sky.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Cool old photo. I love seeing you back then. We don't have technicians here and that is interesting that you had them in schools. Glad you are having a great visit with your daughter. Sounds like a good time to me. Hugs-Erika

  9. good idea for your inchie - had to look up sky sports though to see what country it was from!

  10. love the picture, nice to see what you looked like way back when and I like the take on the theme of the inchie!

  11. A fabulous page to remember those job Chrissie and I love to see this photo of you! The inchie is lovely - great that your daughter is sponsorong your sports programme! Hope you enjoyed the week with her ! We had great days in Düsseldorf - I really enjoyed my visit I can tell you!
    Thank you for all the good wishes you sent to us Chrissie!
    Thank you for joining AJJ and for your friendship!
    Take care!
    oxo Susi

  12. A great page Chrissie, love the colourful background and great thinking with your inchie.
    Avril xx

  13. Fun to see you in a photo from long ago. Great Inchie too. Glad you are having a nice visit with your daughter!

  14. What creative ideas - you always think 'outside the box'!

  15. That's a wonderful inchie. Makes me smile.

  16. Love the inchie, great idea. Lovely journal page as well.

  17. Great page and some good memories for you! Love your inchie! Chrisx


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