Tag and Journal Page

Hi All. Thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts. It is still hot here and the promised rain has still not arrived so the grass is already beginning to turn brown which is unusual for us.

At Go Tag Thursday it their 6th challenge and the theme is Steampunk

This is a mixed media tag as I designed a background in Paint Shop Pro I mostly used my own creations but the bike was from  Beyond the Fringe a long time ago. Thanks to Carla I have lots of unusual digital images. I then printed out the design and layered it then added steampunk bits to it.

Art Journal Journey have the theme, chosen by Yvonne, In my Garden There is---. I have shown things from our garden as there are a lot of different things in it even though it is quite small

This is a fig plant and the original one we bought 15 years ago. Every time we have moved dwellings we have taken cuttings with us. As we have been here quite a long time the fig here is quite large and full of figs ready to ripen. They taste delicious straight from the plant.

My neighbour has just had a baby so I will be going to take something for it when she comes home today. How things change. She has known since almost the start that she was having a boy and they would call him Oscar. He was due at the beginning of August but she went in two days ago and had a Caesarean section  so he is here already and mother and baby are fine. He weighed 8 lbs 9 onzs

When I had my son I hadn't a clue until the baby arrived what sex it would be. He was 2 weeks overdue and I had to have my waters broken and it took 9 hours for him to make an appearance. He weighed 7 lbs 8 onzs. After a few days I was moved to a nursing home where I had to stay for 2 more weeks and only saw 'baby' at feeding time. I was fit and healthy and so was he but that sort of thing was the norm then.

The ramblings of an old lady!

Have a great day all

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Yes, times change, and very quickly! Lovely tag, and another beautiful journal page for AJJ - thanks! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Brilliant design, love those colours too. Have a lovely weekend.xx {aNNie}

  3. Love your steampunk tag Chrissie, and the dragonflies are such a great detail on your digital piece. I think more and more couples are finding out the sex of the baby ahead of time. Not as much fun I wouldn't think, but then who wants a stack of lime green clothes because nobody knew what colour to buy? tee hee. hugs :)

  4. A beautiful page with your fig plant, and I also love your fabulous steampunk tag.
    Have a lovely weekend, Chrissie!
    Mar xx

  5. I am always drawn to anything steampunk, even though I've never actually created anything truly steampunk. Your tag is wonderful.

    I was truly taken by the back story on that fig tree. It's a true miracle and you must have an ideal climate for it. Good that you keep propagating the original and spreading the love!

    I have a friend who had a footling breach birth in my living room, thanks to the local EMTs. She was transported to the hospital once the baby was born, and they kept her and the baby for ONE night and one day before she was released. It's truly amazing what YOU went through and how times have truly changed. If I ever got pregnant, I would want to know the gender immediately.

  6. Love the steampunk tag and all the fantastic images.
    Your Garden page looks awesome, the fig tree is something I have never thought to grow, yours must have many memories having brought it with you over the years.
    Your story of your son's birth could almost be my memory except, mine was a breach baby and took a lot longer to make his appearance. Times do change and thankfully for the better.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Awesome tag with fab elements.
    I don't know fig tree but sounds it's wonderful.
    I too have a son, his weight was over 4 kg!
    Have great weekend ♥♥

  8. I love the quote about the fig tree and nice to know it's full of figs, mine's very poor this year!
    Yes, things have certainly changed as far as having babies is concerned and they do seem to be bigger these days.
    Have a great weekend,
    Avril xx

  9. Both pages are great, and I love the fig tree story. I have moved many times but this is the first time I have a garden so I haven't planted trees before. A fig tree is great although I wonder if they get enough sun/heat in this country.

  10. Your steampunk tag is fabulous, you have included so many details! I love that you take a cutting so your fig tree moves with you and I can't think of anything better then sitting in it's shade and eating the delicious fruit. Wishing you a happy weekend! J :-)

  11. love your art. Yes times have changed with regards to babies. I knew from the start that my firt was a girl. I had 6 ultrasounds since I fell a few times during my pregnancy. They induced and when she was born she was allowed to stay in my room. 6 years later when I had my son I stayed in the same room for the whole thing, labor, delivery and afterward. My son was with me the whole time! Both times I was in the hospital less than 48 hours! Have a blessed weekend and enjoy your figs!

  12. Such a different world now and for so many reasons.
    Glad to hear that mother and baby all ok :)
    I'm a steampunk addict so of course I love your tag. Fab details.
    Love your fig too - lucky you. Dave has always wanted one but we've just never got around to it and I'm not certain we have the room now. Is yours in the ground or a pot?
    Hope your weekend going well.
    Gill xx

    1. The fig is in a large pot and also undercover in a plastic lean too. It is covered in winter with fleece so is very pampered

      Love Chrissie xx

    2. thanks for that Chrissie..
      I had a feeling that if you didn't keep them contained in something that they takeover. There's a huge one (unless its more) in a garden I pass that's on a wall/side of house and probably a good 30feet long.
      Sad thing is, I'm sure no one is picking them.
      Happy Sunday..keep cool. still no rain either
      and showing 34c outside at present.
      Gill xx

  13. I love your pieces Chrissie, the colours in your steampunk tag really glow, and I love the quote on your fig tree. We have a fig tree too, it was a cutting from my Dads plant and it's got bigger year on year. I don't like figs though so my Dad pinches them back every time he sees them lol xx

  14. Love your page Chrissie. It feels rather lush. We don't grow figs here in New Hampshire so I don't know much about growing them. Do you know if its needs to be lush for them to grow? And yes, baby birthing business has changed. I can't imagine being a place to recoup for 2 weeks without hardly ever seeing the baby. I was home in 2 days and really back up on my feet too. Love hearing your story though. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Hugs-Erika

  15. Wonderful artwork - so beautiful both! Thank you for joining AJJ again dear Chrissie! 9 hours - and that they took away the Babies sounds ancient. I was allowed to have my girl with me from her first minute on - never let her alone. I even took her in her trolley to the bathroom in the hospital and I knew that she were a girl in my 9th week. They told me that she is a girl since I had an amniocentesis because of my age - I was 37 as I got her and she was my first child.
    Happy new week!♥♥♥
    oxo Susi

  16. Great digital collages and enjoyed reading your thoughts. I had my two children 23 years apart and the entire birth experience was totally different!

  17. Fab Tag Chrissie..lovely to see you over at Go Tag Thursday..hope to see you again in our next challenge...x

  18. Two nice creations dear Chrissie. I am also an owner of a nice fig tree and have it on my roof terrace and I can see the first figs grow.
    Dear Greetings

  19. Love your tag and page! Hmm! They do do seem to move on much quicker these days don't they? I too had to be moved to a nursing home although babies were only moved away from mothers for a while there was still a strict regime each day!! Hugs, Chrisx


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