Inchie, Journal Page and Card

Hello everyone and thank you for calling in to see what I have made to show you today

At Art Journal Journey the theme is Architecture and I made a fun page today while I watched the rugby and the Grand Prix on television. I would also like to enter it at Moo Mania and More for the patterns theme as I drew lots of patterns on my witches house where she sleeps until the darkness decends

I inked the background before I started to draw in charcoal and colour in Sharpies.
This is the state that my hands were in after washing them several times and it was also the moment that Vic shouted to ask if I was ready to go out to visit some friends. Not easy to explain to them that I was painting a witches house -they think I am crazy anyway so nothing new.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme is Key. A little easier than some of the interesting themes of late.

I had this tiny key in a bits and bobs tin so used that on my felt inchie

Last but not least I have made a card for Crafty Cardmakers as my blog friend Marina is a DT there and I love to visit her blog. The theme there this time is to make a round card

This is 2 Nestabilitie shapes joined with a card insert and a smaller one on the front. The stamps were some that I bought in a bundle from Astrid and they fitted just right on this card.

Haven't I been busy for a change :)

Have a wonderful day all

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Lovely card, it's fun to see a shaped card. Great inchie, too with that tiny key. And thanks for making our fun journal page for Art Journal Journey and Moo Mania and More. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Wow, great work all around in this post! And that's how an artist's hands should look like :)

  3. Your creations are gorgeous Chrissie ! Love love love the witch house, so cool and arty ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  4. You certainly have been busy Chrissie. I love your fun witches house and your inchie and card are lovely.
    xxx Hazel.

  5. What gorgeous post, Chrissie. Love your magical post - lot of work I believe. The inchie and card are beautiful.
    Hugs xx

  6. Witches house is superb, I wonder if each pattern has some magical significance?!! and the house is such a lovely shape. I love her black cat, it's a fantastic (appropriate word here) piece for the theme, thanks!

  7. Lots of fantastic art today Chrissie.. love to see your! crazy witch house painter!!!
    Thank you for the fab page meant for Art Journal Journey and Moo Mania & More!
    The Inchie is just lovely and the round card is very elegant!

    Happy new week to you!

  8. Great artwork today. Love your witch's house Chrissie and the hands look good to me!
    Avril xx

  9. Oooh I was doing that yesterday too, watching the sport nothing else - certainly not being as productive as you with all your great makes xx

  10. Wow! You have been busy... Love your weekend makes and I sympathise with your stained hands problem... I have been known to use scouring powder on my hands in a pinch...

  11. Great witch house! I get the hands thing - some of the folk around here never say anything - I guess they think I'm a mucky old thing!!! Brilliant inchie and I love your round card! I have really enjoyed catching up here this evening! Chrisx

  12. the hands?!? Hey just tell people it is the price of art. Great work this week

  13. So true about a sense of humor...what a great patterned house.
    Those inky hands are a sure sign that you've been having fun :-)

  14. A fabulous post Chrissie, had to smile at the painted hands, but the witches house looks awesome and well worth the ink stains. Its a FAB inchie and card as well.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Your creations are just stunning,. Love that inchie and your card is gorgeous. {The Journey Is The Start aNNie my personal blog}

  16. Such a pretty card with those gems and flower. Makes a lovely circular card Chrissie and so glad you joined us at Crafty Cardmakers.

  17. what a tiny key that must be - great inchie and I love the witch's house

  18. Wow! you have been busy Chrissie with lots of fantastic things to see today.
    And I love your new blog look - it is new isn't it - I haven't imagined it have I?
    Glad to find a fellow F1 follower - what an interesting weekend that was. Not sure how many races left and how many points Lewis needs to.... to.... not gonna say it in case I tempt fate and doom him like Murray Walker always did.
    Your Witches house is brilliant - the 'help' at the window made me smile - worth all the stains on your hands :)
    Fabulous inchie again and a really beautiful card.
    Hope your day going well....... Gill xx

  19. Gorgeous artwork, as always, Chrissie

    Thank you for joining uns at MOO MANIA & MORE

  20. haha ,georgus spooky house,loved so much.

    hugs jenny

  21. Fun and beautiful pieces, but I love the picture of your stained hands the best! LOL! That's something to be proud of for sure!

  22. Your fantastic witch's house is well worth the mucky hands (and the concerned friends!) - what a spooky treat - and I love the words too. Love your tiny key, and the round card is really pretty with those sparkling gems.
    Alison xx

  23. Some lovely work here Chrissie, love the house

  24. Some lovely work here Chrissie, love the house

  25. Lovely circular card Chrissie, thank you for entering it into my Circle card challenge at CCM&More.
    Hugs Kimx

  26. That's such a pretty card!

    Thanks for joining us at Crafty Cardmakers and More!

  27. Lovely work, Chrissy. You always have that bling thing going on! Have a brilliant day! c

  28. Lovely work, Chrissy. You always have that bling thing going on! Have a brilliant day! c

  29. Lovely circular card, Chrissy! Thank you for joining us over at Crafty Cardmakers & More ;o) I also love the house you created! Happy crafting, Maike ;o)

  30. Great projects Chrissy! Love your entry for Crafty Cardmakers and More, good luck and hope to see you again soon

    Sue xx


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