Journal Page and cat pics

Happy Weekend Everyone and thank you for joining me here at Jumbled Crafts. I am not planning on doing much this weekend but have a few crafty ideas. lots of knitting and sporting delights to watch on television. A perfect weekend for me :)

At Art Journal Journey the theme is for the record and at Moo Mania and More they ask for music so this is for both challenges.

A sad song with a meaning for lots of us I'm sure. I love the Streisand and Diamond version.

I took a lot of cat photographs when I was with Linda. Her three cats would have you snapping them all day long even when they are asleep.

Willow's new bed

Can I eat these? Willow again-he tries to eat most things

The naughty twin, Oscar, helping me to clean out a cupboard. The only way I could tell the twins apart was the colour of their collars

Oscar loves boxes and will sleep for hours in something far too small for him. As soon as a box is unpacked he is in it.

No pictures of Felix he just curls up with Linda and helps to make her better.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Your page is great Chrissie... Love the flowers... Thank you for the cat pics, they are awesome ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  2. Love your creative page! The Cat-in-a-box picture is a keeper, both cute and fun! Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Love your artwork today Chrissie but I think the kitty shots stole all my focus! Cat in a Box, too funny!! Hope you have a great weekend, sounds like you have your perfect line up of weekend-ish things planned! My perfect weekend, a walk by the lake in the sun followed by a glass of wine in the rain...then some crafting!! tee hee. hugs :)

  4. Love those kitty pics, they are always such photogenic creatures, just gorgeous. Lovely journal page too, thanks for joining us again at AJJ and MM&M! Have a lovely day, hope the weather will be kind to you. Hugs, Valerie
    Will try to write later!

  5. Brilliant page, love the embossed heart and how it's cut. Fab kittie photos, they look well content xx

  6. A great page Chrissie, love your idea with this song title.
    Great pictures of the cats, I wonder who was boss?
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  7. Awesome cats are this! Lovely! A fabulous idea and song for the page Chrissie!Thanks a lot for joining us at Moo Mania & More as well as Art Journal Joureny with this post!
    Happy Saturday!

  8. Very fine picture for this sad song! I like the song too!

  9. Beautiful page, Chrissie.
    Love the "box cat" 😽
    Have a happy weekend ❤

  10. Ah yes, a song I love (okay, I'll sing myself to sleep with this one instead), and your fractured, textured heart makes a fab focal point for the page. Beautiful cats and lovely photos... cats (big and small) are just the most photogenic of creatures, aren't they?

    Hope you're enjoying your relaxing weekend!
    Alison x

  11. I love that embossed broken heart . Those cats look lots of fun.

  12. Love that song and your interpretation of it.
    Your cat photos are adorable too.
    Hope you've had a nice relaxing weekend.
    Gill x

  13. wonderful page-and guess what? I also did a page around the same song!!! I am working ahead so I have a page to share for each upcoming post thru the end of the month so not sure when it will appear:) Sweet kitty pics too!

  14. I loved that song Chrissie, its a fabulous page. Great photos of Linda's cats.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Fabulous page Chrissie, the heart is very beautiful.
    Adorable cats!
    Hugs, Mar

  16. Beautiful page! Love the embossed heart, the butterfly and all the pretty flowers. It's a beautiful song too xxx

  17. I forgot to say how gorgeous the pussy cats are! xxx


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