Canvas and Journal page

Hello Everyone who calls in and thank you for your visit. It is still hot and humid here though there are lots of cloud today so maybe it will be better for walking than it has been the last few days. 

At Frilly and Funkie the theme is 'It's a small, small World'. I am not good at this style but I always look at what Pamellia has made and love to watch her videos to see how she arrives at such amazing projects. I fall at the first fence because scissors don't ruffle the edges of card or paper for me and it all looks so easy. They say practice makes perfect so I need lots of practice

This started life as a 4 inches square piece of thick cardboard from an old box. I sort of tried to follow one of the videos and then realised I had hardly any of the things I needed so this is my version. Thank you Pamellia for the inspiration. The photograph is one of my husband's grandmother so I thought his mum might like this canvas. I have been trying for a few weeks now to join Frilly and Funky and a few other blog but Blogger have a problem that they know about and are trying to fix it. Lots of us have the same problem apparently so I guess we will have to wait for the solution.

Another digital journal page today that I would like to share with 
Art Journal Journey for their Nature's Wonders theme and with Digitally Sweet where the theme this time is Floral

 The flower is a tube I have had for over 10 years and I tried to find the origins but the website no longer exists. The background for the flowers is from a fractal that my husband played around with about the same time-fractals are still a mystery to me. The other background  was in the same folder and was a download. You may have guessed that I am investigating very old folders full of stuff. Next will be the box of discs with saved stuff from old computers going back to 1995-that should be fun.

Have a great day all

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Wonderful journal page, love the colours, and you made a lovely piece for frilly and funkie, I am sure your MiL will love it. Have a great Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  2. Wow Chrissie, I am so honoured to even be a small part of your inspiration for this beautiful piece! You have really managed so many wonderful layers and details in your 4 i inches of space!! Ironically, I have a hand held distresser and an electric distresser and yet I just find it easier to use the scissors. lol. I love the swirl of bling, what a lovely touch of elegance!! Thanks so much for the kind words and the shout out, you totally put the kick back in my day today!! sending hugs.

    Oh yes, almost forgot, thanks so much for joining us Frilly and Funkie for our "It's a Small World" challenge. :)

  3. Absolutely beautiful post today, Chrissie. I really love your canvas and are surpirised that it's the first of you. The lady looks so friendly and beautiful.
    The pages is lovely, too, and flovers are very charming.
    Happy Sunday xx

  4. Beautiful! Glad you decided to join us and create this lovely mini canvas of your husband's grandma. Lovely shades of blue with beautiful embellishments!

  5. If I hear the word inch I think of you and the fabulous inchies you create Chrissie - you are Queen of the inchies to me - so a small, small world should be no problem and it wasn't - your piece is brilliant and beautiful!
    Your AJJ piece is gorgeous too - love the colours and the flower. I know what you mean about fractals - I have a fractal digi kit and no real idea what to do with it :(
    Good luck sorting out the pc discs - I had a clear out last year but still have a big box of floppy discs to go through..argh!
    Have a lovely Sunday... Gill xx

  6. A lovely little canvas Chrissie, love all the different layers and that's a fabulous photo of your husbands grandmother.
    Lovely journal page, those flowers look gorgeous.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  7. Its a beautiful canvas Chrissie, you have been able to add so many details with the old family photo. A wonderful flower journal page with a lovely quote as well.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Your mother in law is going to LOVE this, Chrissie!! It's a tiny piece of vintage beauty that is certain to be a treasured family heirloom! Thank you so much for joining us at the Frilly and Funkie Challenge!

  9. Gorgeous pages Chrissie. Hope it cools down for you. And me too. We've had horriblely oppressive heat lately. Stay cool. Hugs erika

  10. I just love this post and I think you did well on your vintage card...stunning. I have been using scissors for years to edge my cards but even I have trouble at times...keep

  11. An amazing card - a masterpiece Chrissie!
    I love Pamellia's pieces also very much!
    And you page is fabulous!
    Thank you so much for joining us again at Art Journal JOureny!
    Always much appreciated - thank you for all the support always!
    oxo Susi

  12. It's a lovely canvas Chrissie, the gems look beautiful, and so does the fabric. Your digital piece looks fab too, but I don't understand a thing about tubes and fractals, so I'll just nod and smile lol xx

  13. Fantastic and beautiful art pieces! Wow, I can't believe how much detail and elements you managed to fit on a 4" square, you must have so much patience - it's very pretty! Have a great week! J :-)

  14. Lovely work. Thank you for adding your 100% digital page to the challenge at Digitally Sweet. I love purple. Hope to see you again next time.

  15. What an a amazing canvas, I like you admire Pamellia's work, you have done justice here.

    Love your digital "fractal" such beautiful colours and perfect for the Digitally Sweet Challenge. Thank you for joining us again.
    Faith DT

  16. Congratulations on being the Winner at Digitally Sweet for your 100% digital work
    Faith DT
    PS please claim your prize asap!

  17. Stunning digital project and thanks for entering digitally....good luck and hope to see you in our next challenge...
    Digitally Sweet DT [aNNie]


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