Inchie and Card

Happy Leap Year Day and good luck if you are planning to propose to anyone today. I wonder if females still do that these days ?

At Every Inchie Monday this week we have the theme towel. I am sure many of you know by now that all the themes this time are taken from Hitch Hiker's Galaxy and that I haven't read it. Vic has and tries to explain to me where the words fit in--I realise I should ask him first really as my inchies never fit with his definition

Moo Mania and More have chosen something a bit different for their challenge, My Favourite Pet is their theme this time.

I haven't any grandchildren but my daughter always has three cats at any given time so I have had lots and lots of 'grandcats' over the years

The cats are always from the Cat Protection and trained etc. before you get them. These are the youngest ones that she has now and are twins. I should say terrible twins as they are a real handful though adorable at the same time. Her older cat Felix is quiet but he does love watching the twins.

It is their birthday on March 9th so I made them a card. I bet they eat it. In the photograph they were working out how to catch a fly that had landed on the window and they never flinch when I tried to pass them to go upstairs.

Little Angels ?

Have a lovely day and thank you for calling in

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Love the inchie and the catty greeting, they look so sweet! I will be going home after lunch, Woohoo! Hugs Valerie

  2. Great inchie, and the cats are lovely. We have five, and they rule our lives. Well that's what they think!!!

  3. Love the inchie idea Chrissie - so nice!
    My mum was a catgrandmother as well since I always had two cats for so many years -
    but then she got a late grandmother also - I got my daughter as I was 37

    Lovely card and the cats are adorable!
    Thank you for playing at Moo Mania & More dear Chrissie!
    Wish you a good new week!

  4. I always love visiting on Monday to see your inchie. I'm a big fan of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but I'm not sure I see a towel in there. Perhaps it's this old monitor that's the problem (grin).

    I do love the cats, though. So do my two. They each give your card two paws up!

  5. Hi Chrissie great inchie and beautiful cat card and photos. We are cat lovers as well and have had 'fur children' for 23 years. Take care, Shirleyxx

  6. Love the cats, they sounds a bit like my devil cat, she is prolly equal to both of them together. I really love the inchie, I think it is great to go on your own. Do your own thing! I love your take on the theme.

  7. Love the photos of the cats Chrissie, they look so sweet and content. Its a fantastic card for them as well. Super inchie, the Hitch hikers Guide was never something I read or watched either.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Love your creative inchie, you always have good ideas! Adorable cats Chrissie! The card is fantastic.
    Hugs, Mar

  9. I haven't read the book either, so we can come up with whatever we like! I love the way you did your towel. Cats are just amazing creatures. I could watch them all day, well except when they sleep which seems to be a lot LOL!

  10. How lovely ænd fun post, Chrisdie. Love your inchie and double love your grandcats. They are so sweet and clever I think.
    Have a great leap year evening ♥

  11. I haven't read the book but the film has been on TV a couple of times. Quite fun and enjoyable. Love your cat card, and yes they are adorable even if they're no angels!

  12. Ooh I love your towel Chrissie - it definitely doesn't live here 'cos it doesn't have wobbly bits coming over the top of it lol. Your daughters cats are gorgeous, I really miss my moggies (and they weren't angels either)
    Have a fun week xx

  13. A fab little inchie again and your favourite pet piece looks fantastic too! Love all your cat photos also!

  14. great towel - they can be useful for so many things including modesty. I have a white and black cat too - she is a menace and a pest, which is what my dad lovingly called me as a kid

  15. beautiful display Chrissie, love the inchie..xx

  16. Love the inchie and your card is fabulous. Lovely cat photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  17. Chrissie, a towel is just very practical and can come in quite handy for interstellar travel. Or bathing! (Or like me, a trip to the hospital!) Love the kitties. We had a B&W one just like one of these, right down to the white tip on the end of the tail. We called him, Cosmo, because his behavior was out of this world! Have a brilliant day! Cheryl

  18. Love your towel concept on your inchie - great way of showing a towel plus love your cat cards but simply because I have two like yours Ferris and Figaro plus two tabbies - Maddy (short for Madam which she is) and Maverick plus a little black kitten we rescued called Django!! Power to all cats love them.

  19. Another great jigsaw inchie... and I'm sure it's fine that you do your own take on the inspiration word rather than trying to make it fit a book you've never read!!

    Love your photos of Oscar and Willow, and the card for their birthday is so sweet. I miss having a cat (and a dog, come to that).
    Alison x

  20. How sweet, it's Fraz's birthday today xx


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