Happy New Week

Hello Everyone. It's a lovely bright and sunny day today here and hope it nice where you are. Thank you for calling in, always good to have you join me.

The tutorial for the Tea Bag holder is here if you want to have a go. Any question please email me.

Art Journal Journey have the theme' If Music be the food of Love' chosen by Hazel. It is going very well with wonderful entries

A digital page from me today as my time is very limited at the moment with MIL Care Home visiting or going to her flat to collect things she wants in the care home. She wants to go back to her flat ASAP so we will need a truck to take all the stuff back there. She does seem a lot healthier since being there so worth it in the end hopefully.

I would also like to enter this at Moo Mania and more as the theme there this time is Hearts

Every Inchie Monday has Earth as their subject this week

I did a very rough drawing of a globe,difficult to add countries shapes on just an inch. I remember getting a globe for Christmas when I was about 11 years old and it was my pride and joy for many years. It never influence my knowledge of what country was where as I am still useless at geography.

Hope you have a wonderful day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Great idea to use a globe for your inchie, I didn't think of that one. It would have saved me trying to draw countries.

  2. A beautiful page Chrissie and I love your inchie.
    xxx Hazel.

  3. Fabulous music piece Chrissie. I think your globe turned out pretty darned good! I think geography and algebra are two things the brain just does not retain (unless you're a world traveller or a mad scientist) HAHA!

  4. I like your super digital page fitting both Challenges today dear Chrissie ! Thanks a lot! You ar simply the best even though you call yourself useless at geography.
    The same to me with geography!!!!
    Your inchie is cute.. such a little globe you have drawn... such a detail work!
    Have a great day!

  5. A great digital page & is it not quite amazing what we manage to squeeze into an inch some weeks!


  6. Your today's page is really special, I love it. Fabulous composition and elements.
    Inchie is nice as always. A globe was my wonder as child, too. I was pretty good in geography ;))
    Have a good week Chrissie xx

  7. Beautiful display as always Chrissie, hope this finds you well... Have a great week ahead.x

  8. You are right everyone should have a globe or an atlas they are so interesting. Your Music theme page just drew me here seeing it on my dashboard. Sounds like adventures with MIL are keeping you all very busy. XOXO

  9. I always wanted a globe too. I don't know where anything is. Pathetic, sigh. I like your little globe :)

  10. a really beautifully composed digital page Chrissie!

  11. A great way to use the globe on your inchie. Love the fantastic journal page.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Hi Chrissie, your digital collage is fabulous for the theme and so is the amazing teeny tiny globe! I hope you are doing well, it sounds busy. Take care, Shirleyxx

  13. love the journal page and the inchie, hope that your MIL will get to go home soon

  14. great globe - it really is hard to get all those land masses right isn't it?

  15. I'm running late, but what else is new? It's been a hectic and troublesome week. I like the minstrels and the hearts you added to the digital art. It's wonderful and the colors are so springlike.

    I hope you MIL gets to come home soon. I think we are all happier in our own environment.

    Like you, as a young girl, I collected several globes. I even still have a couple that I love. Also, like you, geography has always been my worst subject. When I used to play trivial pursuit, I could always win at every question except geography. So in 2004, I hosted a 15 person 7 continent tip-in swap, where each month we focused on a different continent. I found so many things I had no idea existed, so continued to make tip-ins for my book. I call it the oldest UFO I've got and continue working on it every chance I get. I thought your globe was adorable!

    1. Well done for organising the contest. Think I am a bit old to start learning new things about the earth now lol

      Love Chrissie xx

  16. A fabulous music piece Chrissie! Oh... yes, seems very difficult to add countries on such small globe, but the result is so cute.
    Mar xx

  17. Having lots of trouble getting and staying online - but hope to have a few minutes this time... Love your musical medieval couple and great layered background. And your tiny globe is very cute.

    Glad to hear that your MIL seems to be benefitting from her stay.
    Alison x

  18. Your digital page is creative and lovely, as is this week's inchie!

  19. Lovely medieval collage!
    It really speaks to me.
    I am having a very nice catch up on all of your creations for the AJJ challenge. Lots of eye candy.

  20. Beautiful little globe. So much details on such a small square!

  21. I think your globe drawing is amazing on such a small scale! Love the medieval look of your collage.

  22. Great digi page and fab collage, however I do love your globe on the puzzle piece, fabulous xx Hope MIL is on the end and can soon return home xx


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