Inchie and Journal Page

Hello Everyone. Here I am back again in Blog land after a week away. Sorry I couldn't do much commenting but we had little or no internet connection at my daughter's house and also only had Vic's phone to use when we were in Blackpool. My leg is a lot better and I am still trying to rest it as much as possible. Thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts and for the lovely comments you leave here.

A bit late with my inchie this week. At Every Inchie Monday the theme of the week is Myth

Not a clue what this is but it was listed as 'myth' on Google. I added the picture to a white felt inchie and then gave it a red, star jewel.

At Art Journal Journey the subject for this month is Through My Window.

When winter sets in our large table is always covered in pieces of a jigsaw. We usually go for the ones with 1000 pieces and choose pictures that show places of sunnier climates. Nice to imagine they are the scenes through my window as the pictures build up piece by piece. Vic takes a photograph of them when they are finished then we pass them on to the charity shop for someone else to enjoy. This is one that we did and I added a window frame to it for AJJ.

Have  great day all

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Wonderful inchie and a lovely digital page for Art Journal Journey. Glad your leg is getting better. Have a nice day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Good news about your leg Chrissie, hope its soon better.
    Great Inchie - wondering if its a Dragons head?
    Lovely Window too - I always imagine a lovely big art/craft shed through my window and then reality hits LOL Gill xx

  3. Your inchie is clever made again and the window is beautiful Chrissie!
    I did puzzles with my grandmother.. but she always did the most of them while I was at school... and
    that always annoyed me - so she bought the next one....but it was the same again- lol!
    Good to hear your leg feels better! Happy weekend and thank you very much for being with us again at Art Journal Journey!

  4. Two fabulous creations Chrissie, hope all's

  5. Love your inchie and your window Chrissie ! We've just bought a 1000 piece puzzle of... John Wayne (that's Max's favorite actor, he's got nearly all the DVD's...) Hope you are feeling better Sweetie... Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  6. Your inchie looks great, love how you added the star. A fantastic view through the window, That puzzle looks lovely, you definitely would want to gaze at that scene.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Oh dear - I'm just back from a few days in France (also without internet) so only just catching up - do hope your leg is okay.

    Great inchie... and I certainly hope that creature is mythical, I don't want to meet one thank you! Love your jigsaw journal page - what a clever idea. Cestina is a winter jigsaw fan too, and I used to indulge - these days I'd rather be at the craft table!
    Alison xx

  8. What a fab inchie Chrissie, how you come up with these is beyond me! Great piece too for AJJ, I used to love doing jigsaws (all the pieces look the same now lol) Hope your leg is on the mend xx

  9. Fabulous idea to made your window with the puzzle , a great page and Inchie, Chrissie!
    Take care of yourself!
    Hugs, Mar

  10. love the inchie, and what a great scene from your window, we used to do puzzles all the time, my late husband loved to do them and got us all involved. Funny the things that fall to the wayside when someone is gone.

  11. Welcome back Chrissie and lovely pieces both of them!! The inchie looks fab and I love what you did with the window theme! Hope your leg will keep improving!

  12. I like your idea of putting the window on your jigsaw and imagining it is your own view! Lovely inchie. No idea what the creature is either!

  13. I hope you continue to heal Chrissie, both of your designs are fabulous! Take good care, Shirleyxx

  14. Thank you for the good wishes about my leg everyone. It is still getting better

    Love Chrissie x

  15. It seems lots of people are in the healing process lately. I'm glad your recovering nicely, and back to blogging. I like how you put the window over that amazing puzzle. Keep healing, my friend! :)

    Blessings for a restful Sunday,
    Marianne xox

  16. Your inchie is great and I love the idea of the puzzle in the window. Do take care of that leg!

  17. Great inchie! I love the puzzle window - haven't done a jigsaw for a while! Chrisx


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