Collage and Inchie

Hello Everyone. I hope you enjoyed the holiday and have now time to settle back into crafting. Thank you for finding time to call in. All your good wishes for my MIL seem to have worked some sort of magic as she has now been moved to our local hospital and there is even talk of her going to her own flat before too long.  This has made life a lot easier for us and I have time to craft again.

At Art Journal Journey there is still the rest of December to do a collage with some journaling.

I got a bit carried away and used a mop up page that seemed to give me ideas when I studied it carefully. It had the shape of a face with some hair so I used a white pencil to make an outline. It was great to be able to create a face with so few lines and it is something I have admired for ages when others do it. This left a big space at the bottom of the page so I stuck on something I made for another project that didn't work at all on that project but looks ok on this.

Now for Every Inchie Monday where it is the last inchie for this year

The theme this week is NEXT. I know what is next for me on EIM as the 2016 list is already posted so I just have to decided what form my inchies will take for next year. All of them have been on felt this year so that I could stitch them together.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. What a great display of all your inchies side by side! Beautiful and very imaginative journal page, great idea to use the mop up page this way, and thanks for joining us again at Art Journal Journey, and for your support through the year.Glad your MIL is doing well. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Absolutely love your journal page Chrissie, the face looks super and the embellishments finish it off perfectly. The final inchie is lovely and seeing them all together looks fantastic!

  3. Boah.. I am thrilled about your inchie disply Chrissie! Looks amazing and I am also thrilled about your fabulous fantasy face - great what you didi here!
    Thank you so much for all the support in 2015 for Art Journal Journey and
    I wish you a healthy and Happy New Year ! Glad to hear that everything turns to good account with MIL!

  4. Hi Chrissie - so pleased to hear your latest news about your MIL.
    Love how you have created your fantastic AJJ collage piece - lovely face and colours.
    Your inchies together are amazing and the last one of the year is so appropriate and just what I'm wondering too - love it!
    Have a great day...........Gill xx

  5. Beautiful creation and inchie, colours and image are just gorgeous. Hope you have a happy new year and a great crafting one my buddy.Always lovely to read a bit of good news, hugs to your MIL. [3 mths today since I lost my Hero...]xx

  6. Hi Chrissie, glad to hear that your MIL has improved! Your face collage is fabulous and the inchies side by side create a beautiful display! I hope you are having a great week, Shirleyxx

  7. You have been very busy and done great art. Hope your inspiration flow also next year.
    Hugs xx

  8. Brilliant use of your mop up turned out great.
    Your inchies make a beautiful mosaic all together.
    Continued good wishes to you and your family.

  9. brilliant page and collage,loved both.
    happy new year.

    hugs jenny

  10. Fantastic face and collage, and your display of the inchies is fabulous.
    Glad to hear your MIL is improving, Chrissie!
    Mar xx

  11. Oh wow, your inchie board is very inspiring and what a fantastic idea, it looks so cool. Love how you spotted your face in that mop up page, it looks lovely xx

  12. A fantastic page, you were meant to have that piece from another project it looks great here.
    Wonderful inchie display board and todays looks great as well.
    Glad to read that your MIL is improving.
    Yvonne xx

  13. I love your fantasy face! It really is great to see your inchies all together too!Great News about your MIL - may you all have a good start to 2016! Hugs, Chrisx

  14. So glad to hear about your MIL! What a blessing! I also love the look of all your inchies together! How beautiful! I did not post a picture of all my inchies an twinchies yet, But I will get to it. I like the face, you did an awesome job of it. HAve a great new year!

  15. Your inchies look fabulous together Chrissie, love the journal page as well. Have a great New Year. Wendy x

  16. Your inchies look fabulous together Chrissie, love the journal page as well. Have a great New Year. Wendy x

  17. Aw your inchie display look so awesome! Now I wish I hadn't put mine in my journal! :)
    Great next inchie. :)
    Happy new year!

  18. Love it to see all your inchies together. Beautiful art journal page too!

  19. How smart you were to do all your inchies so they could be sewn together for a keepsake! I also love that style of doing a face in an art journal. I have yet to see a face in my slop pages yet though LOL! Happy New Year, Chrissie!

  20. I just love your face - I too admire that ability to capture an expression with just a few lines, and I think you've done it so well here. And my word, don't your inchies look fantastic all stitched together - what a brilliant way to display them.
    I'm hoping 2016 will bring happier, gentler times for you.
    Alison xx

  21. Oh your inchies look so good all sewn together - wish I could do something similar but some of mine are on back to back pages in my sketchbook and cutting one out would mean cutting up another on the back of the page - I could use the photocopier I suppose - too much work! Looking forward to your creations for next year - Happy New Year.

  22. Love your art journal page, it's so haunting. Stunning collection! I will be popping in to see you next year. Have an absolutely fantastic new year!

  23. Your work is so cool. Love the bling and how you put them all together, they look grand! Have a brilliant new year, Chrissie! c

  24. Your work is so cool. Love the bling and how you put them all together, they look grand! Have a brilliant new year, Chrissie! c

  25. Wow, those inchies look wonderful all gathered together like that! Happy new year to you.


  26. This is fabulous, Chrissie, well done for finishing this mammoth task (OK miniature mammoth, but you get the idea...)


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