
Hi All. Hope you are enjoying Easter. Thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts where there isn't much for you to see today as we have been doing lots of fun things with my daughter and Son-in-law. The weather is awful today so we won't be going far for sure

At Every Inchie Monday the theme this week is peanuts

I did peanut butter as I just love the taste of it on toast

Thought I would add a few photographs as I haven't made anything else this week.

Hope you have a great day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Well, I've been up half the night because of all the banging and blowing from Storm Katie! Love the inchie - a big 'me too' on the peanut butter on toast!

  2. Lovely peanut inchie! And beautiful spring pictures too! :)

  3. Your inchie is clever and nice looking.
    I love old trees. How wonderful is this. I think you can use it in your works. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos.
    Have a lovely day ❤

  4. Love your inchie and the pretty photos. Here it's extremely windy, so I'm staying home today. Have a fun time with the 'kids' Hugs, Valerie

  5. Love your inchie, yum peanut butter!! You should definitely include more photos in your post, these are amazing. It looks like you live in a beautiful area! hugs :)

  6. Love your inchie! Love peanut butter! Love peanut butter and marmite together on toast! Your photos look wonderful - the row of trees especially! Glad you enjoyed some family time over Easter! Hugs, Chrisx

  7. Oh, yummy. I love peanut butter too. Now, I have to go get some LOL!

  8. A fantastic inchie, we used to go through jars of peanut butter when the family lived home. Now I'm afraid to say, its never bought.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Fab tree and love your inchie but not peanut butter!!

  10. Good idea to do a jar of peanut butter, so much easier then peanuts! I like it as a base for Satay sauce but my grandson is a PBJ fan (peanut butter & jelly/jam!!!)


  11. ooh how I envy you those flowers - ours will be another month or so coming out and apparently we are going in to some sort of polar vortex again and will have a very cold April. Love your jar of peanut butter

  12. Great idea for your inchie, and unlike everyone else, I can't stand peanut butter. Love the photos, especially the tree.

  13. I don't know what marmite is--is that like marmalade? I have PB on toast with coffee for breakfast 99 percent of the time, occasionally a bit of bacon finds its way in there. love that. I miss the daffodils, they don't grow here reliably. It's windy and record cold this week here, feels like spring. Have a brilliant day, Chrissie! Cheryl

  14. Another peanut butter fan here, though I forget about its existence for months at a time and then suddenly get a craving! Beautiful photos - that one with the sun shining through the trees is magical.
    Alison x


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