
Hi All and Happy Weekend to you. Thank you for dropping in and hope you like what you see here today. I am looking forward to watching the rugby matches this weekend and hope that you have something nice planned.

At Country View Crafts the theme for March is Industrial

I used a mop up page for the background and added grey to make it fit the project. I used aluminium tape stuck on pieces of card and ran them through the Cuttlebug with various folders. They were then stuck together to make a shape. Next some bits and bobs were added and I sprayed the middle' construction' with Silver paint. Last thing was to smudge it with black Distressed ink.

This is the quote I added.

Thought I would show you a few photographs taken in Sewerby Park a couple of days ago. We had really gone to visit MIL in the Care Home but no one could go in or out as it was closed due to the Norovirus. A bit sad, we decided to keep walking along the cliff top and go to see our favourite trees in Sewerby Park. The textures were wonderful with the rain highlighting the bark and roots

Enjoy your day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. A beautiful sight that tree makes, the colours are awesome. Your page is oh wow, fantastic, amazing and you are

  2. Love playing with aluminium and embossing too! Great industrial make, love the metal embellishments. I think we are bound to see some digital makes with the special trees photos at some point!

  3. Love your steampunk piece, very stylish. And the photos are WONDERFUL! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Love the metallic shimmer you have created on your industrial piece Chrissie and what a great quote! Have a lovely weekend xx

  5. Fabulous industrial piece Chrissie, love your mop-up page! That tree is just incredible, wow, never seen one like that before! Sorry you didn't get to see your MIL, but looks like you didn't let the trip go to waste. hugs :)

  6. A fabulous industrial piece Chrissie with a super quote added and those tree is magical!
    Happy weekend !

  7. Great silver piece and that tree is fabulous xx

  8. An awesome industrial project Chrissie, fabulous metal textures. Love the photos of the trees the first one has amazing roots.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Love all the fabulous texture in your industrial piece! Sorry you didn't get to see MIL but the walk you took looks great!Hugs, Chrisx

  10. This is fabulous Chrissie, very industrial and the quote is perfect. Hope you enjoyed the rugby this weekend too! Thank you so much for joining in with our challenge at Country View Crafts. Sue xx

  11. Magnificent industrial textures - wow! And I adore your gnarled tree photos - stunning.
    Alison x


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