Inchie and photos

Hi All. Monday again already and I hardly recall last week it flew by so quickly. Welcome to my nearest followers, Olesya and Jo and thank you everyone who calls in at Jumbled Crafts.

Time for another inchie and this time the theme at Every Inchie Monday is fjord

We stayed at the Leikanger Hotel in Norway at one end of the Leikanger Fjord  and one day we went all the way up the fjord to the other end on a boat, it was amazing. We have a video that Vic took along the way and I am looking forward to seeing it again being reminded about it by doing this challenge.

Today I went early for blood tests then we came back home along the beach which has lots of happy holiday makers and residents enjoying the beach huts and the miles of sandy, clean beach that we have here. The beach is cleaned every day early in the morning with a large tractor that has a magic machine attached to it.

The tide was well out when we walked along but speeds in quite close to the promenade wall later.

I did a bit of beach combing and found this mussel shell with barnacles that look like a skull couple close together and also some baby seagull feathers, The adults bring their young down to near the harbour every morning and a few of the adults stay with them until later in the day. They make a lot of noise but seem very happy.

Hope your day is going well.

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Lovely inchie and photos, love the skull shell! Glad you had a nice walk. I had my long lost and recently found cousins here today, was a super day, and now I need an afternoon sleep, they just went back to Holland. Have a fun day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Fab inchie Chrissie and great photos! Your beach looks really lovely and that shell really does look it has skulls on it :)
    Gill x


  3. Love your fjord inchie. I've seen them in Norway, we don't have here.
    Thanks for sharing nice photos.
    Hugs xx

  4. A fantastic inchie Chrissie, loved the fjord photo. Its good to see families enjoying the beach and there being some sunshine. Your finds look great.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Love your inchie Chrissie, we went to Norway many years ago (before kids :-) so this brings back good memories. I love your little skull shell and fab beach photos xx

  6. A lovely inchie that brings back memories of travelling on the Oslo to Bergen railway and seeing the fjords.

  7. love the inchie, I bet being on the fjord was amazing. The beach looks awesome. Glad you got the skull couple! I see it and think that is so neat!

  8. Fab inchie and lovely beach photos x

  9. Love your inchie and the story behind it. I also enjoyed seeing photos of the beach. How lucky you are to be so close to the ocean. I envy you for that!

  10. I love your inchie - I think I would like the fjords! Your beach photos are great as is your little find! Hugs, Chrisx

  11. How lovely to live by the beautiful sea - my relatives live in Dorset on the coast and regularly send me pictures like yours and I melt with envy every time. beautiful inchie and how nice that you've seen a fjord in person - great inchie

  12. Love your inchie Chrissie, but that shell with the skulls on it totally stole all my attention today!! Awesome!! Beautiful beach shots, so lovely! hugs :)

  13. Love the skull barnacles lol, and I agree that the boat trips up the fjords are an amazing experience:-)


  14. Great inchie and lovely photos. The weather here in the Highlands has been fabulous. I have to admit to doing some beach combing.

  15. Love your landscape and thanks for sharing the beach photos from across the Pond. I used to live much nearer to the (Atlantic) ocean and miss that. c

  16. P.S. I like your new blog design and header. Sweet. c

  17. Brilliant inchie. You have a nice beach and sunny weather :-)


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