Inchie Rhythm

Hello Friends and Followers. Nice of you to visit Jumbled Crafts and always nice to read your comments-thank you. The garden is now resting and so are the gardeners which is a nice change.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme this week is Rhythm and I just kept thinking of the song from Carmen-'Beat out that Rhythm on a Drum' and I came up with this inchie.

Still much crafting from me at the moment so I am hoping my mojo returns soon. Thick fog today so not too inspiring weather wise.

Have a wonderful day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Beautiful inchie Chrissie, great idea. Have a good rest today, hugs, Valerie

  2. Another fun little inchie from you Chrissie! Hope your weather picks up, here it's pretty grey too... still enjoy a well deserved rest from the garden!

  3. A great little inchie Chrissie. Enjoy your rest from the garden and hope your weather improves.
    Avril xx

  4. Fabulous inchie! Enjoy your well earned rest! xxx

  5. I agree a fabulous inchie. I hope you are doing well, I'm catching up after being away. Take care, shirleyxx

  6. Your inchie is so cute Chrissie ! Love it ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  7. What a great idea Chrissie! Dull & damp here today but I'm turning my thoughts to the fact that I'll be in the USA this time next week .....makes the future look a whole lot brighter as we didn't see the grand last year :-)


  8. Such a fab inchie idea Chris! Just super!

  9. Ah - now that's a song I'm happy to have going round my head! Love your drum and the bold colours. Hope Mr Mojo finds his way through the fog soon. (Sorry to frighten you by the way!)
    Alison xx

  10. I had a drum like that once. My mom brought it back for me from her trip to Haiti. Unfortunately, it had tiny little bugs that were eating the wood! Mom made me get rid it it :) Love your inchie!

  11. Hope you enjoyed a restful day Chrissie, the inchie looks fantastic, I was tapping out that tune when I read your post.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Love the drum idea, great work! Heres to hoping that your mojo comes back

  13. Your drum inchie is really nice :-)

  14. A great idea for your lovely inchie.
    xxx Hazel.

  15. great idea for your inchie this week - love the drum

  16. I always admire your inchies and the fantastic ideas that you create in such a small space - this is fab!
    Hope you've recovered from all that gardening.
    Gill xxx

  17. Like your idea, Chrissy! Sending lots of warmth and sunshine from Arizona. Have a brilliant day! c

  18. Like your idea, Chrissy! Sending lots of warmth and sunshine from Arizona. Have a brilliant day! c

  19. Great idea for your inchie, great minds think alike.

  20. Great idea for your inchie, great minds think alike.

  21. Love it Chrissie, enjoy your gardening rest! xx


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