Map and Card

Thank you for joining me at Jumbled Crafts where I have a couple of projects to show you today.

At Art Journal Journey they still have Maps as their theme until the end of the month so hope to see your makes for there

I took a bit of the map of our seafront and added a bit of a photograph by Valerie-she takes wonderful photographs of so many birds as well as many other things of interest. I thought of a bird's eye view and how nice it would be if the birds could know where it is safe and where they can get food.' I know I am mad as a box of frogs but I enjoy myself ' :))

At City Crafters Challenge Blog this week they have a photograph to inspire us and also the theme White and Bright

The photograph for inspiration

I took a small portion of the photograph and made a background then added a tulip image and a fancy edging in Paint Shop Pro. A plain and simple card for my stash.

Have a lovely day everyone and don't forget to vote if you are in the UK

Love Chrissie xx


  1. What a fun journal page, and I recognized that pigeon straightaway, it's always sitting here eyeing me! Thanks for another lovely contribution for AJJ. Great card, too, one of my faves. Have a lovely day, off for my walkies here and the sun is shining! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Oh my.. your ideas are always unbelievabel! Just awesome this page ! Thank you for another contributuin and all your support dear Chrissie and I really like how you interpreted this photoinspiration! A lovely card! Beautiful!
    Happy day! Hope summer is not just here in Austria for one day but also working for you on your aerea!!!( today happens summer 2016 here I guess- in reality we had no really summer yet )

  3. LoVe your AJJ page!! I do love how you have made your card too! Hugs, Chrisx

  4. I love your map, it made me smile! Beautiful card too! xxx

  5. Oh what a lovely card! Thanks so much for playing along at CCCB!! Love your journal page by the way!

  6. Beautiful card from the inspiration photo! I just love your map for birds and the story to go with it, wouldn't that be amazing!! Got one for squirrels too?? lol. hugs :)

  7. Beautiful colours used on this gorgeous card, loving this one. and love your page

  8. Love the idea of your map Chrissie, makes a great page.
    Beautiful card, it's a lovely image.
    Avril xx

  9. Fab CAS desing and a lovely take on our them/ I love the tulips! Thanks so much for joining us at CCCB!

  10. Love the birds eye view map page Chrissie, its fantastic and I think I would be at home in the box of frogs with you. Your story behind its creation realy appeals to me as well. Its a gorgeous card as well.
    Yvonne xxx

  11. What a smart idea to make a bird eye view map. I love it Chrissie. Hugs-Erika

  12. Wonderful makes, both of them, lobe the idea of a birds eye map!

  13. I like this wonderful idea of a birds eyes map!

  14. Your Journal page is fantastic, it made me smile :) Valerie does have beautiful photographs at her blog. Take good care, Shirleyxx

  15. I'm in your box of frogs too Chrissie... the first Blackbird we ever gave a name to years ago was called 'Lucifer' - can you imagine what the neighbours must have thought with me calling out his name... which he got when Dave turned on the fountain just as he appeared to drink from it. He got soaked and he wasn't too happy and came and sat in a bush near us make that loud noise they do when they are agitated - oops!
    He looked really angry and evil. I did say sorry too.
    Love the name you called yours... that was brilliant... they certainly are on the go all the time when they have young.

    So of course I love your map - fantastic, fun and such a great idea.
    Your card is very pretty and elegant too.

    Have a lovely weekend - I'm hoping to spend it crafting away from
    all the doom and gloom on tv :(
    Gill xx

  16. ooops - sorry that was a bit long comment xx

    1. Longer the better lol. Enjoy your weekend

      Love Chrissie xx

  17. I love all the maps you've been making - this one is clever and cute!
    What fab things you have done with the CCCB photo, to make a very pretty card. Thanks for joining in at City Crafter.


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