Journal Page. Inchie and Photographs

Hello Everyone. Welcome to Jumbled Crafts and thank you for your visit today. The last week has flown by for me and the weather has been hot and sticky so I haven't been too busy crafting.

At Art Journal Journal for July the theme has been chosen by Yvonne and she chose 'in my garden there is'. There have been so many different thoughts on what is in the gardens and it is wonderful to see the different ideas.

I made a before and after page. The top picture is our garden last year and the bottom one this year. It seemed time to let the garden and us breathe as it had been so full of fruit and vegetables in such a small space. Now we can play bowls on it and we do almost every day :) For those who are wondering where the fig grows. It is living happily with the tomato plants in a little lean too just out of view on the right hand corner of the pictures.

Every Inchie Monday has Underground as their theme for this week. I would have loved to have drawn a mole in a tunnel but an inch wasn't big enough.

I just did the sign for the tube trains. I couldn't take it on its own as I had already stuck the inchies together in the jigsaw

This is my jigsaw so far. I had fun trying to piece it together and that means the inchies aren't in order.

A new bus service started in Bridlington on Saturday. It is just for the summer and has an open top. You just pay a reasonable price for a day ticket and it visits all the places that people usual want to visit when they come to Brid. As we haven't a car we boarded the bus near to where we live and went to the lighthouse that doesn't usual have buses at all and is a long walk from Flamborough . We went upstairs to the open top but had to come back downstairs as the tree branches hadn't been trimmed and kept hitting the passengers-well it was the first day. We had 2 hours to spend there before the bus would visit again so we had a wonderful walk.

We didn't take a camera so these were pics on Vic's phone. It is a wonderful place if you like wild flowers. I just love wild flowers and we even saw wild orchids in among all the other beautiful flowers.
 There were so many people and cars at the lighthouse site that we wanted to escape from that bit. People hang around the lighthouse area because there is a pub type place with food and an ice-cream shop.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Such a sweet journal page and wonderfully vibrant jigsaw!
    Hugs ♥

  2. Oooh, those photos are gorgeous, I would like to go there, too. Great journal page, the garden looks very different now, and nice to be able to play games, Lovely inchie and Jigsaw, too. Have a nice day, stay cool, hugs, Valerie

  3. Your jigsaw looks great! So nice to have the summer bus service that Allo you to visit different places, I got my free bus pass just before I came away:-)


  4. love the before and after pics. and the scenery is awesome. I love the jigsaw, it looks so cool!

  5. Love your wonderful before and after page Chrissie. It must be good to have a flat lawn to enjoy a game of bowls
    The inchies look great, so colourful altogether.
    Beautiful photos, nature at its very best.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Beautifully collaged page and inchie collection.
    Thanks for sharing the great photos.
    Hugs xx

  7. That bus service sounds the perfect way to get a summer outing. It looks so beautiful there. I would like to walk there with those ocean views. :) And I think all your puzzle pieces put together look great. What a smart project. I also love the AJJ piece. My garden looks like your before...guess it will have to wait until I come home before he looks like your after. I think your garden looks like a great place to enjoy some cooler weather-which hopefully you will get soon. Take care. Hugs-Erika

  8. Delightful photos, especially of your garden. I like both the before and the after! Nice inchie as well.

  9. Great page - a super idea and a fantastic inchie collection Chrissie and your photos are super ! Thank you for sharing and another idea for the AJJ collection♥♥♥

  10. So what of your five a day? No more veggies from the garden?!! I'm a fine one to talk... Anyway it does look gorgeous and the lawn pristine. Great view of the inchies puzzle today and the pics of your lighthouse travels too (wouldn't mind having a walk out there myself)

  11. I think it's great you can play bowls on your lawn. We play badminton daily on ours (although we don't actually know the rules). Your inchie, as always- spot on for the theme!

  12. Fab AJJ piece Chrissie - both garden versions look nice.
    I'm glad you mentioned the fig too as I was wondering :)
    Great inchie I'm always amazed how much detail you get in such a small area.
    Loved seeing your photos, looks really lovely and peaceful too.
    Hope someone gets those branches trimmed soon.
    Gill xx

  13. Love your inchie and the jigsaw you are making with them that is a wonderful piece of art. Your day out sounds grand but that bus route will need sorting by the sound of it. XOXO

  14. Love the before and after page Chrissie, garden looks lovely.
    Great take on the inchie and the jigsaw looks wonderful. Sounds like a good day out.
    Avril xx

  15. Love both versions of your garden Chrissie, it's a fabulous page. Your inchies are so fun! Great photos as well.
    Mar xx

  16. such pretty pictures - you before and after garden is amazing - what a lot of work! great to see all your puzzle inchies together - it has turned out well

  17. Fabulous puzzle and thanks for sharing the photos. the garden must've been quite a job. beautiful. Cheryl

  18. I love your page and seeing all your inches together! I really must make an effort to come back to Bridlington - haven't been for years(and years!) Chrisx

  19. Clever puzzle piecing - looks great. Lovely garden pages and photos.


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